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"el mundo está oscuro, ilumina tu parte::the world is dark, light up your part"-graffiti along a stone wall in Spain

Friday, January 28, 2011

1/27 jueves y 1/28 viernes::Thursday and Friday

6th grade:
O.A.: Using Episodio 6 vocabulary, write 5 original sentences in Spanish. Use at least one Ep. 6 word in each sentence.
We took a break from learning new vocabulary and worked in your textbook. We read the story "El mono malcriado" on p. 24 and completed Exercises 33, 34, and 35 on p. 25

No tarea

7th grade:
No O.A.
We were in the computer lab typing your Monstruo papers.

Tarea: Put finishing touches on your paper. If you didn't start to type today, make sure your paper is ready for our next class; our next class is your last day in the computer lab!

8th grade:
O.A.: Translate from Spanish to English:
1. En una casa muy pequeña, en el medio del campo, vive un ratoncito se llama Federico.
2. Mis amigo y yo tenemos miedo de la clase de español.
3. Si una person tome tu Snickers y se lo come, estás tú enojado?
New Vocabulary:
-entra: s/he enters
-se escapa: s/he escapes
-(hace) una burbuja: (s/he makes) a bubble
We worked on p. 52 of your textbook. We read the story and translated questions 1-5.

No tarea

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

1/25 martes y 1/26 miércoles::Tuesday and Wednesday

Hola :)

6th grade:
O.A.: Review Episodio 6 vocabulary & story. Take Episodio 6 test.
We watched an episode of Mi Vida Loca :)

No tarea

7th grade:
Today was your LAST drafting day in class. I edited your papers and gave you pointers on how to add length to your paper.
Remember: We'll be in the lab next class. If you have writing to do, you need to get it DONE soon!


8th grade:
O.A.: Using Ch. 3 vocabulary, write 6 sentences in Spanish.
New Vocabulary:
toma: s/he takes
el ratoncito: the mouse
tiene miedo: s/he is afraid
We used each vocabulary word in various situations and then made up a class story.

Tarea::Homework- Read version one of the story on p. 21 (I handed this out in class)

Hasta luego,
Señora Epple

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1/20 jueves y 1/24 lunes::Thursday and Monday

Here's what we did on Thursday and Monday (school was closed Friday, Jan. 21st)

6th grade:
No O.A.
We discussed what you did with the sub last Tuesday/Wednesday, and went over the activities you completed in your books.
You completed Exercise #44 individually, and with a partner, you started on Exercise #42.

No tarea.

7th grade:
No O.A.
We discussed what you did with the sub last Tuesday/Wednesday.
You had a guided writing workshop.

Tarea: finish looking up any words you need and continue to work on your Monstruo draft.

8th grade:
No O.A.
We discussed what you did with the sub last Tuesday/Wednesday.
We reviewed all Ch. 3 vocabulary words.
Mini-grammar lesson & corrections of the Grammar W.S. you did with the sub.
Write Mini-Cuento 1 & 2 in the Writing section of your binders.

No tarea.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

1/18 martes y 1/19 miércoles::Tuesday & Wednesday

I was out Tuesday and Wednesday. Here's what you did with the substitute:

6th grade:
O.A.: Write 4 sentences in Spanish using as many Episodio 6 words as possible.
Finish writing the story of Episodio 6 in the Writing section of your binders.
Complete Exercises #39, 40, 41, & 43 on pgs. 28-30 of your textbook.

Tarea: Study Episodio 6 vocabulary as you will have a test soon!

7th grade:
O.A.: Hand in the Gramática: Yo form worksheet (if you didn't already last class).
You had a writing workshop. You began writing the 1st draft of your Monstruo papers. Skip lines, please!

No tarea

8th grade:
O.A.: Look over Ch. 3 vocabulary. Take vocab test #2.
You completed a worksheet on grammar. You were able to work with your partner. You turned this in before you left class.
You read individually from El Nuevo Houdini.

No tarea

Ciao ciao :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

1/13 jueves y 1/14 viernes::Thursday and Friday

6th grade:
O.A.: Translate each sentence to Spanish.
1. The student explains the problem over the phone.
2. At school, students wear red & blue clothing.
3. Thomas puts on his favorite green hat.
4. How tricky!
5. When she is desperate, she cries.
6. He puts on his favorite clothing and jogs to school.

We've finished Episodio 6 vocabulary. We read Episodio 6 and discussed it. You rewrote the story in the Writing section of your binder.

No tarea

7th grade:
O.A.: Write 4 sentences about YOU as a monster. Verbs in the YO FORM!
You completed a grammar worksheet that has all verbs you are allowed to use in your Monstruo paper. You wrote each verb in the yo form.
You had the rest of class (after you completed & turned in the W.S.) to look up additional words you'll need to write your paper.

Tarea: Finish the worksheet you started in class (if you didn't already turn it in).

8th grade:
O.A.: Study Ch. 3 vocabulary; you have a short test today. Take test.
New Vocabulary:
flota en el aire: floats in the air
sopla: blows
se eleva: rises
We read & compared the stories on p. 51 of your textbook (1st person vs. 3rd person).

No tarea

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1/11 martes y 1/12 miércoles::Tuesday and Wednesday

6th grade:
O.A.: Write one sentence for each word listed.
-llama por teléfono
-se pone
-está desesperado/a
-la ropa
New Vocabulary:
qué engañoso/a: how tricky
preferido/a: favorite
llora: s/he cries
el sombrero: the hat
We read a mini-story

Tarea: finish reading Version Uno of the story handout

7th grade:
O.A.: Write 4 sentences about YOU as a monster, verbs in YO form.
I gave you a block of 25 minutes to work on your Monstruo Project.
We read El Nuevo Houdini for 10 minutes.

No tarea

8th grade:
O.A.: Write one sentence for each vocab structure listed.
-quiere hablar
-durante tres horas
-va a
New Vocabulary:
el campo: the country
está abierto/a: it is open
busca: s/he searches for
una ventana (abierta): a (open) window
We read Version 1 of a story together

No tarea


1/7 viernes y 1/11 lunes:: Friday & Monday


6th grade:
O.A.: Translate to English:
1. En la escuela los estudiantes llevan ropa azul y roja.
2. Cuando Sr. McFadden llama a la mamá de Eduardo por teléfono, él está nervioso.
3. Ella explica su problema a la Sra. Epple.
New Vocab:
se pone: s/he puts on
está desesperado/a: s/he is desperate
trota: s/he/it trots or jogs
Read version one of the mini-story on p. 16, discuss with parter, answer question on board T or F.

No tarea

7th grade:
O.A.: First, identify the subject for each verb. Then write each verb in the YO form.
1. vive
2. respondes
3. comemos
4. gritan
5. escuchas
We went over the rubric for your Monstruo Project
You had roughly 30 minutes for independent work on your project.

No tarea

8th grade:
O.A.: Translate sentences to English.
New Vocab:
quiere hablar: s/he wants to talk
durante tres hours: for 3 hours
regresa: s/he returns (from somewhere)
We read the story on p. 50 and completed the activity.

No tarea

Hasta pronto.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1/5 miércoles y 1/6 jueves

6th grade:
O.A.: Clean out your binder of all Q1 and Q2 papers.
We started Episodio 6 today...
New Vocabulary:
llama por teléfono: s/he calls on the phone
la ropa: clothing
explica: s/he explains
We read a story together.

No tarea.

7th grade:
O.A.: Clean out your binder of all Q1 and Q2 papers.
Review & practice the "yo" form
Begin MONSTRUO project
Brainstorm "web"
Rubric to come!

No tarea.

8th grade:
O.A.: Clean out your binder of all Q1 and Q2 papers.
We began Ch. 3...
New Vocabulary:
mastica el chicle: s/he chews gum
habla: s/he speaks or talks
va a la casa: s/he goes to the house or goes home
We read a story together, you answered true & false questions with a partner.

No tarea.

Ciao ciao,
Señora Epple

Monday, January 3, 2011

1/3/11 lunes y 1/4/11 martes::Monday & Tuesday 2011

Hola y Bienvenido de nuevo::Hello & Welcome back
Quarter 3 here we go!!!

6th, 7th, & 8th grades:
O.A.: Share your favorite part of winter break
Anuncio::Announcement: You'll have new seats for quarter 3 next class
7th and 8th graders, I passed back your Ch. 2 Test for you to look at
You all worked on the "envelope activity"
At the end of class, I showed you what grade you earned for quarter 2.


Hasta pronto::See you soon

Señora Epple