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What is IDEAS?

IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Based on RePEc, it indexes over 4,800,000 items of research, including over 4,300,000 that can be downloaded in full text.

RePEc is a large volunteer effort to enhance the free dissemination of research in Economics which includes bibliographic metadata from over 2,000 participating archives, including all the major publishers and research outlets. IDEAS is just one of several services that use RePEc data. For some statistics about the holdings on this site, see here.

Authors are invited to register with RePEc to create an online profile. Then, anyone finding some of their research here can find your latest contact details and a listing of their other research. They will also receive a monthly mailing about the popularity of their works, their ranking and newly found citations.

How do I find on IDEAS what I am looking for?

The sidebar offers various ways to browse for your material: by serial, by classification, by author. You can also use the search form above, or go to the advanced search page. With MyIDEAS, you can manage your bibliography and get various alerts.


IDEAS is run with considerable help from others by Christian Zimmermann. IDEAS uses the RePEc database. RePEc stands for "Research Papers in Economics" and is an internal name for a group working on the provision of electronic working papers. We are concerned that the uncoordinated provision of archives is inefficient. We believe that joining forces is a good thing because we can learn from each other how to do things better and promote our work together. Our archives are interconnected using a set of rules called the Guildford protocol (GuilP). Here is what we call a service, a server mirroring the database built from these archives.

Comments about IDEAS should be addressed to Christian Zimmermann. To get new serials listed, see these instructions. To request corrections, please look first at these instructions. The usual copyright laws apply to all the content of this site and the texts on other servers.

RePEc copyright statement .

IDEAS is a RePEc service. RePEc uses bibliographic data supplied by the respective publishers.