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Listen to Fastmail CEO Bron Gondwana talk about JMAP on the Digital Citizen Podcast

What is it?

As an open standard, JMAP is the alternative to proprietary email APIs
that only work with Gmail. It’s a much needed modern email standard
that makes email more open to innovators like you.

JMAP is brought to you by the team at Fastmail.

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Why is it needed?

JMAP meets today’s expectations of developers and
users for connectivity, efficiency,
and mobile access.

It's faster and
more secure
Better for
mobile use
Open for
users everywhere

Start developing on JMAP standards

Great free resources for using JMAP with your email client or service.

For client developers For implementors
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Why is JMAP better than IMAP?

JMAP is not a conversion of IMAP to JSON; it is a new protocol. It was designed to make much more efficient use of network resources, to be easier for developers to work with, and hopefully to make the best protocol for email an open standard once more. It's based on years of experience and real-world experimentation at Fastmail, and on talking to other major MUA/MTA developers to make sure we understand the common needs of the industry.

Some important attributes that help achieve these goals:

  • The protocol is stateless. It doesn't need a persistent connection, which is better for mobile use, which may have intermittent network access and where battery life must be conserved by turning the radio off whenever possible.
  • Ids are immutable and not intended to be user visible. So folder naming becomes less messy - more like NFS or filesystems with inodes rather than a name-based hierarchy, and renaming is easy to detect and cheap to sync.
  • It has a flexible set of commands, which can be batched in arbitrary ways. Single JMAP operations could be batched or pipelined over a stream protocol easily enough if desired, but we're mostly envisaging JMAP being used for stateless batch operations to make disconnection less painful.
    With IMAP you can set two messages to both have the same flag `(. STORE 1,2 +FLAGS (aflag))` but you can't store two different flags to two different messages in the same action. JMAP allows multiple create, update and destroy actions on different messages in a single `Email/set` command. Pipelining also has the problem that if the connection drops at just the wrong moment, the first change could be applied but not the second.
    You can use backreferences to other objects created in the same batch - allowing you to, for example, create a folder tree by referencing previous parents created in the same request.
  • Clients can efficiently fetch updates from their current state a-la QRESYNC. This can be implemented effectively using the MODSEQ data already in modern IMAP servers, or by using a transaction log data structure. The server can always indicate to the client if it cannot calculate updates from a particular client state (for example, because it is too old).
  • It provides flood control. The client can always restrict how much data the server should send. For example, a command might return a `tooManyChanges` error if it exceeds the client's limit, rather than returning a million `* 1 EXPUNGED` lines as can happen in IMAP. Sometimes it's just more efficient to throw away cached data and refetch, especially in the case of a mobile/webmail interface with only a partial cache of the server's data.
  • It doesn't require a custom parser. There's a longer explanation to the HTTPS/JSON question below, but having an encoding format that is well understood and has widespread support among all programming languages makes it far easier for developers to get started, especially if they don't want to build a whole MUA but just integrate something with email.
  • The data model is backward compatible with both IMAP folders and Gmail-style labels. Servers that implement JMAP are likely to want to support IMAP as well for the foreseeable future, so it's important to be able to have data structures that support both. Messages are similarly immutable other than keywords/mailboxes.
  • Email can be sent using the same protocol, reducing confusing failure modes for users (again, there is more about this below). There are also essentially complete specifications for calendaring and contacts via JMAP, but we're not pushing for them to be standard yet because the object format is still undergoing a lot of work in the CalConnect group. We think a single consistent protocol for all of these has a lot of advantages though, and we hope to get there in the future.

The short answer is it's good enough, it's widely understood, and it's by far the easiest thing for developers to adopt. There's support in basically all OSes and programming languages. And it's easy to read and debug.

HTTP doesn't tend to run into firewall issues, and is so commonly used that it has integrations which can help with optimisation (for example, iOS has built-in support for optimising radio usage by batching HTTP calls from different apps where possible, which their mail team have told us they would like to be able to use). This isn't an innate advantage of HTTP, but rather an advantage of its ubiquity.

With GZIP, JSON data is reasonably compact and fast enough to serialise/parse. However, the encoding/transport part of JMAP is not core to its operation, so future specifications could easily add alternatives (e.g. WebSocket instead of HTTPS, CBOR instead of JSON). For the initial version though, HTTPS+JSON makes the most sense.

Binary data

Binary data is not transported in the JSON, and indeed it can't be without base64 encoding or similar, which is inefficient. Instead, attachments are referenced by a blobId, and uploaded/downloaded separately via HTTPS. Clients can reference the blobId elsewhere to, for example, attach the same file to a new message without having to download and upload it again, a big win on slower internet connections.

This also means that regularly saving drafts (a common client behaviour) does not mean sending the same full multi-megabyte attachments over the network every 60s or so.

As it's out-of-band with the API calls, uploading/downloading files can easily be parallelised, and other API operations aren't blocked.

Representation of email

JMAP defines a JSON structure that represents in a consistent and structured way all the information that the vast majority of clients need from an RFC5322 message. The server deals with the complexities of MIME, encoding issues, parsing headers, etc. The intention is that the server will still operate with RFC5322 messages for storage and certainly transmission; the JSON representation is not intended to replace RFC5322, just relieve client authors from having to deal with it.

Clients that want to or need to (for example those doing PGP in the client) can still fetch the RFC5322 if needed. The message is represented by a blobId, and the raw bytes can be fetched using the binary download mechanism mentioned above.

Message submission

Having the same protocol for message sync and submission is a huge win for usability; we see a lot of support tickets where users can receive but not send, or vice versa, because one of these is misconfigured. This is always very confusing for regular users.

Clients can use the same JSON structure for sending messages as they get from the server for received messages, allowing the server to deal with MIME encoding. This allows clients to be much simpler and easier to write. (Of course, they can also upload a raw RFC5322 message instead, if they want.)

The submission API adds capabilities for servers to expose to the client information on the status of the email in the submission queue, and whether a successful response was received from the receiving server.

Push mechanism

Immediate updates is an important feature to many users. IMAP IDLE has two big problems: firstly, it only notifies of changes in one folder, so doesn't inform you of all changes unless you open a connection for every folder and, secondly, it requires a persistent network connection, which is bad for mobile (and not even allowed on iOS).

JMAP defines two push mechanisms to support the two common use cases. In both cases the data transferred is simply an edge trigger: a new state string letting the client know something has changed within a particular datatype. The client then fetches the new data using the standard synchronisation methods.

For desktop clients and webmail, there's an event source interface. This requires a persistent HTTP connection.

For mobile, and web integrations, you can set a callback handler, which conforms with the use of a push endpoint by an Application Server as defined in RFC8030. This makes the mail store server do a callback to a server defined by the client when something changes; the client's server can then send out-of-band push events using the native push mechanism of the mobile client. JMAP itself doesn't require any particular mobile push technology.

End-to-end encryption

A lot of the optimisations for efficient client-server sync require the server to be able to read the message. If everything were encrypted, the server would basically be a dumb blob store. This is particularly bad for mobile, where you only want to sync partial information. Users expect to be able to search their whole archive, so either you need all the data in the client, or the server needs to have access to the data.

JMAP is therefore not introducing any new measures to address end-to-end encryption. The best advice is probably to run your own "JMAP server" on trusted hardware; otherwise you need to sync the entire multi-gigabyte mail spool to all your devices. JMAP is also simple enough that you could run the server on multiple machines with an underlying replication protocol over encrypted links and have that do your smarts.

Why is it not REST based?

JMAP is actually more REST-like than most "RESTful" APIs. It is stateless, highly cacheable, supports transparent intermediaries and provides a uniform interface for manipulating different resources. However, it doesn't use HTTP verbs to implement this.

When you have a high latency connection (such as on a mobile phone, or even wired connections from the other side of the world), the extra round trips required for an HTTP REST-based protocol can make a huge impact on performance. This is especially an issue when you have an order-dependency in your API calls and you need to make sure one has finished before the other can be run (for example when you mutate the state of a message then want to fetch the changes to a mailbox containing the message). In the JMAP protocol, this can be done in a single round trip. An HTTP REST-based version would require two full round trips for the same operation.

The JMAP protocol is transport agnostic and can be easily transported over a WebSocket, for example, as well as HTTP.

Why do keywords/mailboxes apply to messages, not threads?

Mutable state has to be stored per-message; for example, the `$seen` keyword (unread status) must apply on a per message basis, and it's very useful to be able to flag a particular useful message rather than just the whole thread. To be able to delete a particular message to the Trash out of a thread, you need to be able to change the mailbox of that message. Sent messages should belong to the sent mailbox, but not messages you receive.

Meanwhile, it is simple to aggregate the information of the messages in the thread. So, for example, if any message in the thread is unread, then the thread can be considered unread. There is no need to store mutable state as a property of a thread, therefore, and the less mutable the state, the easier it is to manage. Finally, all known existing IMAP implementations, plus Gmail, store this state per-message, not per-thread, so it makes it easier for implementers to migrate to JMAP.

Why are there keywords (for example, $seen) separate from mailboxes?

In IMAP, you can only have one mailbox but you can have multiple keywords/flags on a single message. In other systems (where you have labels), these are really the same thing and you can have a single message in multiple mailboxes. JMAP aims to support both, so it has to be able to specify whether a mailbox can be used in combination with other mailboxes on a message, or must be the only mailbox with the message (but does allow different keywords). The clearest way of specifying what is allowed by the server is to keep the mailboxes separate from keywords in JMAP as well.

I want to get involved with JMAP. What do I need to know?

First of all, you should join the JMAP mailing list. Feedback is welcome: send your thoughts or comments on anything that is imprecise, incomplete, or could simply be done better in another way. Or if you're working on something JMAP related, this list is a good place to let other people know and to raise any issues you come across.

The specification itself is hosted on GitHub. If you've found a typo or other minor change, feel free to just submit a pull request. Otherwise, discussion on the mailing list first is preferred.

I want to implement it. What do I need to know?

That's great! There are lots of resources on this website to help you. Counter-intuitive though it may seem, I recommend starting with the guide for client authors to get a good feel for how the JMAP spec works. After that though, the spec is your bible and the advice for implementors is your friend.

If you're implementing the spec and suddenly find there's an externally visible behaviour that's not specified, please email the mailing list so we can update the spec to nail down this corner.

I want to use it to build a client. What do I need to know?

Have a read through the client guide to get an idea of how it works. Then you'll want to find a JMAP server to test against.