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Journal of Industrial Engineering (ISSN: 1300-3410)

PublisherUCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineers




IF(Impact Factor)2025 Evaluation Pending



Journal of Industrial Engineering (ISSN: 1300-3410) is an international, peer reviewed journal and started publishing in 1989 by UCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineers. Since then, the journal aimed at disseminating the latest developments in all areas of industrial engineering and at bridging the gap between theory and practice.
The journal covers all aspects of Industrial Engineering including Production Planning and Production Systems, Quality Control, Human Machine Systems (Ergonomics and Work Study), Operations Research, Stochastic Models, Simulation, Inventory Control, Reliability and Information Technologies.
Since 2019, as an electronic journal (e-ISSN: 2667-7539) hosted by DergiPark (https://dergipark.org.tr/endustrimuhendisligi), online submissions are accepted.
Current Publication Schedule
The Journal is published as 3 issues (April, August and December) per year. In addition to the regular issues, proceedings of the conferences which are organized by UCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineers and also Society of Operations Research are published as special issues depending upon the decision of the Editorial Board.
Manuscript Evaluation Process
The journal uses an online submission system through DergiPark®. The manuscript, prepared either in Turkish or in English, along with all the files, is uploaded to DergiPark® online submission system which is available at the link https://dergipark.org.tr/endustrimuhendisligi.
The authors should be registered to DergiPark system to be a user. Detailed information on uploading and reviewing process is provided on the web page given above.
The manuscripts received in the Editorial Office, after the initial screening, are assigned to the area editor to be evaluated by outside reviewers. If area editor feels that the paper matches the scope and meets the basic requirements of the journal, at least three reviewers are assigned to evaluate the paper.
This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
The reviewers use Referee Review Form to submit their evaluation. The corresponding author is notified of the editor's decision to accept without change, recommended for modification, further review, or reject. When modifications are requested, the corresponding author must either submit the modified version or withdraw the manuscript. Manuscripts that have been rejected, or withdrawn after being returned for modification, may be resubmitted if the major criticisms have been addressed.
Open Access Policy
The Journal is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author
All articles published are available on the journal web page
and also DergiPark® system, since 2013
Publication Fees
There is no submission, evaluation or publication fee for this journal. All accepted articles are freely available online upon publication.
Conflict of Interest
Authors: All authors are participated in conception, analysis and interpretation of the data, drafting the article and approval of the final version. The corresponding author has the responsibility to ensure that. Authors are required during manuscript submission to disclose any conflict of interest.
Reviewers: Recent collaborators such as people who have coauthored a paper with any of the authors or work for the same institution with any of the authors must be excluded as reviewers. The reviewers should consult the Editor for further issues.
Editors: In the event that Editor or any of the Area Editors has any conflict, they must be excluded.
Originality Check
All submitted manuscripts are screened for unoriginal material using IThenticate® software. In accordance with the similarity report generated by the software, if the total similarity ratio is over 25%, the Editor requests the revision and re-submission of the paper from the corresponding author.

Last modified: 2019-09-04 05:08:24


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