[Django]: nose-django を試してみた。
testing tool nose の Django 対応版 nose-django 。 settings は読み込めたものの TypeError や NameError が山ほど。 なにか使い方が間違っているんだろうなぁ。
$ cd site-packages $ sudo svn checkout http://nose-django.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ nose-django $ cd nose-django $ sudo python setup.py install $ nosetests --help usage: nosetests [options] [names] nose provides an alternate test discovery and running process for unittest, one that is intended to mimic the behavior of py.test as much as is reasonably possible without resorting to magic. ... --with-django Enable plugin NoseDjango: Enable to set up django test environment before running all tests, and tear it down after all tests. If the django database engine in use is not sqlite3, one or both of --django-test-db or django-test-schema must be specified. Note that your django project must be on PYTHONPATH for the settings file to be loaded. The plugin will help out by placing the nose working dir into sys.path if it isn't already there, unless the -P (--no-path-adjustment) argument is set. [NOSE_WITH_DJANGO] --django-settings=DJANGO_SETTINGS Set module as the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable. --django-test-db=DJANGO_TEST_DB Create this database for use in tests and drop it after tests have run. May be combined with --django- test-schema option for databases that support schemas. This option is not used for sqlite3 connections. PLEASE NOTE that if the test database already exists, the test run will be immediately cancelled. [NOSE_DJANGO_TEST_DB] --django-test-schema=DJANGO_TEST_SCHEMA Create this schema for use in tests and drop it after tests have run. May be combined with --django-test-db; otherwise, test schema will be created in the database named by DATABASE_NAME in the active django settings. This option is not used for sqlite3 connections. PLEASE NOTE that if the specified schema already exists in the target database, the test run will be immediately cancelled. [NOSE_DJANGO_TEST_SCHEMA] ... $ cd site-packages $ cat mydj.pth /path-to/myproject $ export DJANGO_SETTINGS=myproject.settings $ cd myproject $ nosetests --doctest-tests --with-doctest --with-django --django-settings=DJANGO_SETTINGS .F ====================================================================== FAIL: Doctest: app.tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in 9.476s FAILED (failures=1)
Thu, 8 Mar 2007 19:28:36 +0900
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