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Bezier curves as default shapes of lines in Pajek

Drawing Bezier curves by default when exported to EPS or SVG (instead of straight lines) is available in Pajek (4.03 or higher). Bezier parameters (angle and velocity) are set in Export / Options:

Angle1 = 22; Velocity1 = 1.5;
Angle2 = 22; Velocity2 = 1.5;

Angle1 = 22; Velocity1 = 1;
Angle2 = 22; Velocity2 = 1;

Angle1 = 22; Velocity1 = 1.5;
Angle2 = -22; Velocity2 = 1.5;

Using Inkscape Bezier curves can be manually modified (by selecting Edit paths by nodes icon).

Defining Bezier parameters in Pajek NET file

To manually change shapes of selected lines (draw only few lines as curves), Bezier parameters: a1, k1, a2, and k2 can be specified for each line in Pajek NET file (a stands for angle, k for velocity).

e.g. to draw only line from vertex 3 to vertex 5 as a curve, specify:
 2 3 1
 3 5 1 a1 25 k1 2 a2 -25 k2 2.5
 1 2 1
Test Pajek NET file: BezierCurve.net.

Parameters written in Pajek NET file overrule settings in Export / Options.

For details see Pajek manual, Chapter 5.3.