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The SCIP Optimization Suite 8.0

Please always quote using this URN: urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-85309
  • The SCIP Optimization Suite provides a collection of software packages for mathematical optimization centered around the constraint integer programming framework SCIP. This paper discusses enhancements and extensions contained in version 8.0 of the SCIP Optimization Suite. Major updates in SCIP include improvements in symmetry handling and decomposition algorithms, new cutting planes, a new plugin type for cut selection, and a complete rework of the way nonlinear constraints are handled. Additionally, SCIP 8.0 now supports interfaces for Julia as well as Matlab. Further, UG now includes a unified framework to parallelize all solvers, a utility to analyze computational experiments has been added to GCG, dual solutions can be postsolved by PaPILO, new heuristics and presolving methods were added to SCIP-SDP, and additional problem classes and major performance improvements are available in SCIP-Jack.

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Author:Ksenia BestuzhevaORCiD, Mathieu BesançonORCiD, Wei-Kun ChenORCiD, Antonia ChmielaORCiD, Tim DonkiewiczORCiD, Jasper van DoornmalenORCiD, Leon EiflerORCiD, Oliver GaulORCiD, Gerald GamrathORCiD, Ambros GleixnerORCiD, Leona GottwaldORCiD, Christoph Graczyk, Katrin HalbigORCiD, Alexander HoenORCiD, Christopher HojnyORCiD, Rolf van der Hulst, Thorsten KochORCiD, Marco LübbeckeORCiD, Stephen J. MaherORCiD, Frederic MatterORCiD, Erik MühmerORCiD, Benjamin MüllerORCiD, Marc E. PfetschORCiD, Daniel RehfeldtORCiD, Steffan Schlein, Franziska SchlösserORCiD, Felipe SerranoORCiD, Yuji ShinanoORCiD, Boro SofranacORCiD, Mark TurnerORCiD, Stefan Vigerske, Fabian Wegscheider, Philipp Wellner, Dieter WeningerORCiD, Jakob WitzigORCiD
Document Type:ZIB-Report
Tag:Branch-and-cut; Branch-and-price; Column generation; Constraint integer programming; Linear programming; Mixed-integer linear programming; Mixed-integer nonlinear programming; Mixed-integer semidefinite programming; Optimization solver; Parallelization
MSC-Classification:65-XX NUMERICAL ANALYSIS / 65Yxx Computer aspects of numerical algorithms / 65Y05 Parallel computation
90-XX OPERATIONS RESEARCH, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING / 90Cxx Mathematical programming [See also 49Mxx, 65Kxx] / 90C05 Linear programming
90-XX OPERATIONS RESEARCH, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING / 90Cxx Mathematical programming [See also 49Mxx, 65Kxx] / 90C10 Integer programming
90-XX OPERATIONS RESEARCH, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING / 90Cxx Mathematical programming [See also 49Mxx, 65Kxx] / 90C11 Mixed integer programming
90-XX OPERATIONS RESEARCH, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING / 90Cxx Mathematical programming [See also 49Mxx, 65Kxx] / 90C30 Nonlinear programming
90-XX OPERATIONS RESEARCH, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING / 90Cxx Mathematical programming [See also 49Mxx, 65Kxx] / 90C90 Applications of mathematical programming
Date of first Publication:2021/12/17
Series (Serial Number):ZIB-Report (21-41)
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