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How to compile the project

You need to download and setup Maven.

Once installed, go to project directory and run the following command:

mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
This command will create an executable jar on the target folder.

We recommend you not to skip unit tests.

Once you know how to configure unit tests for this project, stop skipping them.


How to run integration tests

To run integration tests, you will first need to launch the application and start the server on port 2525.

You can then run the following command:

mvn integration-test


How can I change the default port for unit/integration tests

Default port for unit tests is 2626 and default port for integration tests is 2525.

You then need to configure the "src/test/java/com/nilhcem/fakesmtp/core/test/TestConfig.java" file to change the port.

Please note that it is better to have two different ports for unit and integrations tests, to avoid any port binding exception while running Maven's integration-test goal.


I can't import the project on Eclipse IDE

Run the following command to create eclipse project files:

mvn eclipse:eclipse


How to contact you

Use my github's nickname (at) gmail (dot) com.
