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Number of boron trees with n nodes, i.e. n-node rooted trees with degree <= 3 at root and out-degree <= 2 elsewhere.
(Formerly M1083 N0411)
0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 29, 60, 127, 275, 598, 1320, 2936, 6584, 14858, 33744, 76999, 176557, 406456, 939241, 2177573, 5064150, 11809632, 27610937, 64705623, 151966597, 357623905, 843176524, 1991439229, 4711115672, 11162025770, 26484061667, 62923251955
The subsequence of primes begins: 2, 7, 29, 127, 176557, 2177573, 151966597.
A. Cayley, On the analytical forms called trees, with application to the theory of chemical combinations, Reports British Assoc. Advance. Sci. 45 (1875), 257-305 = Math. Papers, Vol. 9, 427-460 (see p. 450).
R. C. Read, personal communication.
N. J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1973 (includes this sequence).
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
G.f.: A(x) = x*(1/3!)*(f^3+3*subs(x=x^2, f)*f+2*subs(x=x^3, f)), where f = G001190(x)/x, G001190 = g.f. for A001190.
a(n) = A001190(n) + A036657(n) + A036658(n).
Another g.f.: let B0(x) = 1+x, G036656(x) = g.f. for A036656, G036657(x) = g.f. for A036657.
Then g.f.: x*(cycle_index(S3, B0)+cycle_index(S3, G036656)+cycle_index(S3, G036657)+cycle_index(S2, B0)*(G036656+G036657)+cycle_index(S2, G036656)*(G036657+B0)+cycle_index(S2, G036657)*(B0+G036656)+B0*G036656*G036657), where cycle_index(Sk, f) means apply the cycle index for the symmetric group S_k to f(x).
E.g., cycle_index(S2, f) = (1/2!)*(f^2+subs(x=x^2, f), cycle_index(S3, f) = (1/3!)*(f^3+3*subs(x=x^2, f)*f+2*subs(x=x^3, f)).
N := 40: t1 := G001190/x: G000671 := series(x*(1/3!)*(t1^3+3*subs(x=x^2, t1)*t1+2*subs(x=x^3, t1)), x, N); A000671 := n->coeff(G000671, x, n);
CI2 := proc(f) (1/2)*(f^2+subs(x=x^2, f)); end; CI3 := proc(f) (1/6)*(f^3+3*subs(x=x^2, f)*f+2*subs(x=x^3, f)); end;
N := 40: B0 := series(1 + x, x, N): G000671 := series(x*(CI3(B0) + CI3(G036656) + CI3(G036657) + CI2(B0)*(G036656 + G036657) + CI2(G036656)*(G036657 + B0) + CI2(G036657)*(B0 + G036656) + B0*G036656*G036657), x, N); A036658 := n->coeff(G036658, x, n);
terms = 32; (* B = g.f. for A001190 *) B[_] = 0; Do[B[x_] = x + (1/2)*(B[x]^2 + B[x^2]) + O[x]^terms // Normal, terms];
f[x_] = B[x]/x;
A[x_] = x*(1/3!)*(f[x]^3 + 3*f[x^2]*f[x] + 2*f[x^3]) + O[x]^terms;
CoefficientList[A[x], x] (* Jean-François Alcover, May 29 2012, from first g.f., updated Jan 10 2018 *)