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a(n) = binomial(n, floor(n/2)).
(Formerly M0769 N0294)
1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 20, 35, 70, 126, 252, 462, 924, 1716, 3432, 6435, 12870, 24310, 48620, 92378, 184756, 352716, 705432, 1352078, 2704156, 5200300, 10400600, 20058300, 40116600, 77558760, 155117520, 300540195, 601080390, 1166803110
Sperner's theorem says that this is the maximal number of subsets of an n-set such that no one contains another.
When computed from index -1, [seq(binomial(n,floor(n/2)), n = -1..30)]; -> [1,1,1,2,3,6,10,20,35,70,126,...] and convolved with aerated Catalan numbers [seq(((n+1) mod 2)*binomial(n,n/2)/((n/2)+1), n = 0..30)]; -> [1,0,1,0,2,0,5,0,14,0,42,0,132,0,...] shifts left by one: [1,1,2,3,6,10,20,35,70,126,252,...] and if again convolved with aerated Catalan numbers, gives A037952 apart from the initial term. - Antti Karttunen, Jun 05 2001 [This is correct because the g.f.'s satisfy (1+x*g001405(x))*g126120(x) = g001405(x) and g001405(x)*g126120(x) = g037952(x)/x. - R. J. Mathar, Sep 23 2021]
Number of ordered trees with n+1 edges, having nonroot nodes of outdegree 0 or 2. - Emeric Deutsch, Aug 02 2002
Gives for n >= 1 the maximum absolute column sum norm of the inverse of the Vandermonde matrix (a_ij) i=0..n-1, j=0..n-1 with a_00=1 and a_ij=i^j for (i,j) != (0,0). - Torsten Muetze, Feb 06 2004
Image of Catalan numbers A000108 under the Riordan array (1/(1-2x),-x/(1-2x)) or A065109. - Paul Barry, Jan 27 2005
Number of left factors of Dyck paths, consisting of n steps. Example: a(4)=6 because we have UDUD, UDUU, UUDD, UUDU, UUUD and UUUU, where U=(1,1) and D=(1,-1). - Emeric Deutsch, Apr 23 2005
Number of dispersed Dyck paths of length n; they are defined as concatenations of Dyck paths and (1,0)-steps on the x-axis; equivalently, Motzkin paths with no (1,0)-steps at positive height. Example: a(4)=6 because we have HHHH, HHUD, HUDH, UDHH, UDUD, and UUDD, where U=(1,1), H=(1,0), and D=(1,-1). - Emeric Deutsch, Jun 04 2011
a(n) is odd iff n=2^k-1. - Jon Perry, May 05 2005
An inverse Chebyshev transform of binomial(1,n)=(1,1,0,0,0,...) where g(x)->(1/sqrt(1-4*x^2))*g(x*c(x^2)), with c(x) the g.f. of A000108. - Paul Barry, May 13 2005
In a random walk on the number line, starting at 0 and with 0 absorbing after the first step, number of ways of ending up at a positive integer after n steps. - Joshua Zucker, Jul 31 2005
Maximum number of sums of the form Sum_{i=1..n} e(i)*a(i) that are congruent to 0 mod q, where e_i=0 or 1 and gcd(a_i,q)=1, provided that q > ceiling(n/2). - Ralf Stephan, Apr 27 2003
Also the number of standard tableaux of height <= 2. - Mike Zabrocki, Mar 24 2007
Hankel transform of this sequence forms A000012 = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,...]. - Philippe Deléham, Oct 24 2007
A001263 * [1, -2, 3, -4, 5, ...] = [1, -1, -2, 3, 6, -10, -20, 35, 70, -126, ...]. - Gary W. Adamson, Jan 02 2008
Equals right border of triangle A153585. - Gary W. Adamson, Dec 28 2008
Second binomial transform of A168491. - Philippe Deléham, Nov 27 2009
a(n) is also the number of distinct strings of length n, each of which is a prefix of a string of balanced parentheses; see example. - Lee A. Newberg, Apr 26 2010
Number of symmetric balanced strings of n pairs of parentheses; see example. - Joerg Arndt, Jul 25 2011
a(n) is the number of permutation patterns modulo 2. - Olivier Gérard, Feb 25 2011
For n >= 2, a(n-1) is the number of incongruent two-color bracelets of 2*n-1 beads, n of which are black (A007123), having a diameter of symmetry. - Vladimir Shevelev, May 03 2011
The number of permutations of n elements where p(k-2) < p(k) for all k. - Joerg Arndt, Jul 23 2011
Also size of the equivalence class of S_{n+1} containing the identity permutation under transformations of positionally adjacent elements of the form abc <--> cba where a < b < c, cf. A210668. - Tom Roby, May 15 2012
a(n) is the number of symmetric Dyck paths of length 2n. - Matt Watson, Sep 26 2012
a(n) is divisible by A000108(floor(n/2)) = abs(A129996(n-2)). - Paul Curtz, Oct 23 2012
a(n) is the number of permutations of length n avoiding both 213 and 231 in the classical sense which are breadth-first search reading words of increasing unary-binary trees. For more details, see the entry for permutations avoiding 231 at A245898. - Manda Riehl, Aug 05 2014
Number of symmetric standard Young tableaux of shape (n,n). - Ran Pan, Apr 10 2015
From Luciano Ancora, May 09 2015: (Start)
Also "stepped path" in the array formed by partial sums of the all 1's sequence (or a Pascal's triangle displayed as a square). Example:
[1], [1], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... A000012
1, [2], [3], 4, 5, 6, 7, ...
1, 3, [6], [10], 15, 21, 28, ...
1, 4, 10, [20], [35], 56, 84, ...
1, 5, 15, 35, [70], [126], 210, ...
Sequences in second formula are the mixed diagonals shown in this array. (End)
a(n) = A265848(n,n). - Reinhard Zumkeller, Dec 24 2015
The constant Sum_{n >= 0} a(n)/n! is 1 + A130820. - Peter Bala, Jul 02 2016
Number of meanders (walks starting at the origin and ending at any altitude >= 0 that may touch but never go below the x-axis) with n steps from {-1,1}. - David Nguyen, Dec 20 2016
a(n) is also the number of paths of n steps (either up or down by 1) that end at the maximal value achieved along the path. - Winston Luo, Jun 01 2017
Number of binary n-tuples such that the number of 1's in the even positions is the same as the number of 1's in the odd positions. - Juan A. Olmos, Dec 21 2017
Equivalently, a(n) is the number of subsets of {1,...,n} containing as many even numbers as odd numbers. - Gus Wiseman, Mar 17 2018
a(n) is the number of Dyck paths with semilength = n+1, returns to the x-axis = floor((n+3)/2) and up movements in odd positions = floor((n+3)/2). Example: a(4)=6, U=up movement in odd position, u=up movement in even position, d=down movement, -=return to x-axis: Uududd-Ud-Ud-, Ud-Uudd-Uudd-, Uudd-Uudd-Ud-, Ud-Ud-Uududd-, Uudd-Ud-Uudd-, Ud-Uududd-Ud-. - Roger Ford, Dec 29 2017
Let C_n(R, H) denote the transition matrix from the ribbon basis to the homogeneous basis of the graded component of the algebra of noncommutative symmetric functions of order n. Letting I(2^(n-1)) denote the identity matrix of order 2^(n-1), it has been conjectured that the dimension of the kernel of C_n(R, H) - I(2^(n-1)) is always equal to a(n-1). - John M. Campbell, Mar 30 2018
The number of U-equivalence classes of Łukasiewicz paths. Łukasiewicz paths are U-equivalent iff the positions of pattern U are identical in these paths. - Sergey Kirgizov, Apr 2018
All binary self-dual codes of length 2n, for n > 0, must contain at least a(n) codewords of weight n. More to the point, there will always be at least one, perhaps unique, binary self-dual code of length 2n that will contain exactly a(n) codewords that have a hamming weight equal to half the length of the code (n). This code can be constructed by direct summing the unique binary self-dual code of length 2 (up to permutation equivalence) to itself n times. A permutation equivalent code can be constructed by augmenting two identity matrices of length n together. - Nathan J. Russell, Nov 25 2018
Closed under addition. - Torlach Rush, Apr 18 2019
The sequence starting (1, 2, 3, 6, ...) is the invert transform of A097331: (1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 5, 0, 14, 0, 42, ...). - Gary W. Adamson, Feb 22 2020
From Gary W. Adamson, Feb 24 2020: (Start)
The sequence is the culminating limit of an infinite set of sequences with convergents of 2*cos(Pi/N), N = (3, 5, 7, 9, ...).
The first few such sequences are:
N = 3: (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...)
N = 5: (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...) = A000045
N = 7: (1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 19, 33, ...) = A028495, a(n)/a(n-1) tends to 1.801937...
N = 9 (1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 20, 35, ...) = A061551, a(n)/a(n_1) tends to 1.879385...
In the limit one gets the current sequence with ratio 2. (End)
a(n) is also the number of monotone lattice paths from (0,0) to (floor(n/2),ceiling(n/2)). These are the number of Grand Dyck paths when n is even. - Nachum Dershowitz, Aug 12 2020
The maximum number of preimages that a permutation of length n+1 can have under the consecutive-132-avoiding stack-sorting map. - Colin Defant, Aug 28 2020
Counts faro permutations of length n. Faro permutations are permutations avoiding the three consecutive patterns 231, 321 and 312. They are obtained by a perfect faro shuffle of two nondecreasing words of lengths differing by at most one. - Sergey Kirgizov, Jan 12 2021
Per "Sperner's Theorem", the largest possible familes of finite sets none of which contain any other sets in the family. - Renzo Benedetti, May 26 2021
a(n-1) are the incomplete, primitive Dyck paths of n steps without a first return: paths of U and D steps starting at the origin, never touching the horizontal axis later on, and ending above the horizontal axis. n=1: {U}, n=2: {UU}, n=3: {UUU, UUD}, n=4: {UUUU, UUUD, UUDU}, n=5: {UUUUU, UUUUD, UUUDD, UUDUU, UUUDU, UUDUD}. For comparison: A037952 counts incomplete Dyck paths with n steps with any number of intermediate returns to the horizontal axis, ending above the horizontal axis. - R. J. Mathar, Sep 24 2021
a(n) is the number of noncrossing partitions of [n] whose nontrivial blocks are of type {a,b}, with a <= n/2, b > n/2. - Francesca Aicardi, May 29 2022
Maximal coefficient of (1+x)^n. - Vaclav Kotesovec, Dec 30 2022
Sums of lower-left-to-upper-right diagonals of the Catalan Triangle A001263. - Howard A. Landman, Sep 16 2024
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a(n) = max_{k=0..n} binomial(n, k).
a(2*n) = A000984(n), a(2*n+1) = A001700(n).
By symmetry, a(n) = binomial(n, ceiling(n/2)). - Labos Elemer, Mar 20 2003
P-recursive with recurrence: a(0) = 1, a(1) = 1, and for n >= 2, (n+1)*a(n) = 2*a(n-1) + 4*(n-1)*a(n-2). - Peter Bala, Feb 28 2011
G.f.: (1+x*c(x^2))/sqrt(1-4*x^2) = 1/(1 - x - x^2*c(x^2)); where c(x) = g.f. for Catalan numbers A000108.
G.f.: (-1 + 2*x + sqrt(1-4*x^2))/(2*x - 4*x^2). - Lee A. Newberg, Apr 26 2010
G.f.: 1/(1 - x - x^2/(1 - x^2/(1 - x^2/(1 - x^2/(1 - ... (continued fraction). - Paul Barry, Aug 12 2009
a(0) = 1; a(2*m+2) = 2*a(2*m+1); a(2*m+1) = Sum_{k = 0..2*m} (-1)^k*a(k)*a(2*m-k). - Len Smiley, Dec 09 2001
G.f.: (sqrt((1+2*x)/(1-2*x)) - 1)/(2*x). - Vladeta Jovovic, Apr 28 2003
The o.g.f. A(x) satisfies A(x) + x*A^2(x) = 1/(1-2*x). - Peter Bala, Feb 28 2011
E.g.f.: BesselI(0, 2*x) + BesselI(1, 2*x). - Vladeta Jovovic, Apr 28 2003
a(0) = 1; a(2*m+2) = 2*a(2*m+1); a(2*m+1) = 2*a(2*m) - c(m), where c(m)=A000108(m) are the Catalan numbers. - Christopher Hanusa (chanusa(AT)washington.edu), Nov 25 2003
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} (-1)^k*2^(n-k)*binomial(n, k)*A000108(k). - Paul Barry, Jan 27 2005
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..floor(n/2)} binomial(n, k)*binomial(1, n-2*k). - Paul Barry, May 13 2005
From Paul Barry, Nov 02 2004: (Start)
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..floor((n+1)/2)} (binomial(n+1, k)*(cos((n-2*k+1)*Pi/2) + sin((n-2*k+1)*Pi/2))).
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n+1}, (binomial(n+1, (n-k+1)/2)*(1-(-1)^(n-k))*(cos(k*Pi/2) + sin(k*Pi))/2). (End)
a(n) = Sum_{k=floor(n/2)..n} (binomial(n,n-k) - binomial(n,n-k-1)). - Paul Barry, Sep 06 2007
Inverse binomial transform of A005773 starting (1, 2, 5, 13, 35, 96, ...) and double inverse binomial transform of A001700. Row sums of triangle A132815. - Gary W. Adamson, Aug 31 2007
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} A120730(n,k). - Philippe Deléham, Oct 16 2008
a(n) = Sum_{k = 0..floor(n/2)} (binomial(n,k) - binomial(n,k-1)). - Nishant Doshi (doshinikki2004(AT)gmail.com), Apr 06 2009
Sum_{n>=0} a(n)/10^(n+1) = 0.1123724... = (sqrt(3)-sqrt(2))/(2*sqrt(2)); Sum_{n>=0} a(n)/100^(n+1) = 0.0101020306102035... = (sqrt(51)-sqrt(49))/(2*sqrt(49)). - Mark Dols, Jul 15 2010
Conjectured: a(n) = 2^n*2F1(1/2,-n;2;2), useful for number of paths in 1-d for which the coordinate is never negative. - Benjamin Phillabaum, Feb 20 2011
a(2*m+1) = (2*m+1)*a(2*m)/(m+1), e.g., a(7) = (7/4)*a(6) = (7/4)*20 = 35. - Jon Perry, Jan 20 2011
From Peter Bala, Feb 28 2011: (Start)
Let F(x) be the logarithmic derivative of the o.g.f. A(x). Then 1+x*F(x) is the o.g.f. for A027306.
Let G(x) be the logarithmic derivative of 1+x*A(x). Then x*G(x) is the o.g.f. for A058622. (End)
Let M = an infinite tridiagonal matrix with 1's in the super and subdiagonals and [1,0,0,0,...] in the main diagonal; and V = the vector [1,0,0,0,...]. a(n) = M^n*V, leftmost term. - Gary W. Adamson, Jun 13 2011
Let M = an infinite tridiagonal matrix with 1's in the super and subdiagonals and [1,0,0,0,...] in the main diagonal. a(n) = M^n_{1,1}. - Corrected by Gary W. Adamson, Jan 30 2012
a(n) = A007318(n, floor(n/2)). - Reinhard Zumkeller, Nov 09 2011
a(n+1) = Sum_{k=0..n} a(n-k)*A097331(k) = a(n) + Sum_{k=0..(n-1)/2} A000108(k)*a(n-2*k-1). - Philippe Deléham, Nov 27 2011
a(n) = A214282(n) - A214283(n), for n > 0. - Reinhard Zumkeller, Jul 14 2012
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} A168511(n,k)*(-1)^(n-k). - Philippe Deléham, Mar 19 2013
a(n+2*p-2) = Sum_{k=0..floor(n/2)} A009766(n-k+p-1, k+p-1) + binomial(n+2*p-2, p-2), for p >= 1. - Johannes W. Meijer, Aug 02 2013
O.g.f.: (1-x*c(x^2))/(1-2*x), with the o.g.f. c(x) of Catalan numbers A000108. See the rewritten formula given by Lee A. Newberg above. This is the o.g.f. for the row sums the Riordan triangle A053121. - Wolfdieter Lang, Sep 22 2013
a(n) ~ 2^n / sqrt(Pi * n/2). - Charles R Greathouse IV, Oct 23 2015
a(n) = 2^n*hypergeom([1/2,-n], [2], 2). - Vladimir Reshetnikov, Nov 02 2015
a(2*k) = Sum_{i=0..k} binomial(k, i)*binomial(k, i), a(2*k+1) = Sum_{i=0..k} binomial(k+1, i)*binomial(k, i). - Juan A. Olmos, Dec 21 2017
a(0) = 1, a(n) = 2 * a(n-1) for even n, a(n) = (2*n/(n+1)) * a(n-1) for odd n. - James East, Sep 25 2019
a(n) = A037952(n) + A000108(n/2) where A(.)=0 for non-integer argument. - R. J. Mathar, Sep 23 2021
From Amiram Eldar, Mar 10 2022: (Start)
Sum_{n>=0} 1/a(n) = 2*Pi/(3*sqrt(3)) + 2.
Sum_{n>=0} (-1)^n/a(n) = 2/3 - 2*Pi/(9*sqrt(3)). (End)
For k>2, Sum_{n>=0} a(n)/k^n = (sqrt((k+2)/(k-2)) - 1)*k/2. - Vaclav Kotesovec, May 13 2022
From Peter Bala, Mar 24 2023: (Start)
a(n) = Sum_{k = 0..n+1} (-1)^(k+binomial(n+2,2)) * k/(n+1) * binomial(n+1,k)^2.
(n + 1)*(2*n - 1)*a(n) = (-1)^(n+1)*2*a(n-1) + 4*(n - 1)*(2*n + 1)*a(n-2) with a(0) = a(1) = 1. (End)
For n = 4, the a(4) = 6 distinct strings of length 4, each of which is a prefix of a string of balanced parentheses, are ((((, (((), (()(, ()((, ()(), and (()). - Lee A. Newberg, Apr 26 2010
There are a(5)=10 symmetric balanced strings of 5 pairs of parentheses:
[ 1] ((((()))))
[ 2] (((()())))
[ 3] ((()()()))
[ 4] ((())(()))
[ 5] (()()()())
[ 6] (()(())())
[ 7] (())()(())
[ 8] ()()()()()
[ 9] ()((()))()
[10] ()(()())() - Joerg Arndt, Jul 25 2011
G.f. = 1 + x + 2*x^2 + 3*x^3 + 6*x^4 + 10*x^5 + 20*x^6 + 35*x^7 + 70*x^8 + ...
The a(4)=6 binary 4-tuples such that the number of 1's in the even positions is the same as the number of 1's in the odd positions are 0000, 1100, 1001, 0110, 0011, 1111. - Juan A. Olmos, Dec 21 2017
A001405 := n->binomial(n, floor(n/2)): seq(A001405(n), n=0..33);
Table[Binomial[n, Floor[n/2]], {n, 0, 40}] (* Stefan Steinerberger, Apr 08 2006 *)
Table[DifferenceRoot[Function[{a, n}, {-4 n a[n]-2 a[1+n]+(2+n) a[2+n] == 0, a[1] == 1, a[2] == 1}]][n], {n, 30}] (* Luciano Ancora, Jul 08 2015 *)
Array[Binomial[#, Floor[#/2]]&, 40, 0] (* Harvey P. Dale, Mar 05 2018 *)
(PARI) a(n) = binomial(n, n\2);
(PARI) first(n) = x='x+O('x^n); Vec((-1+2*x+sqrt(1-4*x^2))/(2*x-4*x^2)) \\ Iain Fox, Dec 20 2017 (edited by Iain Fox, May 07 2018)
a001405 n = a007318_row n !! (n `div` 2) -- Reinhard Zumkeller, Nov 09 2011
(Maxima) A001405(n):=binomial(n, floor(n/2))$
makelist(A001405(n), n, 0, 30); /* Martin Ettl, Nov 01 2012 */
(Magma) [Binomial(n, Floor(n/2)): n in [0..40]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Nov 16 2014
(GAP) List([0..40], n->Binomial(n, Int(n/2))); # Muniru A Asiru, Apr 08 2018
from math import comb
def A001405(n): return comb(n, n//2) # Chai Wah Wu, Jun 07 2022
Row sums of Catalan triangle A053121 and of symmetric Dyck paths A088855.
Enumerates the structures encoded by A061854 and A061855.
First differences are in A037952.
Apparently a(n) = lim_{k->infinity} A094718(k, n).
Partial sums are in A036256. Column k=2 of A182172. Column k=1 of A335570.
Bisections give A000984 (even part), A001700 (odd part). - Nachum Dershowitz, Aug 12 2020
Cf. A000984 gives the odd-indexed terms of this sequence.
Cf. A097331.
Cf. A107373, A340567, A340568, A340569 (popularity of certain patterns in faro permutations). - Sergey Kirgizov, Jan 12 2021
Sequence in context: A336675 A336678 A056202 * A126930 A210736 A036557