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Numbers k such that k^2 contains only digits {0,1,2}, not ending with zero.
1, 11, 101, 149, 1001, 1011, 1101, 10001, 10011, 11001, 14499, 100001, 100011, 100101, 101001, 110001, 316261, 1000001, 1000011, 1000101, 1010001, 1010011, 1100001, 1100101, 10000001, 10000011, 10000101, 10001001, 10001011, 10001101, 10010001, 10100001, 10100011, 10110001
Sporadic solutions (not consisting only of digits 0 and 1): a(4) = 149, a(11) = 14499, a(17) = 316261, a(209) = 4604367505011, a(715) = 10959977245460011, a(1015) = 110000500908955011, a(1665) = 10099510939154979751, ... Three infinite subsequences are given by numbers of the form 10...01, 10...011 and 110...01, but there are many others. - M. F. Hasler, Nov 14 2017
From Zhao Hui Du, Mar 12 2024: (Start)
Most terms have a special pattern in that they have only digits 0 and 1 and could be written as Sum_{h=0..t} 10^x(h), where 2x(h) and x(h1)+x(h2) are distinct and x(0)=0 for the nonzero ending constraint. The number of n-digit terms in the sequence in the special pattern is A143823(n) - 2*A143823(n-1) + A143823(n-2) for n >= 2.
Terms with only digits 0 and 1 but not in the special pattern exist as well. If we define f(x) = 1 + x^768 + x^960 + x^1008 + x^1020 + x^1028 + x^1040 + x^1088 + x^1280 + x^2048, f(x)^2 is a function with all nonzero coefficients 1,2,10 (the only coefficient of x^2048 is 10 and the coefficient of x^2049 is 0). So f(10) is in the sequence but not in the special pattern. (End)
Zhao Hui Du, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..4000 (first 1000 terms from Chai Wah Wu; 1001..1269 from M. F. Hasler)
Patrick De Geest, Index to related sequences.
a(n) = sqrt(A058412(n)). - Zak Seidov, Jul 01 2013
R[1]:= {1, 9};
for m from 2 to 10 do
R[m]:= select(t -> max(convert(t^2 mod 10^m, base, 10)) <= 2, map(s -> seq(s + i*10^(m-1), i=0..9), R[m-1]))
Res:= {seq(op(select(t -> t >= 10^(m-1) and max(convert(t^2, base, 10)) <= 2, R[m])), m=1..10)}:
sort(convert(Res, list)); # Robert Israel, Feb 23 2016
Select[Range[10^6], And[Total@ Take[RotateRight@ DigitCount@ #, -7] == 0, Mod[#, 10] != 0] &[#^2] &] (* Michael De Vlieger, Nov 14 2017 *)
A058411_list = [i for i in range(10**6) if i % 10 and max(str(i**2)) < '3'] # Chai Wah Wu, Feb 23 2016
(PARI) isok(n)={ n%10 && vecmax(digits(n^2)) < 3 } \\ Michel Marcus, Feb 24 2016, edited by M. F. Hasler, Nov 14 2017
(Magma) [n: n in [1..2*10^8 by 2] | Set(Intseq(n^2)) subset [0, 1, 2]]; // Vincenzo Librandi, Feb 24 2016
Cf. A058412 (the squares); A058412, ..., A058474 (other 3-digit combinations).
Cf. A063009, A066139. - Zak Seidov, Jul 01 2013
Sequence in context: A109830 A052035 A083144 * A134462 A156753 A118592
Patrick De Geest, Nov 15 2000
b-file corrected by Zhao Hui Du, Mar 07 2024