Home Page of Prof. Thomas W. Reps
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Computer Sciences Dept.

Thomas W. Reps

Honorary Fellow
J. Barkley Rosser Professor & Rajiv and Ritu Batra Chair Emeritus

Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1210 West Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53706-1685

Picture of Thomas W. Reps
Contact Information:

E-mail: reps at cs.wisc.edu
Telephone: (608) 262-2091
Department: (608) 262-1204

Some Maps: Campus Map | Campus-to-Capitol Map | City Map

Ph.D., Cornell University, 1982 (CV, Wikipedia, Biography, Summary of Past Research, Benefunder Profile)

Research Interests:

See also Google Scholar, DBLP, Semantic Scholar, Guide2Research, Microsoft Academic Search, LinkedIn, CiteSeer, ACM Digital Library, and MathSciNet.


Page at the Mathematics Genealogy Project


Other Affiliations:

Recent Items of Note*new*

Recent Publications

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  • Tips on writing a research paper (video recording from PLMW@PLDI21)

  • Some notes on automatic differentiation and back-propagation (PDF, Slides)

  • My favorite lecture is about "retrograde debugging," in which I use several "retrograde chess puzzles" from the Raymond Smullyan book "The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes" to illustrate the concept of retrograde debugging. (Smullyan also wrote a second book of such problems, titled "The Chess Mysteries of the Arabian Knights.") You can find links to two recordings of the Nov. 3, 2023 version of the lecture here. The slides from the 2023 version are available here.

    A recording of the April 2020 version is available here. (The password is Rptp6tSh.) In the 2020 version, the chess problems start at 9:56, 33:39, and 45:40, with a fourth one toward the end. (The accompanying text was auto-generated by Webex, and is pretty funny: "chess problems" became "just problems" or "chest problems," etc. Not sure how to turn it off though.) I recommend watching at 1.25x speed though (or even faster) because I talked quite slowly that day.

  • Material from CAV 2021 tutorial ``Introduction to Algebraic Program Analysis'' (Z. Kincaid and T. Reps):

  • Reps interview for People of Programming Languages (2018)

  • The Reps At Sixty Workshop was held in Edinburgh, UK on September 11, 2016.
    • Slides for most of the talks given at the workshop are now available on the website.
    • Some post-workshop reflections about (i) my work on machine-code analysis, and (ii) differences between academic and industry research are available here.

  • Information about the life of Susan Horwitz (1955-2014) can be found here.

  • The paper
    • Horwitz, S., Reps, T., and Binkley, D., Interprocedural slicing using dependence graphs. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 88 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, (Atlanta, GA, June 22-24, 1988), ACM SIGPLAN Notices 23, 7 (July 1988), pp. 35-46. [abstract; ACM Author-Izer Link.]
    was selected for inclusion in a special SIGPLAN collection of the 50 most influential papers from the SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation from 1979 to 1999:
    • Horwitz, S., Reps, T., and Binkley, D., Interprocedural slicing using dependence graphs. 20 Years of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (1979 - 1999): A Selection, K.S. McKinley, ed., ACM SIGPLAN Notices 39, 4 (April 2004), 232-243.

    A retrospective on the paper was published as

    An extended version of the PLDI 88 paper later appeared as the following journal paper:

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Popular Papers

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Categorized Index to Publications

Program Slicing, Differencing, Merging, etc.


The Wisconsin Program-Slicing Tool

CodeSurfer System





Algebra of slices (and applications to program merging)

Semantics and slicing

Other applications of slicing

Implemented integration system (for a small Pascal subset)


Ph.D. Dissertations

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Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis

Demand IDFA via bottom-up logic programming and the magic-sets transformation

Exhaustive and Demand IDFA via graph reachability

IDFA using more than graph reachability

PTIME completeness of IDFA

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Alias Analysis, Pointer Analysis, and Shape Analysis

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Analysis of Multi-Threaded Programs

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Symbolic Abstraction and Decision Procedures

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Other Program-Analysis Problems

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Path Problems

Context-Free-Language Reachability

Other Path Problems

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Model Checking


Ph.D. Dissertations

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Computer Security

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Code Instrumentation

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Computational Differentiation and Computational Divided Differencing

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Program-Development Environments

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Incremental Computing

Ph.D. Dissertations

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Attribute Grammars

Ph.D. Dissertations

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This web page contains links to PostScript and PDF files of articles that may be covered by copyright. You may browse the articles at your convenience (in the same spirit that you read a journal article or an article from a conference proceedings in a public library). Retrieving, copying, or distributing these files may violate copyright law.

Please note that the definitive versions of these papers are the published versions. The PostScript versions are provided here as a courtesy, and, in some cases, there may be differences between the PostScript provided here and the published version. We believe that all of the differences are either formatting differences or copy-editing changes. If you cite these papers, please cite the published version rather than giving a URL.

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List of Publications

See also Google Scholar, DBLP, Microsoft Academic Search, CiteSeerX, ACM Digital Library, and MathSciNet.


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Journal Publications

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Invited Papers

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Book Chapters

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Reprinted in Collections

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Edited Books

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Conference and Refereed Workshop Publications

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  • Material from POPL 2022 tutorial ``Program analysis via graph reachability: Past, present, and future'' (Q. Zhang and T. Reps):

  • Material from CAV 2021 tutorial ``Introduction to Algebraic Program Analysis'' (Z. Kincaid and T. Reps):

  • Material from PLMW@PLDI21 talk ``Tips on writing a research paper'':

  • Material from POPL 2018 tutorial ``Introduction to algebraic program analysis'' (Z. Kincaid and T. Reps):

  • Material from CAV 2010 tutorial ``There's plenty of room at the bottom: Analyzing and verifying machine code'':
    • Reps, T., Lim, J., Thakur, A., Balakrishnan, G., and Lal, A., There's plenty of room at the bottom: Analyzing and verifying machine code (Invited tutorial). In Proc. Computer Aided Verification, July 2010. [abstract; PDF; (c) Springer-Verlag]
    • Slides: Powerpoint

  • Material from PLDI 2000 tutorial ``Program analysis via graph reachability'':
    • Reps, T., Program analysis via graph reachability. Information and Software Technology 40, 11-12 (November/December 1998), pp. 701-726. [abstract; tech. report version of the paper: PostScript; PDF]
    • Slides: Powerpoint

  • Material from POPL 1993 tutorial ``Incremental computation''
    • Ramalingam, G. and Reps, T., A categorized bibliography on incremental computation. In Conference Record of the Twentieth ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, (Charleston, SC, Jan. 11-13, 1993), ACM, New York, NY, 1993, pp. 502-510. (Tutorial paper.) [PDF; ACM Author-Izer Link.]
    • Reps, T., Incremental computation. Unpublished tutorial notes, 1993. (Presented at the Twentieth ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, (Charleston, SC, Jan. 11-13, 1993).) [PDF]

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Pending Submissions

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Magazine Articles

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Other Publications and Reports

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Visitors, Post-Docs, and Students

Visitors and Post-Doctoral Associates

Former Students

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