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General Information

                          Wonka Photo
Name: Peter Wonka
Email: peter.wonka@kaust.edu.sa
Phone: +966 12 808 0235

KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Full Professor in the Computer Science Program


Address KAUST

Peter Wonka
Building 1, office 2108
4700 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Note for Students and Post-docs interested in joining my group

Goal of the research group The main goal of the research group is for students, post-docs, research scientists, and faculty to collaborate on and publish impactful research. Since most positions in the group are temporary, another important goal is that group members find a good job after leaving the group in academia or industry. Therefore, we would like to give students and post-docs the opportunity to focus on publishing impactful first author publications and students to seek out suitable research focused internships in industry.

What background is a good match for my research? I look at multiple criteria when evaluating a student, mainly: reputation of the undergraduate (graduate) school, GPA, the quantitative GRE score, mathematics skills (grades in mathematics courses), and programming skills (including the design of systems and algorithms, design of experiments, debugging, ...). The students that I recruit are typically either very good in mathematics, programming, or both. A nice bonus is the knowledge of visual computing, research experience, or publications. I am looking for students who are interested in the areas of deep learning, machine learning, computer vision, or computer graphics.

Publications: currently, for my research I typically target publications in the following venues. Mainly computer vision, computer graphics, and machine leanring; occasionally visualization and remote sensing. The publication venues are not an exclusive list.

  • computer vision (ECCV, ICCV, CVPR, IEEE PAMI)
  • machine learning (NeurIPS, ICLR)
  • computer graphics (ACM Siggraph, ACM Siggraph Asia, ACM TOG, IEEE TVCG)
  • visualization (IEEE Visualization, IEEE TVCG)
  • remote sensing (IEEE TGRS).

How to contact me? If you are interested to join as a student please send me an email including a CV and a recent transcript.

Note for post-docs: If you are interested to join as a post-doc, please send a CV including your GPA and publication list. Almost all post-docs I previously hired had publications in some of the venues highlighted above or very related publication venues.

What are some good courses to prepare for research? Here are some courses that are beneficial to prepare for my current research. The online course offering changes so fast, it is hard to keep track.

  • basic machine learning, e.g. coursera (Machine Learning, Andrew Ng)
  • deep learning, e.g. coursera (Deep Learning Specialization), udactity nanodegree, fastai, or Stanford
  • optimization, e.g. Boyd's convex optimization courses
  • linear algebra, e.g. Gilbert Strang on youtube, Boyd's linear dynamical systems

Visual Computing Center Videos

Starting July 1st 2024 me and my group joined the exciting Center of Excellence (COE) in generative AI. The Visual Computing Center (VCC) shut down its operation on June 30th 2024. Since we are still in the same space and visual computing is still a focus at KAUST, I am leaving the VCC videos on the webpage for now.


  • Deep Learning for Visual Computing CS323


Research Areas:

  • Deep Learning for Visual Computing
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Graphics
  • Occasionaly: Visualization, Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Data Mining

Current keywords: deep learning, machine learning, machine learning for visual computing, generative modeling, 3D generative modeling, generative diffusion models, generative adverserial networks, unsupervised learning, 3D computer vision, 3D reconstruction, 3D vision and language, neural fields, inverse problems, depth prediction, laser scanning, layout synthesis, shape modeling, sampling, image and video editing using generative models

Additional keywords for current or past research: urban planning, computational design, procedural modeling, interactive editing, geometry processing, architectural geometry, geo-spatial visualization, surface sampling, surface remeshing, image analysis, texture synthesis, texture analysis, lighting design, machine learning for graphics, applications, optimization, deep learning

Keywords - example tools used in previous research: machine learning, deep learning, more deep learning, diffusion, generative adverserial networks, graphical models, gaussian process regression, optimization, integer programming, mixed integer programming, ADMM, quadratic programing, heuristic optimization, quadratic assignment, functional maps, graph-cuts


Current Group: Students, Post-docs, and Research Scientists

  • Shariq Bhat (previous school: National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India)
  • Qian Wang (previous school: Wuhan University, China)
  • Yanze Zhu (previous school: Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
  • Aleksandar Cevjic (previous school: Novi Sad University, Serbia)
  • Ahmed Abdelreheem (previous school: Cairo University, Egypt)
  • Matvey Morozov (previous school: Moskov Institute of Physics and Technology)
  • Zhenyu Li (previous school: Harbin Institute of Technology)
  • Jian Shi (previous school: )
  • Abdalla Ahmed, Post-doc (PhD: Konstanz, Germany)
  • Abdelrahman Eldesokey, Post-doc (PhD: Linkoeping, Sweden)
  • Michael Birsak, Research Scientist (PhD: TU Vienna, Austria)

The university (country) listed in brackets is where the group member came from before joining KAUST. This list is just to give you an idea on the current group decomposition.

KAUST Alumni: Students, Post-docs, and Research Scientists

  • Rameen Abdal, PhD 2023, (previous school: National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India), next employment: post-doc at Stanford [thesis]
  • Ivan Skorokhodov, PhD 2023, (previous school: Yandex School of Data Analysis, Russia), next employment: research scientist at Snap [thesis]
  • Peihao Zhu (previous school: Chinese Academy of Science, China), next employment: research scientist at Bytedance [thesis]
  • Anna Fruehstueck (previous school: Technical University of Vienna, Austria), next employment: research scientist at Adobe , [thesis]
  • Biao Zhang (previous school: Xi'an Jiaotong University, China), next employment: [thesis]
  • Wamiq Reyaz (previous school: National Institute of Technology, Srinagar, India), next employment:
  • Jing Ren, PhD, (previous school: Oxford, UK), next employment: post-doc at ETH Zuerich, [thesis]
  • Yazeed AlHarbi, PhD , (previous school: Purdue, USA), next employment: research scientist at SDAIA, KSA, [thesis]
  • Lama Affara, PhD, (previous school: AUB, Lebanon), next employment: Assistant Prof. at Beirut Arab University, [thesis]
  • Dinmukhamed Sagynbay, MS 2023, (previous school: Nazarbayev University)
  • Jichen Lu, MS 2023, next employment: PhD at KAUST
  • Ali Al Nasser, MS 2023, next employment: PhD at KAUST
  • Tian Yu, MS, (previous school: Harbin Institute of Technology, China), next emploment: PhD at KAUST
  • Ibraheem AlHashim, Post-doc, (PhD: Simon Frasier University, Canada), next employment: research scientist at SDAIA, KSA
  • Yiqun Wang, Post-doc, (PhD: Chinese Academy of Sciences), next employment: Associate Prof. at Chongqing University, China
  • Dongming Yan, research scientist, current employment: Full Prof. at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Liangliang Nan, research scientist, current employment: Associate Prof. at TU Delft, Netherlands
  • Yipeng Qin, post-doc, next employment: lecturer at Cardiff University, UK

The university (country) listed in brackets is where the group member came from before joining KAUST. This list is just to give you an idea on the current group decomposition.

Other Information