Diogo Gomes

Diogo Gomes

Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
1 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


Diogo Gomes is an Associate Professor at the University of Aveiro and Senior Researcher…


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Formação acadêmica


  • A Framework for Flexible Sensor Information Dissemination


    The integration of the digital world into every aspect of our lives is becoming more and more preeminent. Nowadays, not only humans but also devices and the environments where we dwell are also able to provide their own information, through the usage of sensors. Through their interconnection over communication networks, sensors enable Ambient Intelligent scenarios achieving a true Internet of Things, and crossing the gap between computer systems and the real world. However, the different…

    The integration of the digital world into every aspect of our lives is becoming more and more preeminent. Nowadays, not only humans but also devices and the environments where we dwell are also able to provide their own information, through the usage of sensors. Through their interconnection over communication networks, sensors enable Ambient Intelligent scenarios achieving a true Internet of Things, and crossing the gap between computer systems and the real world. However, the different sensing devices and information generated by them, are of such disparate nature that it becomes increasingly difficult to access and make use of such heterogeneous data. In this paper, we propose a framework which not only considers a media independent information access to sensors and their supplied data, but is also flexible enough to configure and provide different means to best transport collected sensor information via wireless gateways, facilitating its deployment in different scenarios. We demonstrate its usefulness by providing a throughput efficient approach towards the collection and dissemination of sensing data, through sensing information compression and aggregation of multiple sources.

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  • Context Transport based on 802.21

    CNRS 2011

    Sensor networks, along with the sensorial output from their nodes, provide an information source to enhance and enrich upper layers mechanisms. The 802.21 MIH protocol provides a cross layer framework that can be extended for sensor information transport. At the same time, it creates an abstraction layer that removes hardware and software specificity from sensor nodes. On a higher level of the network stack, the XMPP protocol also provides an upper layer solution for content syndication on a…

    Sensor networks, along with the sensorial output from their nodes, provide an information source to enhance and enrich upper layers mechanisms. The 802.21 MIH protocol provides a cross layer framework that can be extended for sensor information transport. At the same time, it creates an abstraction layer that removes hardware and software specificity from sensor nodes. On a higher level of the network stack, the XMPP protocol also provides an upper layer solution for content syndication on a platform with global access availability. We present a framework which integrates a cross-layer abstraction approach towards sensor devices of different families, while enabling the integration of media-independent sensor information into context consumers with the aim of optimizing network management, as well as application operation and usability.

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  • Multicast/broadcast network convergence in next generation mobile networks

    Computer Networks

    The 3GPP Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) aims to introduce group
    communications into the 3G networks. One of the current key challenges is how to evolve
    these incipient features towards the “beyond 3G vision” of a converged global network
    where multimedia content can be delivered over one or more selected broadcast transport
    bearers. This paper presents potential multicast/broadcast technologies convergence and
    discusses the issues and challenges in moving…

    The 3GPP Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) aims to introduce group
    communications into the 3G networks. One of the current key challenges is how to evolve
    these incipient features towards the “beyond 3G vision” of a converged global network
    where multimedia content can be delivered over one or more selected broadcast transport
    bearers. This paper presents potential multicast/broadcast technologies convergence and
    discusses the issues and challenges in moving towards this next generation network ...

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  • Quasi-omniscient networks: scenarios on context capturing and new services through wireless sensor networks

    Wireless Personal Communications

    This paper addresses future scenarios for the telecommunications field, addressing
    the impact of three important research trends in computer networks: Context, Sensors and
    Wireless Networks. The proposed scenarios clearly highlight the possible synergies
    between the defined areas, and describe the role of Users and Network Operators in order
    to achieve the described goals.

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  • Heterogeneous signaling framework for end-to-end qos support in next generation networks


    Next generation wireless communication systems aim to handle diverse types of
    services across different types of access technologies in a seamless way. This paper
    proposes a next generation network architecture and evaluates possible associated
    signaling strategies, focusing in network-level QoS support aspects. The scenarios handled
    cover terminal-initiated signaling, network controlled signaling, and application-provider
    controlled signaling.

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  • OpenSlice

    The ETSI Software Development Group for OpenSlice (SDG OSL) is developing an open source service based Operations Support System (OSS) to deliver Network Slice as a Service (NSaaS).


  • 5GASP

    5GASP aims at shortening the idea-to-market process through the creation of a European testbed for SMEs that is fully automated and self-service, in order to foster rapid development and testing of new and innovative NetApps built using the 5G NFV based reference architecture. Building on top of existing physical infrastructures, 5GASP intends to focus on innovations related to the operation of experiments and tests across several domains, providing software support tools for Continuous…

    5GASP aims at shortening the idea-to-market process through the creation of a European testbed for SMEs that is fully automated and self-service, in order to foster rapid development and testing of new and innovative NetApps built using the 5G NFV based reference architecture. Building on top of existing physical infrastructures, 5GASP intends to focus on innovations related to the operation of experiments and tests across several domains, providing software support tools for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) of VNFs in a secure & trusted environment for European SMEs capitalizing in the 5G market. 5GASP targets the creation of an Open Source Software (OSS) repository and of a VNF marketplace targeting SMEs with OSS examples and building blocks, as well as the incubation of a community of NetApp developers assisted with tools and services that can enable an early validation and/or certification of products and services for 5G. We focus on inter-domain use-cases, development of operational tools and procedures (supporting day-to-day testing and validation activities) and security/trust of 3rd party IPR running in our testbeds.

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  • Cloud Thinking

    Workpackage 2, Cloud Seeding, is responsible for the cloud computing infrastructure of the project. It addresses the problems of data retrieval, storage, and infrastructure management.

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  • Apollo

    The Apollo project aims to design, develop, and evaluate, a M2M management framework integrated in with the core of a major telecom provider. While keeping compliance to the ETSI M2M specifications, the framework incorporates many cloud concepts for the matter of scalability, aims to provide pluggable service enablers, and a comprises a service execution environment supporting complex workflows.

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  • OCaaS


    Open Charging as a Service (OCaaS) aims to support the configuration and execution of platform usage policies. OCaaS is a subset of a bigger project that delivers OSS services from a SaaS perspective for Telco providers.
    Major features to be developed on this project are as follows:
    * To gather and to process information about the resources consumed by a given set of Services or Services instances (e.g.: metrics for Service A include time meters while metrics for Service B records data…

    Open Charging as a Service (OCaaS) aims to support the configuration and execution of platform usage policies. OCaaS is a subset of a bigger project that delivers OSS services from a SaaS perspective for Telco providers.
    Major features to be developed on this project are as follows:
    * To gather and to process information about the resources consumed by a given set of Services or Services instances (e.g.: metrics for Service A include time meters while metrics for Service B records data volume meters).
    * Enforcement of usage management policies triggered by services usage, including the following examples:
    - Auditing: based on an historic of every metric defined within the infrastructure, enabling Fraud Management and Revenue Assurance.
    - Charging capabilities: ensure the applicability of Business Models on top of the information collected by the platform.

    ATNoG have been actively involved in several Openstack subprojects (e.g., former Quantum). The continuous research efforts towards the development of Openstack as well as recent contributions on Ceilometer (i.e., a telemetry service for Cloud platforms such IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) are the main motivations to use Ceilometer as an isolated subcomponent within this project. Secondary contributions of this open-source project include the introduction of novel monitoring concepts, new agents (i.e., application-centric metric), generic and intelligent transformers.

    In doing so, the project will propose the integration of Ceilometer with a Rules Engine instance. A JSON-LD API will be provided for allowing the interaction of other modules with the resulting integrated component. The two components together will be responsible for gathering and processing metric information and will trigger actions, thus ensuring the automatized application of a given set of rules (e.g., enforce a SLA).

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    The main focus of this project was to create mobile applications that had Context Awereness, Human-Mobile Interaction, User Experience and Privacy concerns. The project was financed by PT Inovação.

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  • C-Cast


    Project Context Casting (C-CAST) main objective is to evolve mobile multimedia multicasting to exploit the increasing integration of mobile devices with our everyday physical world and environment.

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    The strategic objective of C-MOBILE was to foster the evolution of the mobile broadcast business by providing enhancements to the 3GPP MBMS for systems beyond 3G.

    It addressed both resource efficiency and service flexibility, by close coupling of broadcast and communication capabilities on all layers, covering the radio access, core network and the service enablers, across multiple technologies, providing a smooth migration for MBMS evolution, which was in line with the vision of a…

    The strategic objective of C-MOBILE was to foster the evolution of the mobile broadcast business by providing enhancements to the 3GPP MBMS for systems beyond 3G.

    It addressed both resource efficiency and service flexibility, by close coupling of broadcast and communication capabilities on all layers, covering the radio access, core network and the service enablers, across multiple technologies, providing a smooth migration for MBMS evolution, which was in line with the vision of a federated global multicast broadcast transport as well as emerging beyond 3G standards.

    Within the radio access network it proposed new radio interface technologies, radio resource management and new topological approaches in the architecture for an efficient support of enhanced MBMS services allowing a commercially attractive implementation.

    C-MOBILE helped to understand how best to organise and schedule MBMS content from the BM-SC through the core network, radio access, to the end users. Since this was multimedia content, interactions with the 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem were expected and C-MOBILE explicitly investigated how best MBMS can make use of capabilities provided by the IMS.

    C-MOBILE researched, investigated and defined new ways to use multicast technology to support personalized services and in particular the concept of multicast content community where users also contribute to the multicast service.

    Key market and business requirements for multicast-broadcast services were identified to aid defining research directions, leading to new business models involving the various players.

    The project made important contributions to the standardisation bodies and to prove experimentally or via system level simulations innovative concepts.

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    PROSE will contribute to the adoption of open source software on ICT projects, by increasing the lifetime of the software developed inside European projects and thus maximizing impacts. This will be achieved through the creation of a coordination platform for hosting software projects, as well as promoting dissemination and training events on Open Source topics.

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    OpenSourceProjects.eu is a software forge dedicated to hosting Open Source projects created within EU research projects. This forge was created as part of the PROSE coordination action, with the main goal of promoting the dissemination of project results as Open Source software. Within this project hosting platform, EC projects can develop their software projects, and collaborate towards common goals.

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