Simple color library for Common Lisp
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1cl-colors: a simple color library for Common Lisp
This is a very simple color library for Common Lisp, providing:
- Types for representing colors in HSV and RGB spaces.
- Simple conversion functions between the above types (and alsohexadecimal representation for RGB).
- Some predefined colors as an association list of names and symbolswhich are bound to a corresponding RGB value.
- X11 color names as
- SVG basic color namesas
- SVG extended color names as
- Example:
'(("lightgreen" . +LIGHTGREEN+) ("light-green" . +LIGHT-GREEN+) ("darkred" . +DARKRED+) …
- X11 color names as
(let ((color1 (hsv 107 62/100 52/100)) ; greenish
(color2 (rgb 14/15 26/51 14/15)) ; = violet from X11
(color3 (as-rgb "ff9e00"))) ; from hexadecimal
(list ;
(as-rgb color1) ; converting to RGB
(rgb-combination color1 +blue+ 0.4) ; HSV autoconverted to RGB
(hsv-combination color2 +blue+ 0.4) ; RGB autoconverted to HSV
evaluates to
'(#S(RGB :RED 20059/75000 :GREEN 13/25 :BLUE 247/1250) #S(RGB :RED 0.160472 :GREEN 0.312 :BLUE 0.51856) ; observe float contagion #S(HSV :HUE 60.0 :SATURATION 0.6722689 :VALUE 0.96000004) #S(RGB :RED 1 :GREEN 158/255 :BLUE 0))
Observe the float contagion: cl-colors
functions don't care about
the type of the numbers as long as they are a subtype of real
within the right range.
This library is so simple that it does not need a lot of documentation; please check the file or just look at the docstring in colors.lisp
Run (ql:quickload :cl-colors2/tests)
1.4Regeneration of the X11 color names
Normally you should not need to do this, the sources already contain
the autogenerated file colornames.lisp
. However, if for some reason
you need to regenerate this, you can use make
. Even though the
library itself does not depend on X11, regenerating this file will
require the appropriate file in X11.
1.5Bugs and issues
Please report them on Notabug.
This is a fork of, the original author marked it as unsupported.