Call for Sponsors
We are inviting corporate sponsors to support TokyoRubyKaigi11. The conference will focus on presentations about programming technology, which is a first among regional RubyKaigi. We expect to welcome a large number of talented engineers because of the location in front of Akihabara Station, the relevance of the speakers, and the highly interesting content of the presentations. We strive to increase the diversity of our attendees by providing discount tickets for students and non-male attendees.
To make it easier for sponsors to communicate with attendees at the conference, we provide an area immediately accessible from the lecture hall where sponsors can set up posters. We warmly encourage our corporate sponsors to interact with the conference attendees.
Application Guidelines
TokyoRubyKaigi11 Outline
See the application guidelines PDF (in Japanese) or our home page.
Our Expectations for TokyoRubyKaigi11
We expect around 250 attendees with an interest in technical discussions. Besides regular tickets (¥6,000), we also provide early bird tickets (¥4,000) for 100 attendees. In order to increase diversity among our attendees, we provide an additional 100 special discount tickets (¥1,000 yen) for students and non-male attendees. We expect around 300 participants in total, including the organizers (the venue can accommodate up to 450 people).
※ These attendance fees may increase or decrease depending on the sponsorships available to the conference.
Sponsorships Overview
You can choose from two sponsorship levels.
- Ruby Level Sponsorship: ¥500,000 or more (up to 4 companies) (If you give more than ¥600,000, we will name you a “Ruby3 sponsor”)
- Gold Level Sponsorship: ¥200,000 (Added 2/15: Due to the large number of applications received, we may reject future applications for this sponsorship level. Please contact us for more information about availability)
In the event that there are many applicants, we may close applications earlier than indicated. Please see the application guidelines PDF for more detailed information, for instance about sponsor benefits.
Revision History of Application Guidelines
- 2015/12/16: Added “Ruby3” naming for sponsors giving ¥600,000 or more (benefits remain the same)
How to Apply
Please read the application guidelines PDF and send the following information to
[Subject of e-mail]
Organization name: TokyoRubyKaigi11 sponsorship application
(Example) Japan Ruby Association: TokyoRubyKaigi11 sponsorship application
[Required information]
* Organization name
* Contact person name
* Contact person e-mail address
* Sponsorship level (Ruby or Gold), and in case of Ruby, the amount of the sponsorship
* Whether or not you will use a poster panel, and how many
* Logo for use on our website (Ruby 220x220, Gold 130x130)
* Logo link for use on our website
* Description for use on our website
* Other information, including any questions you may have
After You Apply
In the event that there are many applicants, we may close applications earlier than indicated. We will add you to our sponsors mailing list. As a rule, all communications to sponsors will be sent through the mailing list. We may edit content for use on the website directly on GitHub. Thank you for your understanding towards and cooperation with the conference organizers.
- 東京Ruby会議11 スポンサー募集要項 (PDFファイル)
東京Ruby会議11 開催概要
東京Ruby会議11 開催見込み
技術的議論に興味のある250名の参加を見込みます。参加チケットは、通常価格(6,000円)以外に、早期販売価格(4,000円)を100名分用意します。また、出席者の多様性向上を目指すため、学生の方、および男性以外の方に向けた特別割引価格(1,000円)の枠を100名分用意する予定です。 関係者を含め、のべ300名を見込みます(会場の最大人収容数450名)。
- Rubyスポンサー 50万円(以上)(4企業まで)(60万円以上のご支援を頂いた場合、Ruby3スポンサーとお呼びします)
- Goldスポンサー 20万円(2/15 追記: 応募多数のため、お断りすることがあります。受付の可否について、お問い合わせ下さい)
- 2015/12/16 60万円以上のご支援は Ruby3 スポンサーとお呼びします(メリットは同じ)
上記、募集要項PDFをお読みの上、下記の内容を までお送り下さい。
[メールの Subject]
組織名: 東京Ruby会議11スポンサー応募
* 組織名
* ご担当者様の名前
* ご担当者様の e-mail アドレス
* スポンサー種別(Ruby or Gold)、Ruby の場合は金額
* ポスターパネル利用の有無と枚数
* ウェブサイトに掲載するロゴ(Ruby 220x220、Gold: 130x130)
* ウェブサイトに掲載するロゴからのリンク先
* ウェブサイトに掲載する説明文
* その他、ご不明な点など
スポンサーメーリングリストへ登録させて頂きます。 連絡は基本的に、メーリングリスト経由で行ないます。
ウェブサイト上に掲載する内容は、GitHub へ直接編集してもらうことがあります。 会議運営へのご理解、ご協力を賜れば幸いです。