We present a novel transformation method for Maude programs featuring both automatic program diagnosis and correction.
The input of our method is a reference specification of the program behavior that is given in the form of a set A of system assertions,
and an overly general program R that may produce some undesired computations which violate the assertions. Our technique translates R into a refined
program R' in which every computation satisfies the assertions of A. Our correction technique is first formalized for topmost rewrite
theories, and then we generalize it to larger rewrite theories that support nested structured configurations. Our technique supports
assertional specifications and is static, hence it does not require the knowledge of any failing run, and we cope with infinite space
states. We report experiments that provide a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of assertion-driven Maude program correction.
Provide the Maude input program
Maude Error Output
Provide the extra predicates and set of assertions
Add the extra predicates used in your assertions: modEXAMPLE-PRED is prEXAMPLE . sort Assertion . op _|_ : Universal Bool -> Assertion [ ctor prec 125 gather (e e) poly (1) ] .
Based on your program and predicates, specify your assertions (one per line):