The University

B Readings, A Maclntyre - The Governance of Education, 1996 -
Throughout its long history, the question of the nature of the university and its purpose in
society has been the focus of debate and discussion among theologians, philosophers and …

[BOOK][B] The uses of the university

C Kerr - 2001 -
En esta obra, cuya última reedición es de 2001, se presenta una idea de universidad
moderna entendida, tal como la define su autor, como" multiversity", término que se entiende …

[BOOK][B] The idea of a university

JH Newman, GP Landow, JE Newman, FM Turner… - 1996 -
Since its publication almost 150 years ago, The Idea of a University has had an extraordinary
influence on the shaping and goals of higher education. The issues that John Henry …

[BOOK][B] A university for the 21st century

JJ Duderstadt - 2009 -
… the university's impact on graduate and professional education A day later l had given my first
"State of the University… its traditional rival, Michigan State University, in a football battle that …

Inventing the university

D Bartholomae, D Bartholomae - Writing on the margins: Essays on …, 2005 - Springer
Every time a student sits down to write for us, he has to invent the university for the occasion
— invent the university, that is, or a branch of it, like history or anthropology or economics or …

[BOOK][B] The american university

T Parsons, GM Platt - 1973 -
… the university is the cognitive complex, which is grounded in the cultural system and
institutionalized in the structure of modern society. Higher education in general and the university in …

University entrepreneurship: a taxonomy of the literature

FT Rothaermel, SD Agung… - Industrial and corporate …, 2007 -
The literature on university entrepreneurship is rapidly expanding, in both the United States
and Europe. Since the literature is also fairly fragmented, however, we submit that it is time to …

University language

D Biber - 2006 -
Students who are beginning university studies face a bewildering range of obstacles and
adjustments, and many of these difficulties involve learning to use language in new ways. The …

[BOOK][B] University problems in the United States

DC Gilman - 1971 -
University of Wisconsin, as well as one in 1870 to the presidency of the University of California…
In 1872, however, upon a second call, Gilman became the President of the University of …

[BOOK][B] The American college and university: A history

F Rudolph - 2021 -
First published in 1962, this book remains one of the most significant works on the history of
higher education in America. Bridging the chasm between educational and social history, it …