The in vivo influence of white matter fiber orientation towards B0 on T2* in the human brain

B Bender, U Klose - NMR in Biomedicine, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
NMR in Biomedicine, 2010Wiley Online Library
It is well known that, at higher field strength, T2*‐weighted images show an extensive
heterogeneity in white matter fiber bundles. The basis of this phenomenon is still under
discussion, as many factors, such as iron concentration, myelination and tissue
microstructure, could influence relaxation times. Furthermore, fiber direction in relation to the
main magnetic field seems to influence T2* relaxation times. In this study, diffusion tensor
imaging and T2* measurements were combined in seven subjects with the head in a normal …
It is well known that, at higher field strength, T2*‐weighted images show an extensive heterogeneity in white matter fiber bundles. The basis of this phenomenon is still under discussion, as many factors, such as iron concentration, myelination and tissue microstructure, could influence relaxation times. Furthermore, fiber direction in relation to the main magnetic field seems to influence T2* relaxation times. In this study, diffusion tensor imaging and T2* measurements were combined in seven subjects with the head in a normal and tilted position. It was shown that fiber orientation has a strong influence on T2* in the human brain, with the average T2* value changing from 49 ms for a perpendicular orientation to B0 to 57 ms for a parallel orientation to B0. Nevertheless, T2* times showed a wide variety of values at any orientation towards B0. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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