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Robust Adaptive Beamforming Based on the Effective Steering Vector Estimation and Covariance Matrix Reconstruction against Sensor Gain-Phase Errors
Di YAO Xin ZHANG Bin HU Xiaochuan WU
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
pp.1655-1658 Publication Date: 2020/12/01 Publicized: 2020/06/04 Online ISSN: 1745-1337
DOI: 10.1587/transfun.2020EAL2041 Type of Manuscript: LETTER Category: Digital Signal Processing Keyword: robust adaptive beamforming, steering vector estimation, covariance matrix reconstruction, gain-phase errors,
Full Text: PDF(305.7KB)>>
A robust adaptive beamforming algorithm is proposed based on the precise interference-plus-noise covariance matrix reconstruction and steering vector estimation of the desired signal, even existing large gain-phase errors. Firstly, the model of array mismatches is proposed with the first-order Taylor series expansion. Then, an iterative method is designed to jointly estimate calibration coefficients and steering vectors of the desired signal and interferences. Next, the powers of interferences and noise are estimated by solving a quadratic optimization question with the derived closed-form solution. At last, the actual interference-plus-noise covariance matrix can be reconstructed as a weighted sum of the steering vectors and the corresponding powers. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and advancement of the proposed method.
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