Summary: High-performance 1.3-µm electroabsorption modulators integrated with DFB lasers are developed for long-reach 100 Gbit Ethernet. The dynamic extinction ratio of over 8-dB with the voltage swing of 2 V are achieved for the four LAN-WDM lanes (14 nm wavelength range) used in 100 Gbit Ethernet with the same modulator structure. The fabricated devices are packaged in butterfly modules and four-lane 40-km single mode fiber transmission at 25-Gbit/s operation is demonstrated. Further, a can-type transmitter optical subassembly is fabricated to reduce the cost and size of transmitter modules. The use of a low-dielectric-constant liquid crystal polymer transmission line makes the 3-dB bandwidth larger and enables 25-Gbit/s operation with CAN-TOSA module.