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A Survey of Geographic Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks as a Sensing Platform
Kenichi MASE
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications
pp.1938-1948 Publication Date: 2016/09/01 Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.2016SNR0001 Type of Manuscript: Special Section SURVEY PAPER (Special Section on Integration Technologies of Ambient Intelligence and Sensor Networks) Category: Keyword: ad hoc network, sensor network, vehicle, VANET, geographic routing, monitoring, static node,
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An overview of the evolution of intelligent transport systems (ITS) supported by advances in information and communication technologies is presented. Focusing on a sensing platform as one of the ITS applications, this paper presents a survey on vehicular ad hoc network-based geographic routing. In addition to the minimum requirement of street-awareness based on street maps, traffic and packet-awareness are considered essential to achieve acceptable packet delivery performance. In particular, in addition to statistical information, real-time traffic and packet level information are indispensable for making routing protocols feasible and effective. Considering traffic conditions that are highly space- and time-dependent, static nodes can be used to assist with geographic routing, and a protocol workable under a partial deployment of static nodes is considered.