Welcome to St Philip’s, Webheath
We love to serve our community.
This includes supporting local informal groups and providing facilities for those with young children.
Christian Worship is central to who we are. We hold regular Sunday services and support other services which take place across our three churches.
Webheath is a growing and developing area of Redditch. St Philip’s is at the heart of this development and we offer a place for people to gather.

Discover more about Christian Faith
Calandar – Click on each event to see which church they are being held at.
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Notices for February 10th 2025
Pet Blessing Service
June 23rd at 4 pm Join us as we celebrate the special bond between pets and their owners, offering blessings for health and happiness to our beloved companions. Whether they bark, meow, chirp, or squeak, all are welcome to receive a blessing.
Mothering Sunday
We invite you to our Mothering Sunday service on Sunday March 10th at 11am. Flowers for all.

Set at the heart of Webheath since 1870.
We are committed to the care and nurture of everyone within our church community. In the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, we follow legislation, guidance and recognised good practice.

For any issues relating to safeguarding at St Philip’s, the first person to contact is Church Safeguarding Officer Sandra Finch. Click here for more information on who else you can contact.
The life and work of St Philip’s is funding by the donations of the worshipping congregations. If you would like to support St Philp’s Church you can do so by debit or credit card online at stewardship.org.uk. Find out more on giving and how this helps us by taking a look at our Giving page.