Gibraltar Firme
VIAF ID: 125501644 (Geographic)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/125501644
Preferred Forms
- 151 _ _ ââ¡a Gibraltarâ
- 151 _ _ ââ¡a Gibraltarâ
- 151 _ _ ââ¡a Gibraltarâ
- 151 _ _ ââ¡a Gibraltarâ
- 151 _ _ ââ¡a Gibraltarâ
- 110 2 _ ââ¡a Gibraltarâ
- 151 _ _ ââ¡a Gibraltarâ
- 151 _ _ ââ¡a Gibraltarâ
- 210 | | ââ¡a Gibraltarâ ââ¡c Firmeâ
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (102)
5xx's: Related Names (4)
- 551 _ _ ââ¡a Bretlandâ
- 551 _ _ ââ¡a Gran Bretañaâ
- 551 _ _ ââ¡a Suður-Evrópaâ
- 551 _ _ ââ¡a Veľká Britániaâ
Title | Sources |
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Gibraltar for the Exchange of Information Relating to Taxes | |
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Gibraltar to Improve International Tax Compliance and to Implement FATCA | |
Approved Gibraltar estimates of revenue and expenditure for year ... | |
Culture video | |
Documents on Gibraltar presented to the Spanish Cortes by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. | |
Gibraltar en San Roque : cuaderno de notas : actas capitulares, 1706-1882 | |
Istoria della città di Gibilterra in Spagna, 1781: | |
Ketubbah. Gibraltar. 1916 | |
Laws of Gibraltar | |
××רש ××× (×ק××××) | |
×רש×ת ××××ש××. | |
××××ת ×××ספ×ת ×¢× ×¡×¤×¨× ××××"× ×××××× ×©××¢ : ×פ×ס... | |
×ס××× ××¢× ×× ×ספקת ×שר ×שר : ×××××× × | |
×ס××× ××¢× ×× ×ס×× ×ק××ת ××××××ר. | |
××סף ×צ××ק | |
××× ×ת ×ספ×רת ××¢×ר. | |
×ר×× ××§× ×שפ×ת×ת : ×ר×× ××§× ×©× ×שפ×ת ש××× ××ר×××, ×ת×××ת ××ת××ת ×××. | |
×ת×××. ××××ר××ר. תר×"× | |
×ת×××× (ת××××). | |
×ק××× ××ר××-×ª× ××. | |
××××¨× ××ר. | |
×××××¢ ת××¨× × ×××ר××××ר | |
×××¢× ××××× : ×¢×ר×× ×ת "×¢× ×§×××¢×ת ××××¢××× ×ר××©× ××ש×× ×©××× ×©× ×". | |
× ××¡× ××רת : ×ער××ת. | |
ס×ר ×× ××ת ××ת ×× ×¡×ª × ×¤×¦×ת ××××× ××××××××ר. | |
ספ××¨× ×עש××ת : ק××¥ ס×פ××¨× ×עש××ת. | |
ספר ××ק××××. | |
ספר ק×× ×ר××¡× ×ª×רת שעש××¢×× | |
פ××××× ×××××× ×××ת ש×× ×ת | |
פ××××× ×ש×ת×ת ××××¢××× ××ר××¢××. | |
פ××××× ××ת ××¨× ×¢××¨× ×¢××ר. | |
פ××××× ×¨××× ××ת פ×××× ×× ×צפ×× ×פר×ק×. | |
×¤× ×§×¡ ××ת ×× ×¡×ª : ×¢×××ת ×ת××¨× ×××ת ××× ×¡×ª שער ×ש××× ××××××××ר ××× ××©× ×× ×ª×§×¤"×-תקפ"×. | |
×¤× ×§×¡ ××× ×¡×ת ×××צ××ת ×©× ××ת ××× ×¡×ª "שער ×ש×××" ××©× ×ª ×תקס"× ××××ר××ר | |
×¤× ×§×¡ ש×"ר : ××ת ש××× ×ר×ש××× ×ק××ת ××ת ××, ×××¢×¨× ×××צ××, ××××¨× ×××××××× ×× ××©× ×× ×ª×¨"×-תר×"×. | |
פסק××. | |
ק××¥ ×ק××× ×§××××. | |
ק××¥ ש×××ת ×תש×××ת, ×××ש×× ×¢× ×ת×××× ××××ש×× ×××××. | |
ק×ש ×××××× : פר×ש ×××¨× ×¨×× ××××¨× ××××. | |
ק×××¥. | |
ק×× ×©×©×× : ×¢× ×¡×¤×¨ ×ר××× ×ר' ××××¢×ר ×××¥. ×××× ×¨×§ ק××¢×× ×××××. | |
ק×× ×ת ××ª×©×¢× ××× ×× ×× ×¦×¤×× ×פר××§× (×××ר××ר). | |
רש××ת ק××ת ×××רת ×ת×××× ××××××××ר | |
ש×ר×ת, תע×××ת ×פסק××. | |
תפ××. | |
×ª×§× ×ת ×××× ×§×ס×××××× | |
תר××× ×פ×רת ×ª×©×¢× ××× ×××××× ×. | |
תש×××ת ×פסק×× : ש×"ת ×פסק×× ×ר×× × ×¦×¤×× ×פר××§× ××××ת ×-18-19 (××××ת ××עתק×ת ×ר×× × ×××× ×-17), ר××× ×××××רפ××, ×¢× ×ת×××ת ר××ת. |