Macwhinney, Brian
MacWhinney, Brian 1945-....
Brian MacWhinney American psychologist and linguist
VIAF ID: 29624891 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ââ¡a Brian MacWhinneyâ ââ¡c American psychologist and linguistâ
- 100 1 _ ââ¡a MacWhinney, Brianâ
- 100 1 _ ââ¡a MacWhinney, Brianâ
- 100 1 _ ââ¡a MacWhinney, Brianâ
- 100 1 _ ââ¡a MacWhinney, Brianâ
- 100 1 _ ââ¡a MacWhinney, Brianâ
- 100 1 0 ââ¡a MacWhinney, Brianâ
- 100 1 _ ââ¡a MacWhinney, Brianâ ââ¡d 1945-â
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (21)
5xx's: Related Names (6)
- 510 2 _ ââ¡a Carnegie Mellon Universityâ ââ¡b Department of Psychologyâ
- 510 2 _ ââ¡a Carnegie Mellon Universityâ ââ¡b Department of Psychologyâ ââ¡4 affiâ ââ¡4â ââ¡e Affiliationâ
- 551 _ _ ââ¡a New York, NYâ ââ¡4 ortgâ ââ¡4â
- 551 _ _ ââ¡a Pittsburgh, Pa.â ââ¡4 ortwâ ââ¡4â
- 510 2 _ ââ¡a Society for Research in Child Developmentâ
- 510 2 _ ââ¡a University of California, Berkeleyâ
Title | Sources |
Acquisition of Chinese Verb Separation by Adult L2 Learners | |
The acquisition of morphophonology, 1978: | |
Action and language mechanisms in the brain: data, models and neuroinformatics | |
AphasiaBank: a resource for clinicians | |
AphasiaBank as BigData | |
Automated analysis of the Cinderella story | |
Automated Proposition Density Analysis for Discourse in Aphasia | |
Automatic parsing of parental verbal input | |
Automation of the Northwestern Narrative Language Analysis System | |
"Better But No Cigar": Persons with Aphasia Speak about their Speech | |
Challenges facing COS development for aphasia | |
CHAT manual: 22 June 1988 : manual for use of the CHAT transcription coding system of the Child Language Data Exchange System | |
Childes-BIB an annotated bibliography of child language and language disorders | |
CHILDES project. | |
CLAN for IBM-PC | |
Communication and Psychosocial Outcomes 2-Years After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Development of a Prognostic Model | |
Communicative Strengths in Severe Aphasia: The Famous People Protocol and Its Value in Planning Treatment | |
A Comparison of Manual Versus Automated Quantitative Production Analysis of Connected Speech | |
Competing motivations in grammar and usage | |
Computational models of child language learning: an introduction | |
Conversational topics discussed by individuals with severe traumatic brain injury and their communication partners during sub-acute recovery | |
The Crosslinguistic study of sentence processing | |
Cue validity and sentence interpretation in English, German, and Italian | |
The database | |
Developmental Sentence Scoring for Japanese (DSSJ). | |
Discourse Characteristics in Aphasia Beyond the Western Aphasia Battery Cutoff | |
Dynamic Norming and Open Science | |
Early lexical development in a self-organizing neural network | |
The Effects of Right Hemisphere Brain Damage on Question-Asking in Conversation | |
Embodiment, ego-space, and action | |
The emergence of competing modules in bilingualism. | |
Examining Language Selection Mechanism in Bilingual Lexical Access | |
Expanding the emergentist Account:Reply to open peer commentaries | |
Extending the Competition Model | |
Fluency Bank: A new resource for fluency research and practice | |
The formulation of argument structure in SLI: an eye-movement study. | |
Fostering human rights through TalkBank | |
handbook of language emergence | |
The Hebrew CHILDES corpus: transcription and morphological analysis | |
HomeBank: An Online Repository of Daylong Child-Centered Audio Recordings. | |
Improving Automatic IPSyn Coding | |
Introducing Phon: A Software Solution for the Study of Phonological Acquisition | |
Is Collaborative Open Science Possible With Speech Data in Psychiatric Disorders? | |
Is Putting SUGAR (Sampling Utterances of Grammatical Analysis Revised) Into Language Sample Analysis a Good Thing? A Response to Pavelko and Owens (2017) | |
KyÅ kara tsukaeru hatsuwa dÄtabÄsu CHILDES nyÅ«mon | |
Language Sample Analysis With TalkBank: An Update and Review | |
Long-term Recovery in Stroke Accompanied by Aphasia: A Reconsideration | |
Mechanisms of language aquisition [i.e. acquisition] [the 20th Annual Carnegie Symposium on Cognition] | |
A multiple process solution to the logical problem of language acquisition | |
The Mutual Exclusivity Bias in Children's Word Learning | |
n78071345 | |
Neuroemergentism: Levels and constraints | |
No negative evidence revisited: Beyond learnability or who has to prove what to whom | |
PatPho: a phonological pattern generator for neural networks | |
Patterns of narrative discourse in early recovery following severe Traumatic Brain Injury | |
Phonological memory and vocabulary learning in children with focal lesions | |
Phonological Priming With Nonwords in Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment | |
Procedural discourse performance in adults with severe traumatic brain injury at 3 and 6 months post injury | |
Publication Bias and the Validity of Evidence: What's the Connection? | |
The Relationship Between Confrontation Naming and Story Gist Production in Aphasia. | |
Sec. de: Fletcher, Paul (Paul J.). Compêndio da linguagem... 1997. | |
Second-Language Acquisition from a Functionalist Perspective: Pragmatic, Semantic, and Perceptual Strategies | |
Sentence processing in children with early unilateral brain injury. | |
Topic as a starting point for syntax | |
Transcribing, searching and data sharing: The CLAN software and the TalkBank data repository | |
Transcription format and programs | |
Translation norms for English and Spanish: the role of lexical variables, word class, and L2 proficiency in negotiating translation ambiguity | |
Understanding spoken language through TalkBank | |
Use of Computerized Language Analysis to Assess Child Language | |
Using AphasiaBank for Discourse Assessment | |
Validation of an Automated Procedure for Calculating Core Lexicon From Transcripts | |
What we have learned | |
Your Laptop to the Rescue: Using the Child Language Data Exchange System Archive and CLAN Utilities to Improve Child Language Sample Analysis | |
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