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Introducing mozilla/RangedPtr.h: a smart pointer for members of buffers

Tags: , , , , — Jeff @ 15:17


Suppose you’re implementing a method which searches for -- as part of an HTML parser:

bool containsDashDash(const char* chars, size_t length)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
    if (chars[i] != '-')
    if (chars[i + 1] == '-')
      return true;
  return false;

But your method contains a bug! Can you spot it?

The buffer bounds-checking problem

The problem with the above implementation is that the bounds-checking is off. If chars doesn’t contain -- but ends with a -, then chars[i + 1] will read past the end of chars. Sometimes that might be harmless; other times it might be an exploitable security vulnerability.

The most obvious way to fix this in C++ is to pass an object which encapsulates both characters and length together, so you can’t use the characters except in accordance with the length. If you were using std::string, for example, accessing characters by [] or at() would generally assert or throw an exception for out-of-bounds access.

For one reason or another, however, you might not want to use an encapsulated type. In a parser, for example, you probably would want to use a pointer to process the input string, because the compiler might not be able to optimize an index into the equivalent pointer.

Is there a way to get “safety” via debug assertions or similar without giving up a pointer interface?

Introducing RangedPtr

We’re talking C++, so of course the answer is yes, and of course the answer is a smart pointer class.

The Mozilla Framework Based on Templates in mozilla-central now includes a RangedPtr<T> class. It’s defined in mfbt/RangedPtr.h and can be #included from mozilla/RangedPtr.h. RangedPtr stores a pointer, and in debug builds it stores start and end pointers fixed at construction time. Operations on the smart pointer — indexing, deriving new pointers through addition or subtraction, dereferencing, &c. — assert in debug builds that they don’t exceed the range specified by the start and end pointers. Indexing and dereferencing are restricted to the half-open range [start, end); new-pointer derivation is restricted to the range [start, end] to permit sentinel pointers. (It’s possible for start == end, although you can’t really do anything with such a pointer.)

The RangedPtr interface is pretty straightforward, supporting these constructors:

#include "mozilla/RangedPtr.h"

int nums[] = { 1, 2, 5, 3 };
RangedPtr<int> p1(nums, nums, nums + 4);
RangedPtr<int> p2(nums, nums, 4); // short for (nums, nums, nums + 4)
RangedPtr<int> p3(nums, 4); // short for (nums, nums, nums + 4)
RangedPtr<int> p4(nums); // short for (nums, length(nums))

RangedPtr<T> supports all the usual actions you’d expect from a pointer — indexing, dereferencing, addition, subtraction, assignment, equality and comparisons, and so on. All methods assert self-correctness as far as is possible in debug builds. RangedPtr<T> differs from T* only in that it doesn’t implicitly convert to T*: use get() method to get the corresponding T*. In addition to being explicit and consistent with nsCOMPtr and nsRefPtr, this will serve as a nudge to consider changing the relevant code to use RangedPtr instead of a raw pointer. But in essence RangedPtr is a pretty easy drop-in replacement for raw pointers in buffers. For example, adjusting containsDashDash to use it to assert in-rangeness is basically a single-line change:

#include "mozilla/RangedPtr.h"

bool containsDashDash(const char* charsRaw, size_t length)
  RangedPtr<const char> chars(charsRaw, length);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++)
    if (chars[i] != '-')
    if (chars[i + 1] == '-')
      return true;
  return false;

(And to resolve all loose ends, if you wanted containsDashDash to be correct, you’d change the loop to go from 1 rather than 0 and would check chars[i - 1] and chars[i]. Thanks go to Neil in comments for noting this.)

A minor demerit of RangedPtr

RangedPtr is extremely lightweight and should almost always be as efficient as a raw pointer, even as it provides debug-build correctness checking. The sole exception is that, for sadmaking ABI reasons, using RangedPtr<T> as an argument to a method may be slightly less efficient than using a T* (passed-on-the-stack versus passed-in-a-register, to be precise). Most of the time the cost will be negligible, and if the method is inlined there probably won’t be any cost at all, but it’s worth pointing out as a potential concern if performance is super-critical.

Bottom line

Raw pointers into buffers bad, smart RangedPtrs into buffers good. Go forth and use RangedPtr throughout Mozilla code!


I feel the need…the need for JSON parsing correctness and speed!

JSON and SpiderMonkey

JSON is a handy serialization format for passing data between servers and browsers and between independent, cooperating web pages. It’s increasingly the format of choice for website APIs.

ECMAScript 5 (the standard underlying JavaScript) includes built-in support for producing and parsing JSON. SpiderMonkey has included such support since before ES5 added it.

SpiderMonkey’s support, because it predated ES5, hasn’t always agreed with ES5. Also, because JSON support was added before it became ubiquitous on the web, it wasn’t written with raw speed in mind.

Improving JSON.parse

We’ve now improved JSON parsing in Firefox 5 to be fast and fully conformant with ES5. For awhile we’ve made improvements to JSON by piecemeal change. This worked for small bug fixes, and it probably would have worked to fix the remaining conformance bugs. But performance is different: to improve performance we needed to parse in a fundamentally different way. It was time for a rewrite.

What parsing bugs got fixed?

The bugs the new parser fixes are quite small and generally shouldn’t affect sites, in part because other browsers overwhelmingly don’t have these bugs. We’ve had no compatibility reports for these fixes in the month and a half they’ve been in the tree:

  • The number syntax is properly stricter:
    • Octal numbers are now syntax errors.
    • Numbers containing a decimal point must now include a fractional component (i.e. 1. is no longer accepted).
  • JSON.parse("this") now throws a SyntaxError rather than evaluate to true, due to a mistake reusing our keyword parser. (Hysterically, because we used our JSON parser to optimize eval in certain cases, this change means that eval("(this)") will no longer evaluate to true.)
  • Strings can’t contain tab characters: JSON.parse('"\t"') now properly throws a SyntaxError.

This list of changes should be complete, but it’s possible I’ve missed others. Parsing might be a solved problem in the compiler literature, but it’s still pretty complicated. I could have missed lurking bugs in the old parser, and it’s possible (although I think less likely) that I’ve introduced bugs in the new parser.

What about speed?

The new parser is much faster than the old one. Exactly how fast depends on the data you’re parsing. For example, on Opera’s simple parse test, I get around 156000 times/second in Firefox 4, but in Firefox 5 with the new JSON parser I get around 339000 times/second (bigger is better). On a second testcase, Kraken’s JSON.parse test (json-parse-financial, to be precise), I get a 4.0 time of around 140ms and a 5.0 time of around 100ms (smaller is better). (In both cases I’m comparing builds containing far more JavaScript changes than just the new parser, to be sure. But I’m pretty sure the bulk of the performance improvements in these two cases are due to the new parser.) The new JSON parser puts us solidly in the center of the browser pack.

It’ll only get better in the future as we wring even more speed out of SpiderMonkey. After all, on the same system used to generate the above numbers, IE gets around 510000 times/second. I expect further speedup will happen during more generalized performance improvements: improving the speed of defining new properties, improving the speed with which objects are allocated, improving the speed of creating a property name from a string, and so on. As we perform such streamlining, we’ll parse JSON even faster.

Side benefit: better error messages

The parser rewrite also gives JSON.parse better error messages. With the old parser it would have been difficult to provide useful feedback, but in the new parser it’s easy to briefly describe the reason for syntax errors.

js> JSON.parse('{ foo: 17 }'); // unquoted property name
(old) typein:1: SyntaxError: JSON.parse
(new) typein:1: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: expected property name or '}'

We can definitely do more here, perhaps by including context for the error from the provided string, but this is nevertheless a marked improvement over the old parser’s error messages.

Bottom line

JSON.parse in Firefox 5 is faster, follows the spec, and tells you what went wrong if you give it bad data. ’nuff said.