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Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?
Follow @EclipseFdn, the Official Eclipse Foundation Twitter handle!
Follow @EclipseCon, the EclipseCon Conferences Twitter handle!
The people listed below are part of the greater Eclipse community on Twitter.
- Chris Aniszczyk
- Neil Bartlett
- Heiko Behrens
- Alex Blewitt
- Nick Boldt
- Boris Bokowski
- Jordi Böhme López
- Marcel Bruch
- Ian Bull
- Benjamin Cabé
- Christian Campo
- David Carver
- Eric Cloninger
- Zviki Cohen
- Ralf Ebert
- Nick Edgar
- Sven Efftinge
- James E. Ervin
- Stefan Ferber
- Peter Friese
- Lori Fraleigh
- Doug Gaff
- Lynn Gayowski
- Ekkehard Gentz
- Oisin Hurley
- Ayushman Jain
- Wim Jongman
- Mustafa K. Isik
- Mik Kersten
- Markus Kohler
- Eugene Kuleshov
- Scott Lewis
- Martin Lippert
- Jeff McAffer
- Ed Merks
- Mike Milinkovich
- Kim Moir
- Benjamin Muskalla
- Martin Oberhuber
- Jack Repenning
- Doug Schaefer
- Ankur Sharma
- Vineet Sinha
- Ian Skerrett
- Holger Staudacher
- Fabian Steeg
- James Sugrue
- Darin Swanson
- Kai Tödter
- Gunnar Wagenknecht
- Lars Vogel
- Elias Volanakis
- Jens von Pilgrim
- Prakash G.R.
- Gorkem Ercan
- Xavier Maysonnave
- Mariot Chauvin
- Pieter Humphrey
- Glyn Normington
- Ralf Sternberg
- Dimitris Kolovos
- Louis Rose
- Freddy Allilaire
- Cedric Brun
- Jérôme Benois
- Etienne Juliot
- Max Hohenegger
- Wayne Beaton
- Christopher Guindon
Organizations and projects
- Planet Eclipse
- EclipseSource
- Maven integration for Eclipse
- nWire Software
- EclipseZone
- Groovy Eclipse
- Xtext
- SWT Bug Fix bot
- Eclipse Tips
- Virgo project (#VirgoRT)
- Epsilon
- EMFText
- Code Recommenders
- EMFStore
- EMFClient Platform
Twitter Clients
I highly recommend TweetDeck for your desktop, TwitterFon for your iPhone, and TwitterBerry for Blackberry. Stay tuned for an Eclipse RCP/ECF-based Twitter client!
TwitterFox is a very nice Twitter client for FireFox. And Twittervision for a little Google Earth like fun in between.