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Nambyo: ALS / MND etc. 2009

2008 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014
[Japanese] / [Korean]

What's New

◆ NAGAOKA Hiroshi November 26, 2009 "Comfort of Death"

◆ Our collaborative research project with Japan ALS Association is introduced in the newsletter (Issue 26) of International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations.

Newspaper Articles

◆ December 7, 2009 "Doctors in Moral Dilemma with ALS" (The Japan Times)

Theme-related Events

August 1-2, 2009 NEC Seminar to Support Communication of People with ALS/MND - Communication for Life
 at Ritsumeikan University


The Forum for ALS Patients Treatment and Care, at Taipei Garden Hotel
 Tateiwa, Shin'ya June 20, 2009 Message (Chinese, Japanese)

February 21, 2009 International Symposium"Research on Home Care of Patients with ALS in East Asia"
 at Ritsumeikan University

Published Articles and Public Lectures on ALS etc.
Authored by the faculties and students of the Research Center of Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko December 15, 2009 Maybe she just wants to breathe,Igaku-Shoin,270p. ISBN-10: 4260010034 ISBN-13: 978-4260010030 2100yen [amazon][kinokuniya]

『Undying Body: Living in a Daily Life with the View of ALS』

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko & KONAGAYA Momoe (eds.) August 10, 2009 Pocket Guide of Using Ventilators at Home: Life and Support, Ishiyaku Shuppan, 212p. ISBN-10:4263235290 ISBN-13:9784263235294 2730

『在宅人工呼吸器ポケットマニュアル 』

TATEIWA Shin'ya August 10, 2009 "Decision of Ventilator?", Kawaguchi & Konagaya (eds.) Pocket Guide of Using Ventilators at Home: Life and Support, Ishiyaku Shuppan, 212p. ISBN-10:4263235290 ISBN-13:9784263235294 2730

◆ July 29, 2009 NPO in Kyoto Makes Handmade Censer-Switch to Support Severely Disabled People Living Independently Kyoto Shimbun Morning Edition:26


TATEIWA Shin'ya June 20, 2009 "Message", The Forum for ALS Patients Treatment and Care, at Taipei Garden Hotel Chinese

HOTTA Yoshitaro, ABE Akira, MATOBA Kazuko & ARIMA Hitoshi May 9, 2009 "The Importance of Social Support in Decision Making regarding Terminal Care: What ALS Patients in Japan can Teach us", Poster Presentation at 11th Congress of the EAPC, Vienna, Austria

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko March 15, 2009 "Home Care of ALS Patients"
Report at Section Meeting of Japan Academy of Home Care, Osaka Prefecture University

HASEGAWA Yui & HOTTA Yoshitaro March 14, 2009 "Problems on Supporting Incurable Disease Patients to Start Living Alone in Community," Kansai Area Meeting of Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology

NAKAGUCHI Michiko March 14, 2009 "Challenges in Helping Patients with Intractable Diseases to Start Living within a Community - Leaving Hospital and Staying Home," Kansai Area Meeting of the Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology.

◆ ITO Kayoko March. 14, 2009 "On Supporting Patients in Need of Long-Term Care to Become Independent - A Case Study of Musculer Dystrophy Patients," Kansai Area Meeting of the Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology.

NISHIDA Miki March 14, 2009 "Discussion of Mental Support for Patients with Intractable Diseases Who Live in Communities," Kansai Area Meeting of the Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology.

◆ HANDA Koichi & YAMAMOTO Shinsuke March 1, 2009 "Space ALS-D: Care x Dance x Buildings," The International Research Forum "Anthropology of Life Design and Well-being, Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus

NISHIDA Miki February 25, 2009 "Supporting a Single ALS Patient to Start Living Independently (1)" Ars Vivendi 1: 165-183

HASEGAWA Yui February 25, 2009 "Supporting a Single ALS Patient to Start Living Independently (2): June 2008 Ars Vivendi 1:

YAMAMOTO Shinsuke February 25, 2009 "Assistance of Transition of ALS Patients' Living Alone at Home (3): July 2008" Ars Vivendi 1: 201-217

HOTTA Yoshitaro February 25, 2009 "Assistance of Transition of ALS Patients' Living Alone at Home (4)" Ars Vivendi 1:

◆ February 21, 2009 International Symposium"Research on Home Care of Patients with ALS in East Asia"

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko February 1, 2009 "Expectation toward Care Establishing with Japanese Unique One, such as ALS Care" (Article in the Cover Stories) , Hoken no Kagaku February 2009, Vol. 51, Kyorin Shoin

KAWAGUCHI Yumiko January 2009 "Challenges on Introduction and Limitation of Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation for Home Cared ALS Patients: From the Positions of Patients, Families and Care Givers"

MATSUBARA Yoko January 24, 2009 "Everyday Life with a Home Ventilator and Communication Aid Devices: A Case of Japanese Patient with ALS," Workshop on The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care, Ritsumeikan University [abstract]

HOTTA Yoshitaro January 24, 2009 "Between Medical Equipments and Home Appliances," Workshop on The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care, Ritsumeikan University [abstract]/ [PowerPoint]

NISHIDA Miki January 18, 2009 Lecture "Medical Care and Support for Users of Visiting Care for Severely Diseased Patients: Focusing on ALS Patients" Training Seminar organized by JCIL

UP:July 20, 2007 REV:August 2, 2009/August 10, 2009/August 27, 2009/February 19, 2010/February 22, 2010/March 4, 2010/August 4, 2010/June 4, 2012/February 21, 2014
* Bioehtics