NOZAKI Yasunobu March 15, 2015
Exceeding the Society People Fall Togther: Toward Unconditional Life Affirmation!,Chikuma Shobo, 240p. ISBN-10: 448001618X ISBN-13: 978-4480016188 1500+
[kinokuniya] ※ ds.
(From "BOOK" Database)
Is "being hard to live" your fault? This society selects our lives, grades them and requires sacrifice. This is a book with hope that focuses on issues disabled persons have and presents ethics which resists the "structure of sacrifices".
■Table of Contents
Introduction 011
■ Sacrifices and Ethics
■ Issues of Disabled Persons and Sacrifices
■ Organization of This Book
Chapter 1 Attempt to Unconditionally Affirm People's Lives 017
1 What Is Unconditional Life Affirmation? 018
■ Toward Ethics which Affirms Existence Itself
■ Conditions Are not Required to Affirm Existence
■ My "Reality"
■ Thoughts of "Sacrifices" which Impose Conditions on Survival
2 Problems of Utilitarianism 028
■ Thoughts of Utilitarianism which Permits Minorities' Sacrifices
■ Solving the Dilemma of Reality?
■ Utilitarianism that Clears Debt to Bear
■ Ethical Rule Making that Takes Away Fundamental Freedom
■ Confusion of Reality and Ethics
Chapter 2 What Is Ethics? 047
1 What Kind of Study Is Ethics? 048
■ Image of Ethics
■ Ethics Is not Social Politics
■ Ethics Questions "What to Do to Have a Rich Life with Others"
2 Who Are Others We Have a Rich Life with? 055
■ Who Are Others We Should Live Richly with?
■ The Problem whether the Society Accepts a Person as a Member of the Society
■ Does the Existence that Is Left by the Society Have to Accuse?
■ Response to Call from Others
■ Importance of Being Logical
3 Living "Together" 070
■ Japanese Society which Encourages (People's) "Falling Together"
■ Japanese Society which Produces (People's) "Falling Together" as a Result of Codependence
■ Direct Involvement in the "Field"
■ Toward the Society Everyone Can Support
4 What Is "Richness"? 084
■ "Living Richly"
■ Economics and Utilitarianism
■ "Richness" which Rejects Supremacy of Economic Growth
■ Sacrifices and "Richness"
Chapter 3 Considering the Issues of Disabled Persons as the Issues of Sacrifices 099
1 Why Are the Issues of Disabled Persons the Issues of Sacrifices? 100
■ Japanese Society which Forces Everyone's Tolerance
■ The Essence of the Issues is the Issues of Sacrifices
■ What Is "Rationality" of "Reasonable Accommodation"?
2 Selecting Lives that Are Delivered 108
■ What Does Prenatal Testing Enable Us to Find Out?
■ What Are the Issues of Prenatal Diagnosis?
■ Questioning the View of Disability on the Side of Medical Staffs
■ Inadequate Social Support
■ Eugenic Thoughts which Select Lives
■ Noninvasive Prenatal Testing and Eugenic Thoughts
■ What Are Issues of the Japan Obstetric Compensation System for Cerebral Palsy?
■ What Are the Real Issues of Prenatal Testing?
3 Death with Dignity and Sacrifices 122
■ What Is Euthanasia / Death with Dignity?
■ Euthanasia / Death with Dignity in Japan
■ Euthanasia / Death with Dignity in Other Countries
■ Insistence of Japan Society for Dying with Dignity
■ Counterattack against Insistence of Death with Dignity
■ Considering Death with Dignity as Issues of Sacrifices
4 Japanese Education which Selects Lives 138
■ "Developmental Approarch" and "Symbiosis Education"
■ Toward a Different Way from "Anti-developmental Approarch"
■ Development as "Meeting the Existence that Is Different from Me"
■ What Are Original Purposes of Education?
Chapter 4 Re-construction of Ethics 155
1 Triage Issue 156
■ What Is Triage?
■ Question whether "Triage Can Be Accepted Ethically"
■ Is It Delusive to Accept the Issue as a Way of Response?
■ What Should Be Questioned Truly Is the Acts of Persons who Are not Victims of a Disaster
2 Japanese Society that Force People in a Corner and People who Are Pushed into a Corner 165
■ Deciding by Oneself with Supports
■ What Do You Think about Crimes of "People who Are Pushed into a Corner"?
■ People who Are Pushed into a Corner Have Nothing Left to Say except that They Will Do Anything
■ Criticizing Japanese Society that Causes Division
3 Free Self and Responsibility 177
■ Existence of Others that Enables Myself to Exist
■ "Freedom of Choice and Behavior" and "Fundamental Freedom"
■ Occurrence of "Freedom" Known by Response to Others
■ Responsibility to Others and Free Self
■ There Is no End to Subjectification
■ Resisting Japanese Society which Rejects Subjectification
4 Ethics which Confronts Authority 189
■ "Dignity" of Lives and "Lives"
■ Authority that Selects "Lives" of Disabled Persons
■ Thinking of "Anyhow"
■ Is It Really the Issue that It Has Nothing to Do with Me?
■ Resisting Sacrifices of "Lives"
5 How Should We Resist the Reality that Forces "Anyhow"? 202
■ "Irresponsible Society" in which Different Opinions Are Restricted
■ How to Resist Authority: From My Own Experiences
■ It Is not "Disdain for the Public"
■ Disabled People's Movements to Acquire the Transportation Access Rights
■ Meaning of Active Involvement in Social Movements
Conclusion Ethics Resisting Japanese Society that Sacrifices Disabled People 219
Afterword 225