■Current Position:
◆Associate Professor,
Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
■Areas of Interest:
■Academic Achievements
◆September 25, 2011
Discovery of Aging and Frailty, Kadokawa Gakugei Shuppan Publishing, 256p. ISBN-10:4047034959 ISBN-13: 978-4047034952 1890
[kinokuniya] ※
TATEIWA Shin'ya & AMADA Josuke March 25, 2011 "Ars Vivendi: The Contemporary History of Disability and Society No.1," (Long Interview)
Ars Vivendi Vol.3:6-90
◆AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin, 522p. ISBN-10: 4903690733 ISBN-13: 9784903690735 3150
[kinokuniya] ※
◆March 25, 2011 "Policies and History of Aging," pp.126-147 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Economics of Medical Nation in Postwar Japanese Society," pp.148-175 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Detention to Surplus of Family and Residue of Security: (Un)production of Family and Policies over Aging in the Postwar Period," pp.349-372 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Governance of "Fragile Lives": Difficulties in "Application" of Theory of Governance to Elderly Care," pp.374-412 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Overlapping Scream: We Live with / Leave from Families to Live," pp.413-437 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Turning "Generation" into a System of Thought: Receiving "Conflicts between Generations" and Questioning them," pp.438-465 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Considering Society where Date and Place Are Impressed: Several Issues that Academics Should Deal with," pp.466-480 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Those who Touch the Bottom Lose Voices and Provides Voices: Cruel Knots over "Aging and Frailty,"" pp.481-507 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging," pp.508-518 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆March 25, 2011 "Afterword," pp.519-522 AMADA Josuke,
KITAMURA Kentaro &
HOTTA Yoshitaro (Eds.) March 25, 2011
Governing Aging: Policies and History of Aging Seikatsu Shoin
◆November 20, 2010 "On Thoughts and Political System: Memorandums on Psychiatric Medicine and Relocation Centers in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", pp. 13-65,
YAMAMOTO Takanori & TAKAHASHI Shinichi (Eds.)
Dynamics of "Differences": Practical Challenges of Research and Methodology on Minority,
Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.14, ISSN 1882-6539 ※
◆October 15, 2010 "Those who Are Touching the Bottom Lose Voices and Provides Voices: Cruel Knots of 'Aging and Frailty',"
MIYAUCH Hiroshi & YOSHII Hiroaki (Eds.)
Sociology of "Involved Persons": Through Encounters in Research, Kitaohji Shobo, 207+xvip. ISBN-10:4762827304 ISBN-13: 978-4762827303 2940 yen
◆AMADA Josuke,
MURAKAMI Kiyoshi &
YAMAMOTO Takanori March 20, 2010 "Production/Labor/Distribution/Discrimination"(Round-table Discussion)
Ars Vivendi 2:14-70
◆March 10, 2010 "Sociology of Communication: Toward Resolutions of Bearing up what Are Difficult to Bear up and Enduring what Are Difficult to Endure," pp.142-167 HAYASAKA Yuko, HIROI Yoshinori & AMADA Josuke (Eds.)
Wings of Sociology: For those who Study Medical Care, Nursing and Welfare,Minerva Shobo,ISBN-10: 4623056309 ISBN-13: 978-4623056309 2730 yen
◆HAYASAKA Yuko, HIROI Yoshinori & AMADA Josuke (Eds.) March 10, 2010
Wings of Sociology: For those who Study Medical Care, Nursing and Welfare,Minerva Shobo,x+260p. ISBN-10: 4623056309 ISBN-13: 978-4623056309 2730 yen
◆March 10, 2010
Sociology of 'Aging and Frailty' (Enlarged and Revised Edition),Taga Shuppan,vi+683p. ISBN-10: 4811575717 ISBN-13: 978-4811575711 4,200yen
◆June 14, 2009
"We Need Enough Discussion on Medical Care",
The Kyoto Shimbun Morning Edition:3
TATEIWA Shin'ya,
OTANI Izumi, AMADA Josuke,
KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki &
HOTTA Yoshitaro February 25, 2009 "Critical Point of Ars Vivendi (1)" (Round Table Discussion)
Ars Vivendi 1 :6-22
OTANI Izumi, AMADA Josuke,
TATEIWA Shin'ya,
KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki &
HOTTA Yoshitaro February 25, 2009 "Critical Point of Ars Vivendi (2)" (Round Table Discussion)
Ars Vivendi 1 :112-130
◆AMADA Josuke,
TATEIWA Shin'ya,
OTANI Izumi,
KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki &
HOTTA Yoshitaro February 25, 2009 "Critical Point of Ars Vivendi (3)" (Round Table Discussion)
Ars Vivendi 1 :236-264
ARIMA Hitoshi & AMADA Josuke (eds.) January 30, 2009
Special Symposium "Narrative, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. FRANK", Report Issued by Research Center Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.5, 2009. 243p. ISSN 1882-6539
◆August 1, 2008 "Rehabilitation No.1" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.13)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-05(2008-05):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-13.htm (Japanese)
◆July 31, 2008 Comment,
"Logic and Ethics of Care: Nursing Care, Emotion and Labor", Ritsumeikan University
NAKAGUCHI Michiko & AMADA Josuke June 20 2008 Poster Presentation
"Point for Occupational Therapists' Supporting Life of the Elderly with Dementia: Referring to Academic Journals Issued by Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists from 2000 through 2007" (Japanese)
The 42nd Japanese Ocuupational Therapy and Expo, Nagasaki
◆June 15, 2008 "Making this World be Sociology No.6" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 2: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-6) (Miwa Shoten)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs08-6s.htm (Japanese)
◆June 7, 2008 Comment,
Special Symposium "Narrative, Trauma and Ethics: Welcoming Dr. Arthur W. FRANK", Ritsumeikan University
◆June 1, 2008 "Population No.1" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.14)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-06(2008-06):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-14.htm (Japanese)
◆May 28, 2008 "Not Decided yet" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 6: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-6) (Miwa Shoten)
◆May 15, 2008 "Unsolved Questions: Over Values of Existence/Life"
Kanwa Kea 18-3 (Special Topic "Palliative Care in the Age of Old: How we Perceiveit and Practice")
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp52.html (Japanese)
◆May 9, 2008 "People's Practice and its History over Being Old and Weakening: on Ironic and Dangerous Situation Appearing as a Result of Saving Ourselves"
UENO Chizuko, OKUMA Yukiko, OSAWA Mari, JINNO Naohiko & SOEDA Yoshiya (eds.)
Care (
Care: Its Thoughts and Practice (Total 6 Volumes) Volume 2, Iwanami Shoten
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp17.html (Japanese)
◆April 28, 2008 "Not Decided yet" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 5: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-5) (Miwa Shoten)
◆April 1, 2008 "Euthanasia No.1" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.12)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-04(2008-04):- (Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-12.htm (Japanese)
◆March 30, 2008 "Ethics of Old Age: From/To Capability that Portrays Old Age"
Issued by Japanese Society for Ethics,
Rinrigaku Nenpo 57, 63-78
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp48.html (Japanese)
◆March 28, 2008 "Not Decided yet" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 4: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-4) (Miwa Shoten)
◆March 7, 2008 "Questions to Professor Kurihara" & "Postscript"
Reseach Center Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University
From/To Time Space: Kurihara, Akira and Inaba, Masaki who Talk about Minamata/Africa (Report by Research Center Ars Vivendi No.2) pp.155-157
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp50.html (Japanese)
◆March 1, 2008 "Care No.3" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.11)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-03(2008-03):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-11.htm (Japanese)
◆March 1, 2008 "Structure of Economy of Donation of Death and Price: Older People's Strategies of Living"
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):82-101
◆February 29, 2008 "Comment",
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan YOUNG", Report Issued by Research Center of Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:84-87.
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp49.html (Japanese)
◆February 28, 2008 "Not Decided yet" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 3: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-3) (Miwa Shoten)
◆February 1, 2008 "Care No.3" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.10)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-02(2008-02):-(Igaku Shoin)
◆January 28, 2008 "Making this World be Sociology No.2" (Culture Courses for OT, Lesson 2: Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru(42-2), (Miwa Shoten)
◆January 1, 2008 "Care No.2" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.9)
Kangogaku Zasshi 72-01(2008-01):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-9.htm (Japanese)
◆2007 "Some Difficulties over Research Practices: Conflicts, Friction, Cracks, Dissociation and Clashes"
Research Series Human Service Research Series No.5 Considering Research Ethics:133-145,Institute of Human Sciences of Ritsumeikan University
http://www.ritsumeihuman.com/hsrc/resource/05/open_reseach05.html (Japanese)
◆December 2007 "Escaping both from the Abysmal Difficulty of Escaping and the Unescapable Burden"
Gekkan Musubu (Issue of Deecember 2007, No.443), Roshinantesha
http://www9.big.or.jp/~musub/ (Japanese)
◆December 27, 2007 "On Dissipated Sociology" (Cultural Course for OT, Lesson1:Sociology)
Sagyo Ryoho Janaru (42-1), Miwa Shoten
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs08-1s.htm (Japanese)
◆December 6, 2007 "Society over Aging"
"Special Lecture on Modern Sociology", Graduate School of Integrated Human and Social Welfare Studies at Shukutoku University, Shukutoku University
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp071206.htm (Japanese)
◆December 1, 2007 "Care No.1" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.8)
Kangogaku Zasshi 71-12(2007-12):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-8.htm (Japanese)
◆November 19, 2007 "Aging that Death Abandons No.3"
Study Group on Aging and Death, University of Hawaii at Manoa
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp071119.htm (Japanese)
◆November 1, 2007 "Aging No.7" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.7)
Kangogaku Zasshi 71-11(2007-11):-(Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-7.htm (Japanese)
◆October 2007 "Aging that Death Abandons: Serious Conditions and Logics that Fights off Ethics"
Igaku Tetsugaku Igaku Rinri24
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp40.htm (Japanese)
◆October 21, 2007 Comment
The 11th Symposium of the Course for Citizens on Hospice, Konan University
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp071021.htm (Japanese)
◆October 14, 2007 "Preface of Sociology of "Ethics of Aging""
The 58th Annual Convention of the Japanese Society for Ethics, Common Issues: Symposium on "Aging", Niigata University
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp071014.htm (Japanese)
◆October 1, 2007 "Book Review:
Ethnography of the Community of "People without Their Whereabouts": Opposed Culture of People with Disabilities and Foreigners Written by YAMAMOTO Naomi"
Shakai Fukushi Kenkyu 100 (October 2007 Issue)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp45.htm (Japanese)
◆October 1, 2007 "Aging No.6" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.6)
Kangogaku Zasshi 71-10 (2007-10) (Igaku Shoin)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-6.htm (Japanese)
◆September 30, 2007 "Orienting the Position of Welfare Volunteer: What Is Lost by Commendation of the Value of Living and Connection"
ASAKURA Mie & SANBONMATSU Masayuki (eds.)
Theory of Welfare Volunteer Yuhikaku, pp.85-102
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp16.htm (Japanese)
◆September 10, 2007 "Aging Bodies: Where is the Boundary of Differences of Bodies?"
TASC MONTHLY (Issued by TASK) September 2007 Issue (No.381)
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp42.htm (Japanese)
◆September 9, 2007 Comment
Section Meeting of National Seminar on Unit Care, Cultural Promotion Corporation in Shiga Prefecture
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp070909.htm (Japanese)
◆September 8, 2007 Chairperson of "Care and Support between Generations"
The 17th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Family Sociology, Sapporo Gakuin University
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp070908.htm (Japanese)
◆September 6, 2007 "Asking Professor KURIHARA Akira No.1"
Global COE Program Ars Vivendi "Inquiry in History: Asking Professor KURIHARA Akira" (Japanese), Ritsumeikan University
◆September 1, 2007 "Aging No.5" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.5)
Kangogaku Zasshi 71-09 (2007-09) Igaku Shoin
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-5.htm (Japanese)
◆August 12, 2007 The Whole Comment
Pre-seminar on Dementia, Hito/Machi Koryukan
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp070812.htm (Japanese)
◆August 3, 2007 "What and how do We Describe? No.2"
Study Group of National Nursing Education in Kyushu Region in Fiscal 2007, KKR Hotel Hakata
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp070803.htm (Japanese)
◆August 2, 2007 "Making Different Bodies Be Sociology: Focusing on Aging, Disability and Disease"
Study Group on Stigma and Normalization, Osaka Prefecture University
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp070802.htm (Japanese)
◆August 1, 2007 "Aging No.4" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.4)
Kangogaku Zasshi 71-08 (2007-08) Igaku Shoin
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-4.htm (Japanese)
◆July 22, 2007 "On Danger of Questioning Human Beings"
Lecture of "Human Studies" Held by NHK Gakuen, Kansai University
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp070722.htm (Japanese)
◆July 21, 2007 Comment on the Whole Discussion
History of PTSD and "Memories": Welcoming Dr. Allan YOUNG
◆July 1, 2007 "Aging No.3" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.3)
Kangogaku Zasshi 71-07 (2007-07) Igaku Shoin
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-3.htm (Japanese)
◆June 20, 2007 "Living with Rare Disease":89-94
OKITA Taketoshi, KUWAHARA Hideyuki & TAKAHASHI Aya (eds.)
Ethics of Care through Cases, Medica Shuppan 158p. ISBN:4840420807 ISBN-13:978-4840420808 2310yen
◆June 4, 2007 "Living with Incurable Disease", 89-91
OKITA Taketoshi, KUWAHARA Hideyuki & TAKAHASHI Aya (eds.) June 20, 2007
Ethics of Care through Cases, Medica Shuppan 158p. ISBN:4840420807 ISBN-13:978-4840420808 2310yen
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp14.htm (Japanese)
◆June 1, 2007 "Aging No.2" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.2)
Kangogaku Zasshi 71-06 (2007-06) Igaku Shoin
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-2.htm (Japanese)
◆May 2007 "Book that Provides us with Social Difficulties of Writing the Trivial World: Book Review: MITSUI Sayo & SUZUKI Tomoyuki (eds.)
Sociology of Care and Support (Japanese)
Tosho Shinbun May 2007
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/betc25.htm (Japanese)
◆May 20, 2007 Chairperson of "Care for the Aged"
The 33rd Annual Convention of the Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology, Niigata University of Health and Welfare
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp070520.htm (Japanese)
◆May 1, 2007 "Aging No.1" (In the Middle of Sensitivity of the World No.1)
Kangogaku Zasshi 71-05 (2007-05) Igaku Shoin
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bs07-1.htm (Japanese)
◆April 2007 "Living with Incurable Disease"
OKITA Taketoshi, KUWAHARA Hideyuki & TAKAHASHI Aya (eds.)
Ethcis of Care Medika Shuppan
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp14.htm (Japanese)
◆April 7, 2007 "Difficulties over Aging: How Was what Questioned?"
Construction of "Ars Vivendi", Saturday Lecture, Ritsumeikan University
◆March 31, 2007 "What and How should We Discuss Our Society?"
Issued by Shakai Fukushi Hojin Kyoto shi Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai & Kyoto shi Choju Sukoyaka Center,
Investigation Research Report on Care of the Elderly in Kyoto City in Fiscal 2006
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp41.htm (Japanese)
◆March 12, 2007 "Some Difficulties over Implementation of Research: Conflict, Chasm, Discontinuity and Antagonism
Considering Research Ethics (Business for Adjusting Open Research, "Establishment of Clinical Human Sciences", Human Service Research 5), Issued by Institute of Human Sciences at Ritsumeikan University, Edited by MATSUBARA Yoko P133-P145. P167-P168.
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp38.htm (Japanese)
◆February 15, 2007 "Derrida", "Deleuze"
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp13.htm (Japanese)
DOI Fumihiro, HAGIWARA Shuko & SAGA Ichiro (eds.)
Introduction to Sociology: Conversation with the Thinkers, Minerva Shobo, 260p. ISBN-10: 4623047369 ISBN-13: 978-4623047369 2940yen
[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
◆February 6, 2007 "Possibility/Impossibility of Radical Affirmation of Life by Double Destinies"
Hoken Iryo Shakaigaku Ronshu 17(2) P12-P27
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bpp39.htm (Japanese)
◆January 30, 2007
Sociology of Aging and Frailty (Trade Edition), Taga Shuppan, 606p. ISBN: 4-8115-6362-X 5250yen
[amazon] (Japanese)
◆January 19, 2007 "How should We Question the Limitation of Our Own Practices?"
Training Session for National Network of Takurosho and Group Home, L-Osaka
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bsp070119.htm (Japanese)
◆September 30, 2006 "Questions to/from Aging: From the Horizon of Sociology of Aging"
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp12.htm (Japanese)
HORI Shigeo (ed) September 30, 2006
Development of Educational Aging Studies, Gakubunsha, 236p. ISBN-10: 4762015911 ISBN-13: 978-4762015915 2730yen
[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
◆May 1, 2006 AMADA Josuke versus
OZAWA Isao "Starting from what Is not Cured"
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp11.htm (Japanese)
OZAWA Isao (ed) May 1, 2006
What Is Care? (Japanese), Igaku Shoin, 300p ISBN: 4-260-00266-X 2000yen
[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
◆May 1, 2006 "Social Diagnosis of the Age Ozawa, Isao has Lived: Strength for Considering Radically and Pragmatically"
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp10.htm (Japanese)
OZAWA Isao (ed) May 1, 2006
What Is Care? (Japanese), Igaku Shoin, 300p ISBN: 4-260-00266-X 2000yen
[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
◆March 30, 2004
Freedom for the Frail Elderly: Social Theory of the Elderly Care from the User's Viewpoints, Harvestsha, 394p. ISBN: 4-938551-68-3 3800yen
[honto] (Japanese)
◆March 30, 2004 "Emotions Viewed from Sociology: Emotional Labor in the Field of Nursing and Welfare", pp.119-139,
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp7.htm (Japanese)
HAYASAKA Yuko & HIROI Yoshinori (eds.)
Sociology that Leads the Future: For those who Study Nursing and Welfare (Japanese), Minerva Shobo, 264p ISBN:4-623-03993-5 2600yen
[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
◆November 10, 2003 "Removal of Diapers"/"Year of the International Aged"/"Early Dementia"/"The 100 Year-old Aged"/"Leisure"/"Retirement Community"/"Public Expenditure System of Medical Bill for the Elderly"/"Old Age",
AKIMOTO Miyo, FUJIMURA Masayuki, OSHIMA Iwao, MORIMOTO Yoshiki, SHIBANO Matsujiro & YAMAGATA Fumiharu (eds.)
The Yuhikaku Dictionary of Social Welfare (Japanese), Yuhikaku, 549p. ISBN-10: 4641002622 ISBN-13: 978-4641002623 4095yen
[amazon] (Japanese)
◆February 28, 2003
Sociology of Aging and Frailty, Taga Shuppan, 595p. ISBN: 4-8115-6361-1 8925yen
◆May 30, 2001 "Identity"/"Unintentional Result"/"Ethnomethodology"/"Giddens"/"Stereotype"/"Theory of Medium Spectrum"/"Dramaturgy"/"Habitus"/"Bourdieu"
http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp2.htm (Japanese)
FURUKAWA Kojun, SHIRASAWA Masakazu & KAWAMURA Sawako (eds.)
Glossary for Caseworkers and Care Workers, Seishin Shobo, 575p. ISBN-10: 4414605237 ISBN-13: 978-4414605235 3675yen
[amazon] (Japanese)
UP:July 3, 2008 REV:September 3, 2008/September 29, 2008/September 30, 2008/October 1, 2008/October 2, 2008/October 3, 2008/November 17, 2008/November 20, 2008/December 17, 2008/July 22, 2009/July 23, 2009/August 5, 2009/August 10, 2009/August 25, 2009/September 29, 2009/October 1, 2009/October 21, 2009/May 25, 2010/June 2, 2010/October 14, 2010/December 21, 2010/March 3, 2011/July 6, 2011/July 20, 2011/September 9, 2011/September 12, 2011/November 21, 2011/November 25, 2011/July 30, 2013/May 29, 2016