last update: 20140626
■Current Position:
Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
■Areas of Interest:
◆Scientific Theory
◆History of Science
■Academic Achievements
KOKADO Minori,
YOSHIDA Kashimi & MATSUBARA Yoko (Eds.) March 31, 2014
Technologies and Ethics concerning Reproduction: From Japanese/European Viewpoints, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.22, 240p. ISSN 1882-6539※
◆September 17, 2010 "The Patient's Experience and Cyborg Ethics,"
The 2nd Workshop The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care, The University of Bergamo
◆March 20, 2010 "Ars Vivendi our Graduate Students have Been Creating"
Ars Vivendi 2:11-13
◆August 17, 2009
"Presenting "Ars Vivendi" Boldly in the Mood of Wishing for an Early Death (1)",
AERA 22-36:87
◆January 24, 2009 "Everyday Life with a Home Ventilator and Communication Aid Devices: A Case of Japanese Patient with ALS"
Workshop on The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care, Ritsumeikan University
◆MATSUBARA Yoko & MIMA Tatsuya June 1, 2008 "Construction of Neuroethics"
Gendai Shiso 36-07(2008-6):50-68
◆SANKAI Yoshiyuki & MATSUBARA Yoko March 1, 2008 "Declaration of Cyborg Patients" (Conversation)
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):48-67
◆February 29, 2008 "Preface", Global COE Program Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University (ed.)
Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center of Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:3
◆February 14, 2008 Report,
The First Meeting of ITP-SL Study Group Ritsumeikan University
◆November 20, 2007
"Technical Knowledge and Ars Vivendi through Body with Disease and Disability" (Organizer & Report) (Japanese),
The 6th Workshop of Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies "Technical Knowledge and Ars Vivendi through Body with Disease and Disability", Tokyo Institute of Technology
◆November 4, 2007 "Reproductive Health/Rights and
Liberal Eugenics"
Symposium, The 60th Annual Convention of Kansai Society for Ethics "Reproductive Rights/Health"
SATO Tatsuya & MATSUBARA Yoko October 26, 2007 "Analysis of IT-supported Communication Opportunities for ALS Patients",
Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences 15:25-38
HIDAKA Tomoo &
SATO Tatsuya October 26, 2007 "An Attempt to Conduct ALS Patient Meetings Using the Internet",
Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences 15:141-156
◆September 30, 2007 "Outline of ALS-IT Project", Autonomy Symposium, The 4th Annual Convention for Japan Society for Qualitative Psychology, Nara Women's University
◆September 10, 2007 "Genes, Patients and Citizens", pp.63-77 TSUGE Azumi & KATO Shuichi (eds.)
Sociology of Genetic Technology (
『遺伝子技術の社会学』), Bunka Shobo Hakubunsha 3570yen
◆July 7, 2007 "Reading
Liberal Eugenics and Justice: From the Viewpoint of the History of Eugenics",
The 17th Study Group on BAS, Ritsumeikan University
◆June 20, 2007 "Works that We Conduct between Life Science and Society: World of the Science Course versus Humanities Course" (Lecture), Oin Gakuen
◆May 10, 2007 "Bioethcis Seen from the History of the Eugenic Protection Law" (Lecture), Keio University
◆MATSUBARA Yoko (Ed.) 2007
Research Series Human Service Research Series No.5 Considering Research Ethics Institute of Human Sciences of Ritsumeikan University (Japanese)
ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka February 25, 2005 "Technology on Disease and Health", pp.47-87
KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki (eds.) February 25, 2005
The Boundary of Life: Life as an Issue (
『生命の臨界――争点としての生命』), Jinbun Shoin, ISBN: 4409040723 2730yen
[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
◆February 25, 2005 ""New Genetics" and Citizens", pp.34-46,
KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki (eds.) February 25, 2005
The Boundary of Life: Life as an Issue (
『生命の臨界――争点としての生命』), Jinbun Shoin, ISBN: 4409040723 2730yen
[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki (eds.) February 25, 2005
The Boundary of Life: Life as an Issue (
『生命の臨界――争点としての生命』), Jinbun Shoin, 306p. ISBN: 4409040723 2730yen
[kinokuniya] (Japanese)
◆September 10, 2003 "History of Japanese Eugenic Law", pp.104-115
Group for Seeking Apology against Eugenic Surgery (ed)
Crimes of Eugenic Protection Law: Witness of People who Are Deprived of Children (
『優生保護法が犯した罪――子どもをもつことを奪われた人々の証言』), Gendai Shokan, 274p. ISBN:4-7684-6861-6 2400yen
[bk1] (Japanese)
◆September 10, 2002 "Historical Background of Mother's Body Protection Law", pp.35-48, SAITO Yukiko (ed)
Mother's Body Protection Law and We People: Systems and Society over Abortion, Multifetal Pregnancies and Sterilization Operation (
『母体保護法とわたしたち―中絶・多胎減数・不妊手術をめぐる制度と社会―』), Akashi Shoten, 271p. ISBN:4750316172 2100yen
[bk1] (Japanese)
◆August 22, 2002 "Gene Diagnosis and Gene Treatment", pp.126-134, "Eugenics", pp.135-141
ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka (ed)
What Is Bioethics?(
『生命倫理とは何か』), Heibonsha, 202p. ISBN:4-582-70242-2 2520yen
[bk1] (Japanese)
ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka July 20, 2000
Eugenics and Human Society: Where will the Century of Life Science Head to? (
『優生学と人間社会』), Kodansha Gendai Shinsho No.1511, 286p. ISBN:4-06-149511-9 777yen
[bk1] (Japanese)
◆December 1998 "The Enactment of Japan's Sterilization Laws in the 1940s: A Prelude to Postwar Eugenic Policy,"
Historia Scientiarum, The History of Science Society of Japan, vol.8, no.2, pp.187-201.
[MS Word, English]
■E-mail Magazines
Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.38 (December 15, 2010)
UP:July 3, 2008 REV:August 5, 2008/September 19, 2008/September 24, 2008/September 30, 2008/October 2, 2008/December 15, 2008/December 17, 2008/February 26, 2009/July 1, 2009/July 23, 2009/July 31, 2009/August 4, 2009/September 16, 2009/September 28, 2009/November 17, 2009/February 3, 2010/June 2, 2010/October 27, 2010/May 16, 2011/September 7, 2011/November 25, 2011/July 31, 2013/June 26, 2014