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last update: 20140626

■Current Position:

◆Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

■Areas of Interest:

◆Scientific Theory
◆History of Science

■Academic Achievements

KOKADO Minori, YOSHIDA Kashimi & MATSUBARA Yoko (Eds.) March 31, 2014 Technologies and Ethics concerning Reproduction: From Japanese/European Viewpoints, Report Issued by Research Center for Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University, Vol.22, 240p. ISSN 1882-6539※

◆September 17, 2010 "The Patient's Experience and Cyborg Ethics," The 2nd Workshop The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care, The University of Bergamo

◆March 20, 2010 "Ars Vivendi our Graduate Students have Been Creating"
 Ars Vivendi 2:11-13

◆August 17, 2009 "Presenting "Ars Vivendi" Boldly in the Mood of Wishing for an Early Death (1)", AERA 22-36:87

◆January 24, 2009 "Everyday Life with a Home Ventilator and Communication Aid Devices: A Case of Japanese Patient with ALS"
Workshop on The Mechanization of Empathy in Health Care, Ritsumeikan University [abstract]

◆MATSUBARA Yoko & MIMA Tatsuya June 1, 2008 "Construction of Neuroethics"
Gendai Shiso 36-07(2008-6):50-68

◆SANKAI Yoshiyuki & MATSUBARA Yoko March 1, 2008 "Declaration of Cyborg Patients" (Conversation)
Gendai Shiso 36-3(2008-3):48-67

◆February 29, 2008 "Preface", Global COE Program Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University (ed.) Special Public Seminar "History of PTSD and 'Memories': Welcoming Dr. Allan Young", Report Issued by Research Center of Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University, Vol.1:3

◆February 14, 2008 Report, The First Meeting of ITP-SL Study Group Ritsumeikan University

◆November 20, 2007 "Technical Knowledge and Ars Vivendi through Body with Disease and Disability" (Organizer & Report) (Japanese), The 6th Workshop of Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies "Technical Knowledge and Ars Vivendi through Body with Disease and Disability", Tokyo Institute of Technology

◆November 4, 2007 "Reproductive Health/Rights and Liberal Eugenics"
Symposium, The 60th Annual Convention of Kansai Society for Ethics "Reproductive Rights/Health"

HIDAKA Tomoo, MIZUKI Shodo, SATO Tatsuya & MATSUBARA Yoko October 26, 2007 "Analysis of IT-supported Communication Opportunities for ALS Patients", Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences 15:25-38 [abstract]

◆MATSUBARA Yoko, MIZUKI Shodo, HIDAKA Tomoo & SATO Tatsuya October 26, 2007 "An Attempt to Conduct ALS Patient Meetings Using the Internet", Ritsumeikan Journal of Human Sciences 15:141-156 [abstract]

◆September 30, 2007 "Outline of ALS-IT Project", Autonomy Symposium, The 4th Annual Convention for Japan Society for Qualitative Psychology, Nara Women's University

◆September 10, 2007 "Genes, Patients and Citizens", pp.63-77 TSUGE Azumi & KATO Shuichi (eds.) Sociology of Genetic Technology『遺伝子技術の社会学』), Bunka Shobo Hakubunsha 3570yen [amazon]

◆July 7, 2007 "Reading Liberal Eugenics and Justice: From the Viewpoint of the History of Eugenics", The 17th Study Group on BAS, Ritsumeikan University

◆June 20, 2007 "Works that We Conduct between Life Science and Society: World of the Science Course versus Humanities Course" (Lecture), Oin Gakuen

◆May 10, 2007 "Bioethcis Seen from the History of the Eugenic Protection Law" (Lecture), Keio University

◆MATSUBARA Yoko (Ed.) 2007 Research Series Human Service Research Series No.5 Considering Research Ethics Institute of Human Sciences of Ritsumeikan University
http://www.ritsumeihuman.com/hsrc/resource/05/open_reseach05.html (Japanese)

◆MATSUBARA Yoko & ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka February 25, 2005 "Technology on Disease and Health", pp.47-87
MATSUBARA Yoko & KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki (eds.) February 25, 2005 The Boundary of Life: Life as an Issue『生命の臨界――争点としての生命』), Jinbun Shoin, ISBN: 4409040723 2730yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆February 25, 2005 ""New Genetics" and Citizens", pp.34-46, MATSUBARA Yoko & KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki (eds.) February 25, 2005 The Boundary of Life: Life as an Issue『生命の臨界――争点としての生命』), Jinbun Shoin, ISBN: 4409040723 2730yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆MATSUBARA Yoko & KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki (eds.) February 25, 2005 The Boundary of Life: Life as an Issue『生命の臨界――争点としての生命』), Jinbun Shoin, 306p. ISBN: 4409040723 2730yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆September 10, 2003 "History of Japanese Eugenic Law", pp.104-115
Group for Seeking Apology against Eugenic Surgery (ed) Crimes of Eugenic Protection Law: Witness of People who Are Deprived of Children『優生保護法が犯した罪――子どもをもつことを奪われた人々の証言』), Gendai Shokan, 274p. ISBN:4-7684-6861-6 2400yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]/[bk1] (Japanese)

◆September 10, 2002 "Historical Background of Mother's Body Protection Law", pp.35-48, SAITO Yukiko (ed) Mother's Body Protection Law and We People: Systems and Society over Abortion, Multifetal Pregnancies and Sterilization Operation『母体保護法とわたしたち―中絶・多胎減数・不妊手術をめぐる制度と社会―』), Akashi Shoten, 271p. ISBN:4750316172 2100yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]/[bk1] (Japanese)

◆August 22, 2002 "Gene Diagnosis and Gene Treatment", pp.126-134, "Eugenics", pp.135-141
ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka (ed) What Is Bioethics?『生命倫理とは何か』), Heibonsha, 202p. ISBN:4-582-70242-2 2520yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]/[bk1] (Japanese)

◆YONEMOTO Shohei, MATSUBARA Yoko, NUDESHIMA Jiro & ICHINOKAWA Yasutaka July 20, 2000 Eugenics and Human Society: Where will the Century of Life Science Head to?『優生学と人間社会』), Kodansha Gendai Shinsho No.1511, 286p. ISBN:4-06-149511-9 777yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya]/[bk1] (Japanese)

◆December 1998 "The Enactment of Japan's Sterilization Laws in the 1940s: A Prelude to Postwar Eugenic Policy," Historia Scientiarum, The History of Science Society of Japan, vol.8, no.2, pp.187-201. [MS Word, English]

■E-mail Magazines

Ars Vivendi E-mail Magazine No.38 (December 15, 2010)

UP:July 3, 2008 REV:August 5, 2008/September 19, 2008/September 24, 2008/September 30, 2008/October 2, 2008/December 15, 2008/December 17, 2008/February 26, 2009/July 1, 2009/July 23, 2009/July 31, 2009/August 4, 2009/September 16, 2009/September 28, 2009/November 17, 2009/February 3, 2010/June 2, 2010/October 27, 2010/May 16, 2011/September 7, 2011/November 25, 2011/July 31, 2013/June 26, 2014
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