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The 2023 CASOS Summer Institute will be held as a hybrid event June 5-11th! Find out more information here.

Welcome to Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS)!

Addressing complex real world issues through a combined social-science & computer-science approach, using advanced techniques from network science, text-mining, and agent-based modeling.

  • Leader in network science, network analysis and network visualization.
  • Leader in network dynamics and linking social networks to other data - geo-spatial, knowledge, tasks etc.
  • Leading analytic tools for network analysis - ORA-LITE, AutoMap, Construct
  • University wide center with faculty and students in multiple departments
  • Multi-disciplinary research - working with Academia, Industry, Government
  • Applications related to Law Enforcement, Counter-terrorism, Health, Nuclear Deterrence, Cyber-Security, Social Change, Organizational Design, Insider Threat, Population Dynamics, Social Media.

Director: Prof. Kathleen M. Carley
kathleen.carley@cs.cmu.edu :: homepage

Recent News

  • CASOS Director Kathleen M. Carley is interviewed for the Quanta Magazine article "Chatbots Don't Know What Stuff Isn't". Read the full article here.
  • CASOS Graduate student Charity Jacobs was selected for the prestigious General Omar N. Bradley Research Fellowship in Mathematics for FY 2022.
  • CASOS Alumni Jeremy Straugher has been selected for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel. Congratulations to Jeremy!
  • CASOS graduate student Catherine King has a new publication out in Social Network Analysis Mining, "Gender dynamics on Twitter during the 2020 U.S. Democratic presidential primary". Read the publication here.
  • CASOS director Kathleen M. Carley is interviewed for the Rolling Stone article "Twitter Bots Are Promising Cheap Guns to Anyone Using the N-Word". Read the full article here.
  • CASOS graduate student Danielle Bellutta has a new publication out in the Journal of Big Data entitled "Investigating coordinated account creation using burst detection and network analysis". Read the paper here.
  • CASOS director Kathleen M. Carley is interviewed and quoted in the french publication Science & Medicine
  • in the January 2023 issue in the article entitled, "Les Nouvelles Règles de Twitter Inquiètent la Recherche" ("New Twitter Rules Worry Researchers"). Access the acticle here.
  • CASOS and IDeaS Center graduate student Lynnette Ng has a new publication in Applied Network Science, "A combined synchronization index for evaluating collective action social media". Check out the publication here
  • CASOS graduate student Daniele Bellutta has a new publication in the Journal of Big Data, "Investigating coordinated account creation using burst detection and network analysis". Check out the publication here.
  • Director Kathleen M. Carley was interviewed for a new article on GRID. Check out her comments about Twitter API access for researchers here.


Analyze statistics, social network analysis (SNA), dynamic network analysis (DNA), link analysis software.

Learn more

The Professional version of ORA which is available from Netanomics (www.netanomics.com). ORA is a network science tool used for network science and visualization

Find out more about our TOOLS

CASOS used network science tools such as ORA, Automap, and Construct. These tools are used for network science and visualization