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FOCS 2009
50th Annual IEEE Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science

October 24-27, 2009
Renaissance Hotel Downtown Atlanta
Atlanta, GA

The 50th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science ( FOCS 2009) is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing and will be held October 24-27, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
The dates of the main conference program are October 25-27 (Sunday through Tuesday). All main conference events will be held at the Rainaissance Hotel Downtown Atlanta , 590 West peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30308.

Saturday October 24th is a special day celebrating the 50th FOCS Anniversary
and the 20th Anniversary of the ACO Program at Georgia Tech.

Invited speakers are Noga Alon, Manuel Blum, Richard Karp and Mihalis Yannakakis.

The talks on Saturday October 24th will be at the LeCraw Auditorium, 800 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, GA, 30308.

FOCS 2009 Call for papers closed April 2nd, 2009.
FOCS 2009 list of accepted papers.
FOCS 2009 program.

FOCS 2009 Conference Registration is now open.
Early registration by October 1.

FOCS 2009 Hotel Reservations. Conference rate available until October 9.

FOCS 2009 Travel Information.
FOCS 2009 Visa Requests.

FOCS 2009 Conference and Local Organization.

IEEE CS | ACM | SIGACT | SODA '08 | STOC '08 | FOCS '08

Business Information: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE is certified to transact business at the State of Georgia by the Secretary of the State of Georgia under Control No 06110660. IEEE is a 501(c)(3) organization with IRS Tax Identification Number 13-1656633. Privacy Statement: All personal and financial information collected by IEEE FOCS 2009 will be used only for the purposes of the IEEE FOCS 2009 conference, to be held October 24-27 in Atlanta, GA, USA. This information will not be tranferred in any form to any party beyond IEEE and the FOCS 2009 organizers. Product Information: Registration to IEEE FOCS 2009 guarantees: (1)Acceess to the IEEE FOCS 2009 technical and social events, October 24-27, Atlanta Georgia, as described in the IEEE FOCS 2009 conference program. (2)One copy of the IEEE FOCS 2009 conference proceedings, which will be handed to each registered attendee at the IEEE FOCS 2009 registration desk on October 24, 2009. Refund Policy: No refund after registration. All participants who register to IEEE FOCS 2009, will not be refunded under any circumstances. Shipping Information: IEEE FOCS 2009 does not provide any shipping services.
Contact Information: IEEE FOCS General Chair: Professor Paul Beame, University of Washington, beame@cs.washington.edu
IEEE FOCS General co-Chair: Professor David Shmoys, Cornell University, shmoys@cs.cornell.edu
IEEE FOCS 2009 Treasurer: Professor Kalomira-Eleni (Milena) Mihail, Georgia Institute of Technology, mihail@cc.gatech.edu.
IEEE FOCS 2009 Program Chair: Professor Daniel Spielman, Yale University, spielman@cs.yale.edu
IEEE FOCS 2009 Local Organization: Professor Milena Mihail mihail@cc.gatech.edu, and Professor Prasad Tetali tetali@math.gatech.edu, Georgia Institute of Technology.