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LCI Documentation

A lambda calculus interpeter

LCI Documentation

This document describes the use of lci, an advanced interpreter for the $\lambda$-calculus. It executes pure $\lambda$-calculus terms, extended with a variety of advanced features which are all encoded in the pure calculus.


lci supports the syntax of the pure $\lambda$-calculus:

<term> = <var>                         (variable)
       | λ<var>. <term>                (abstraction)
       | <term> <term>                 (application)

The symbol $\lambda$ can be written as \ or as the unicode character λ. Variables <var> can contain latin letters (uppercase or lowercase), numbers and underscores, but they must start with a lowercase letter or underscore.

To make programming easier, lci extends the $\lambda$-calculus with several features such as integers, lists, operators, aliases and bindings:

<term> = ...
       | <int>                         (integer)
       | [<term>, <term>, ...]         (list)
       | <term> <oper> <term>          (operator application)
       | <alias>                       (alias)
       | let <var> = <term> in <term>  (binding)

Note that all these features are simply syntactic sugar since they are encoded in the pure calculus, while the actual execution involves pure $\lambda$-calculus reductions.

<alias> can contain the same characters as variables but it must start with an uppercase letter, or it can contain arbitrary characters if enclosed in single quotes. <int> is an unsigned integer and <oper> is a string containing the following characters:

+ - = ! @ $ % ^ & * / \ : < > . , | ~ ?

except from the reserved operators . \ = ~=.

Finally, parentheses can be used to disambinguiate parsing, based on the following rules:

  • Outmost parentheses can be avoided
  • Application is left-associative
  • The scope of an abstraction extends as far to the right as possible
  • Terms that contain operators are parsed according to their precedence and associativity.

Executing programs

When executed with no arguments, lci starts an interactive REPL (read–eval–print loop), showing the lci> prompt and waiting for user input. The most simple usage is to enter a $\lambda$-term and press return. The program performs all $\beta$ and $\eta$ reductions and generates the term’s normal form.

The result is printed in a “readable” way, that is only the necessary parentheses are displayed, church numerals are displayed as integers and lists using the standard Prolog notation. However the way terms are displayed can be modified, for example Set showpar on causes all parentheses to be displayed.

Terms are reduced using the normal order evaluation strategy, that is the leftmost $\beta$ or $\eta$ reduction is performed first. This strategy guarantees that term’s normal form will be computed in finite time, if it exists. However if a term has no normal form then execution will not terminate. After the execution the program displays the number of reductions that were performed and the CPU usage time.

Programs can be executed from a file by running

lci <file.lci>

which causes lci to execute the term in file.lci and then exit. A file can contain multiple terms, separated by ;, in which case they are all executed. A file can be executed from the REPL by running Consult 'file.lci' (including the quotes).


Aliases are used to give a name to a $\lambda$-term. For example we can define

I = \x.x

so that any occurrence of I within a term is replaced by $\lambda x.x$. Aliases provided in a file (separated by ;) will be loaded with Consult 'file.lci'.

For commonly used aliases, lci automatically searches on start for a file named .lcirc in the following locations:

$CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/share/lci/.lcirc  (eg. /usr/local/share/lci/.lcirc)

All files found are executed in the above order. A sample .lcirc is distributed with lci.

Aliases are replaced by the corresponding terms during evaluation (not during parsing). Thus the order of the definitions is not significant. If an alias is not defined an error message is displayed during evaluation.

If no alias contains itself (directly or indirectly) then aliases are just syntactic sugar, replacing them produces a valid $\lambda$-terms. However lci supports curcular references of aliases as a way to implement recursion.


lci supports integers using an arbitrary (used-defined) encoding in the pure calculus, provided by the following aliases:

'0'       The encoding of 0
Succ      Function mapping <N> to <N+1>
Pred      Function mapping <N+1> to <N> and 0 to 0
IsZero    Function mapping 0 to True and <N+1> to False.

An integer $n$ is parsed as Succ (... (Succ 0)), applying $n$ times Succ to 0. The default encoding defined in .lcirc uses Church numerals, which represents $n$ by:

\[\lambda f.\lambda x.f^n(x)\]

All standard arithmetic operators are supported (see operators). An encoding-agnostic implementation is provided in .lcirc which only depends on 0, Succ, Pred, IsZero, as well as improved implementations for Church numerals.

An alternative implementation using the Scott encoding is commented out in .lcirc, you can simply uncomment to use it instead of the Church encoding.

Note that both Church and Scott encodings are recognized by the term printer which will display the corresponding integer (unless the readable option is off). Using a custom encoding is possible, but the printer will not recognize the encoding so the terms will not be shown in readable form.

Finally note that the complexity of arithmetic operations depends on the encoding and can be high. For instance, the power-of operator (**) for the Church encoding requires an exponential number of reductions.


lci supports lists using an arbitrary (used-defined) encoding in the pure calculus, provided by the following aliases:

Nil    Encoding of an empty list
Cons   Function constructing a list from its <head> and <tail>
Head   Function returning the first element of a list
Tail   Function returning a list with the first element removed
IsNil  Function returning True if the list is empty

A term [<T1>, ..., <Tn>] is parsed as Cons <T1> (... (Cons <tn> Nil)).

A reference implementation is given in .lcirc in which Cons is defined as a Church pair, and Head, Tail return the first and second element of the pair. The term printer recognizes this encoding and displays lists in readable form.


Recursion is an essential programming tool provided by all serious programming languages. lci supports two methods of implementing recursion: using infinite terms or using fixed point combinators.

Recursion using infinite terms

If we allow an alias to contain itself then we can write terms like

\[M = \lambda x.M\ y\]

which essentially represents the “infinite” term:

\[\lambda x.(\lambda x.(\lambda x.(...)\ y)\ y)\ y\]

Although this is not a valid $\lambda$-term, we can explot the fact that, if $M$ is closed (contains no free variables), then we can perform variable substitution as well as $\eta$-reduction without the need to replace $M$ by its definition, since:

\[\begin{array}{lcl} M[x:=N] & \equiv & M \\ (\lambda y.N)[x:=M] & \equiv & \lambda y.N[x:=M] \\ \lambda x.M\ x & \rightarrow_\eta & M \end{array}\]

Uring the evaluation of a term, $M$ must be replaced only if we reach one of the following terms:

\[\begin{aligned} & M\ N \\ & M \end{aligned}\]

If the first case $M$ may contain an abstraction and in the second any redex. If we expand an alias only when necessary, we can finish the evaluation without performing all the replacements. For example the abstraction $\lambda x.y$ does not use its argument, so the following reduction

\[(\lambda x.y)\ M \rightarrow_\beta y\]

eliminates $M$ without computing it.

lci handles aliases using this techique, expanding them only when necessary and only once at a time, so we can reach a normal form even if a term is recursive. .lcirc contains several such recursive definitions, eg for manipulating list.

Recursion using a fixed point combinator

An alternative to using infinite $\lambda$-terms is to implement recursion in the pure $\lambda$-calculus. This can be achieved in an elegant way using a fixed point combinator, that is a term $Y$ such that

\[Y t \rightarrow t\ (Y t)\]

for any term $t$ (i.e. $Y t$ is a fixed point of $t$).

Now let $f=E$ be a recursive term that contains a copy of itself, that is $f$ appears inside $E$. Our goal is to transform it to a term $F$ that behaves similarly to $f$ but which is not recursive.

We first convert $f$ to a variable, obtaining the (non-recursive) term $\lambda f.E$ ($f$ is now just a variable, not a copy of the whole term). Then the term we are looking for is $F = Y (\lambda f.E)$ for which we have:

\[F \rightarrow (\lambda f.E)\ F \rightarrow E[f:= F].\]

In other words $F$ behaves similarly to $f$ (reduces to $E$ containing a copy of itself), although $F$ itself is not recursive.

Things get a little bit more complicated if we have the following set of mutually recursive terms

\[\begin{aligned} f_1 & = & E_1 \\ & \vdots \\ f_n & = & E_n \end{aligned}\]

where any $f_i$ can be contained in any $E_j$. Now, before applying $Y$, we must join all terms in one. This can be done using the functions TUPLE $n$ and INDEX $k$. The former packages $n$ terms into a $n$-tuple, the latter returns the $k$-th element of a tuple. We build the recursive term $f = \textrm{TUPLE } n\ f_i \ \dots\ f_n$ and replace any occurences of terms $f_i$ with $f_i = \textrm{INDEX}\ i\ f$.

Finally the non-recursive variant $F$ of $f$ is obtained using the fixed point combinator

\[F = Y\ (\lambda f.\textrm{TUPLE } n\ f_i \ \dots\ f_n )\]

lci provides the command FixedPoint which removes circular references from aliases using the above procedure (note that $Y$ must be defined in .lcirc). The modified definition of recursive aliases can be displayed using the ShowAlias command.

lci> Length = \l.If (IsNil l) 0 (Succ (Length (Tail l)))

lci> FixedPoint
14 cycles removed using fixed point combinator Y.

lci> ShowAlias Length
Length = Y \_me.\l.If (IsNil l) 0 (Succ (_me (Tail l)))

In the above example Length is no longer recursive, but uses Y to obtain a copy of itself in the variable _me.


Operators is another tool that is provided by almost all programming languages. lci supports operators as a special kind of function that takes two arguments and syntactically appears between them. Using an operator requires two steps. The first is it’s declaration together with it’s precedece and associativity, in a way similar to Prolog. This can be done with the command

DefOp operator preced assoc

Quotes are necessary so that operator’s name is recognized as an alias. Precedence is an integer between 0 and 255 and is used during parsing when no parentheses are present. Associativity takes one of the following values:

yfx  Left-associative operator
xfy  Right-associative operator
xfx  Non-associative operator

Character x corresponds to a term with lower precedence than the operator, while y to one with higher or equal. Thus expression a+b+c*d will be recognized as (a+b)+(c*d), for operator * has lower precedence than + (lower precedence operators are applied first) and + is left-associative. Terms that are not the result of an operator, or are enclosed in parentheses, are considered to have precedence 0. Moreover application is considered as a left-associative operator with precedence 100. So if an operator $\texttt{$}$ is declared with precedence 110 then the expression a b$c will be recognized as (a b)$c.

The second step is operator’s definition which is performed by defining an alias with the same name:

operator = ...

Operator definitions must be placed in a file (as all alias definitions) and quotes are required. During parsing, lci replaces operators with aliases, thas is expression a+b will be transformed to ’+’ a b. Now + is an alias, not an operator, and will be replaced with the corresponding term during term’s evaluation.

In .lcirc many common operators are declared and defined, mainly concerning integers and list manipulation. These include the right-associative operator : to write lists as a:b:c:Nil, operator ++ to append lists, operator , to build ordered pairs (a,b), integer operations, integer comparisons etc.

Evaluation strategies

An evaluation strategy determines the choice of a redex when there are more than one in a term. lci uses the normal order strategy, which selects term’s leftmost redex. The main advantage of this strategy is that it always leads to term’s normal form, if it exists. However it has a serious drawback which is the multiple computation of terms. For example in the following series of reductions

\[\begin{aligned} && (\lambda f.f(f\ y))((\lambda x.x)(\lambda x.x)) \\ & \rightarrow & (\lambda x.x)(\lambda x.x)((\lambda x.x)(\lambda x.x)y) \\ & \rightarrow & (\lambda x.x)((\lambda x.x)(\lambda x.x)y) \\ & \rightarrow & (\lambda x.x)(\lambda x.x)y \\ & \rightarrow & (\lambda x.x)y \\ & \rightarrow & y \end{aligned}\]

the term $(\lambda x.x)(\lambda x.x)$ was computed twice. An alternative strategy is call-by-value, in which all arguments are computed before applied to a function. This method can avoid multiple computation.

\[\begin{aligned} && (\lambda f.f(f\ y))((\lambda x.x)(\lambda x.x)) \\ & \rightarrow & (\lambda f.f(f\ y))(\lambda x.x) \\ & \rightarrow & (\lambda x.x)((\lambda x.x)y) \\ & \rightarrow & (\lambda x.x)y \\ & \rightarrow & y \end{aligned}\]

This strategy, however, does not guarantee that normal form will be found. There are also some other strategies like call-by-need that is used in some functional languages like Haskell.

lci does not implement any such technique, but there has been an effort to overcome this problem using a special operator $\sim$. This operator does not behave like ordinary operators. The expression $M\sim N$ denotes the application of $M$ to $N$ which, however, uses call-by-value. So, if $M\sim N$ is the leftmost redex then all reductions of $N$ are performed before the application. Thus the term $(\lambda f.f(f\ y))\sim((\lambda x.x)(\lambda x.x))$ will be reduced according to the second of the previous ways. Operator $\sim$ has the same precedence and associativity as the application operator, so it can be easily combined with it.

This operator, however, should be used with caution since the normal form of $(\lambda x.y)\sim ((\lambda x.x\ x)(\lambda x.x\ x))$ will never be found, yet it exists. In file queens.lci there is an implementation of the well-known $n$-queens problem, using experimentally this operator. Without the use of the operator the program is impossible to terminate, even for 3 queens where the combinations that must be examined are very few. This is due to the fact that terms are extremely complex and cause a lot of recomputation. Using the operator $\sim$ and testing in an Athlon 1800, all solutions for the 3 queens where found in 0.3 seconds, for 4 queens in 4.4 and for 5 in

  1. For 6 queens after many hours of testing the program did not terminate. This is not strange, though, since Haskell (with the same implementation and using lazy-evaluation and constant time arithmetic) needs 1799705 reductions for the 8 queens and extremely much time for $n>12$.


lci supports evaluation tracing. This function is enabled using the following command

Set trace on

or pressing Ctrl-C during the evaluation of a term. When tracing is enabled, the current term is displayed after each reduction and the program waits for user input. Available commands are step, continue and abort. The first one performs the next reduction, the second continues the reductions without tracing and the last one stops the evaluation. An alternative function is to display all intermediate terms without interrupting the evaluation. This can be enabled using the following command

Set showexec on

System commands

In previous paragraphs we have already mentioned some commands that are supported by lci. These commands are functions that may have arguments. If such a function is the leftmost in a term, then, instead of evaluating the term, a system command is executed. All system commands are described below:

FixedPoint         Removes circular references from aliases using a fixed point combinator Y
DefOp op prec ass  Declares an operator with the given precedence and associativity.
ShowAlias [name]   Displays the definition of the given alias, or a lists of all aliases.
Print term         Displays a term. Useful to check parsing.
Consult file       Reads and processes the given file.
Set option on/off  Changes one of the following parameters.

Help               Displays a help message.
Quit               Terminates the program.


lci> 3+5*2

lci> Sum 1..10

lci> Take 10 (Nats 5)
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

lci> Map (Add 3) 1..5
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

lci> Map (\n.n**2) 1..5
[I, 4, 9, 16, 25]

lci> Filter (Leq 6) [3,6,10,11]
[6, 10, 11]

lci> Length 1..10 ++ [4,5]

lci> (Member 3 1..10) && (Length [3,4,5]) >= 3

Note that term I (i.e. the identity function $\lambda y.y$) is the normal form of number 1. In file queens.lci there is an implementation of $n$-queens problem.

lci> Consult 'queens.lci'
Successfully consulted queens.lci
lci> Queens 4
[[2, 4, I, 3], [3, I, 4, 2]]

All of the above functions can be also evaluated using the FixedPoint command, which removes circular references using the fixed point combinator $Y$. Using ShowAlias you can see an alias definition after the modification.

> FixedPoint
> ShowAlias Sum
Sum = Y \_me.\l.If (IsNil l) 0 (+ (Head l) (_me (Tail l)))