I'm a professor in the School of Computing at the University of Utah. My research interests are a random walk through the theoretical and applied aspects of data science, including computational geometry, sublinear algorithms, clustering, and kernel methods.
I'm currently very interested in the social ramifications of automated decision making. I'm a founding member of the FAccT conference. I'm also a member of the board at the ACLU of Utah and a member of the Computing Community Consortium Council.
As of July 1, 2021, I'm at Brown University. You can contact me at firstname at brown dot edu.
For more, see my news page
I'm interested in the problem of algorithmic fairness: ensuring that in a world of automated decision-making, decisions that get made about us and for us are fair, accountable and transparent.
This is the culmination of a series of research explorations that started with algorithms and computational geometry, lifted to high dimensional geometry and sublinear algorithms, with a random sampling of work in clustering and kernel methods.
For more, see my publications
For more, see my teaching page.