Honours & Awards
- ACM programming Excellence Award for CUHK CSE team advanced to ACM international programming
contest US final (team coach), 1997.- Championship of ACM HK Programming Contest (team coach), 1997.
- Achievement Award in recognition of the CUHK CSE team's 1st place finish in the ACM Hong Kong Chapter
Scholastic programming contest (team coach), 1997.- ACM Service Award for contributions to ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology VRST '2002 in
Hong Kong (program co-chair), 2002.- Joint NSFC research project evaluated as Super Excellent by National Science Foundation of China NSFC, 2002.
- CUHK Outstanding collaboration of research projects with Mainland, 2004.
- The ACM Service Award for contributions to hosting and organizing ACM International Conference on VRCIA '2006
(conference general chair), 2006.- The Best Paper in ChinaGraph '2000, among more than hundred technical paper submissions.
- ACM volunteer certificate for service contributions from the ACM SIG Governing Board, 2006.
- The Best Paper in ChinaGraph '2002, among more than hundred technical paper submissions.
- 2nd runner up Award in IEEE HK Postgraduate Student Research Paper Competition (supervisor), 2009/2010.
- Champion and 2nd runner up Awards in IBM Inter-University Programming Contest - Twin Wins (team coach), 2012.
- "Who's Who in the World", selected by the Marquis Who's Who Publications Board, 2009, 2010, 2011.
- "Great Mind of the 21st Century", selected by American Biographical Institute, ABI, 2010.
- "IBC's Salute to Greatness Award", selected by International Biographical Centre IBC, Cambridge, England 2010.
- "IBC Top 100 Educators 2010", selected by International Biographical Association IBA, 2010.
- "Woman of the Year 2011", selected by the American Biographical Institute, Board of International Research, 2011.
- "The Director General's Leadership Award", selected by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, 2011.
- Visit Professor at State Key Lab. of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University.
- 1st runner up Award in postgraduate paper contest (supervisor), IEEE Computational Intelligence of Hong Kong, 2012.
- Certificate of Merit for excellent performance in teaching the grad. course 2010/2011.
- Selected Research Project Report by online ACM TechNews, August 8, 2012.
- Certificate of Merit for excellent performance in teaching the undergrad. and grad. courses 2011/2012.
- Two joint 973 National Research Projects (Co-PI) in Virtual Reality 2003/2007, Augmented Reality 2009/2013.
- Best paper award of International Conf. on CASA 2018, Beijing
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