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View synonyms for arrive



[ uh-rahyv ]

verb (used without object)

arrived, arriving.
  1. to come to a certain point in the course of travel; reach one's destination:

    He finally arrived in Rome.

  2. to come to be near or present in time:

    The moment to act has arrived.

  3. to attain a position of success, power, achievement, fame, or the like:

    After years of hard work, she has finally arrived in her field.

  4. Archaic. to happen:

    It arrived that the master had already departed.

verb (used with object)

arrived, arriving.
  1. Obsolete. to reach; come to.

verb phrase

    1. to come to a place after traveling; reach.
    2. to attain the objective in a course or process:

      to arrive at a conclusion.



[ ar-ee-vey; French a-ree-vey ]


plural arrivés [ar-ee-, veyz, a, -, r, ee-, vey].
  1. a person who has swiftly gained wealth, status, success, or fame.


/ əˈraɪv /


  1. to come to a certain place during or after a journey; reach a destination
  2. foll by at to agree upon; reach

    to arrive at a decision

  3. to occur eventually

    the moment arrived when pretence was useless

  4. informal.
    (of a baby) to be born
  5. informal.
    to attain success or gain recognition
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • arˈriver, noun
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Other Words From

  • ar·river noun
  • unar·rived adjective
  • unar·riving adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of arrive1

First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English a(r)riven, from Old French a(r)river, from Vulgar Latin arrīpāre (unrecorded) “to come to land,” verb derivative of Latin ad rīpam “to the riverbank”; river 1

Origin of arrive2

First recorded in 1920–25; from French: literally, “arrived,” noun use of past participle of arriver “to arrive”; arrive
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Word History and Origins

Origin of arrive1

C13: from Old French ariver, from Vulgar Latin arrīpāre (unattested) to land, reach the bank, from Latin ad to + rīpa river bank



