[ dahy-uh-gram ]
- a figure, usually consisting of a line drawing, made to accompany and illustrate a geometrical theorem, mathematical demonstration, etc.
- a drawing or plan that outlines and explains the parts, operation, etc., of something:
a diagram of an engine.
- a chart, plan, or scheme.
verb (used with object)
- to represent by a diagram; make a diagram of.
/ ˌdaɪəɡrəˈmætɪk; ˈdaɪəˌɡræm /
- a sketch, outline, or plan demonstrating the form or workings of something
- maths a pictorial representation of a quantity or of a relationship
a Venn diagram
- to show in or as if in a diagram
Derived Forms
- diagrammatic, adjective
- ˌdiagramˈmatically, adverb
Other Words From
- dia·gramma·ble adjective
- mis·dia·grammed adjective
- un·dia·gramed adjective
- un·dia·grammed adjective
Word History and Origins
Word History and Origins
Origin of diagram1
Example Sentences
In a beet red sweater adorned with a diagram of the uterus, she has already squeezed in a session at the gym and tended to her daughters, including the youngest, now 7 months old.
There probably isn’t much of a Venn diagram overlap between these two shows' viewerships now, and both creators doubt there will be much of one in the future.
Carter fit no mold nor any of those familiar journalistic diagrams by which political writers try to explore the nature of a presidency through the personality of the President.
The sliver in the Venn diagram of where our practices of medicine overlap is inconceivably slim.
Among the documents were handwritten scouting reports from club managers, detailing the performance and strategies of opposing teams, hand-drawn diagrams and a training camp programme from 1966.