View synonyms for elbow
[ el-boh ]
- the bend or joint of the human arm between upper arm and forearm.
- the corresponding joint in the forelimb of a quadruped.
- something bent like an elbow, as a sharp turn in a road or river, or a piece of pipe bent at an angle.
- Architecture. crossette.
verb (used with object)
- to push with or as if with the elbow; jostle.
- to make (one's way) by so pushing.
verb (used without object)
- to elbow one's way:
He elbowed through the crowd.
/ ˈɛlbəʊ /
- the joint between the upper arm and the forearm, formed by the junction of the radius and ulna with the humerus
- the corresponding joint or bone of birds or mammals
- the part of a garment that covers the elbow
- something resembling an elbow, such as a sharp bend in a road or river
- at one's elbowwithin easy reach
- out at elbow or out at elbowsragged or impoverished
- up to the elbows with or up to the elbows inbusily occupied with; deeply immersed in
- tr to reject; dismiss. Also: give the elbow
- to make (one's way) by shoving, jostling, etc
- tr to knock or shove with or as if with the elbow
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Word History and Origins
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Word History and Origins
Origin of elbow1
Old English elnboga; see ell ², bow ²; related to Old Norse olbogi, Old High German elinbogo
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Idioms and Phrases
- at one's elbow, within easy reach; nearby:
A virtue of the cottage is that the ocean is at your elbow.
- bend / lift / crook an elbow, Informal. to drink alcoholic beverages.
- give the elbow, shove aside, get rid of, or reject.
- out at the elbows, Also out at elbows.
- poorly dressed; shabby.
- impoverished.
- rub elbows with, to mingle socially with; associate with:
a resort where royalty rubs elbows with the merely rich.
- up to one's elbows, very busy; engrossed: Also up to the elbows.
I am up to my elbows in answering mail.
More idioms and phrases containing elbow
- at someone's elbow
- crook one's elbow
- out at the elbows
- rub elbows with
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.