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View synonyms for falsehood


[ fawls-hood ]


  1. a false statement; lie.

    Synonyms: falsification, story, fiction, invention, canard, prevarication, fabrication

  2. something false; an untrue idea, belief, etc.:

    The Nazis propagated the falsehood of racial superiority.

  3. the act of lying or making false statements.
  4. lack of conformity to truth or fact.

    Synonyms: untruthfulness, mendacity, inveracity

  5. Obsolete. deception.


/ ˈfɔːlsˌhʊd /


  1. the quality of being untrue
  2. an untrue statement; lie
  3. the act of deceiving or lying
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of falsehood1

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English falsehead, falshede; false, -hood
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Synonym Study

Falsehood, fib, lie, untruth refer to something untrue or incorrect. A falsehood is a statement that distorts or suppresses the truth, in order to deceive: to tell a falsehood about one's ancestry in order to gain acceptance. A fib denotes a trivial falsehood, and is often used to characterize that which is not strictly true: a polite fib. A lie is a vicious falsehood: to tell a lie about one's neighbor. An untruth is an incorrect statement, either intentionally misleading (less harsh, however, than falsehood or lie) or arising from misunderstanding or ignorance: I'm afraid you are telling an untruth.



