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View synonyms for marry



[ mar-ee, mer-ee ]

verb (used with object)

married, marrying.
  1. to take in marriage:

    After being together for five years, I finally asked her to marry me.

  2. to perform the marriage ceremonies for (two people); join in wedlock:

    The minister married Susan and Ed.

  3. to give in marriage; arrange the marriage of (often followed by off ): They want to marry off all their children before selling their big home.

    Her father wants to marry her to his friend's son.

    They want to marry off all their children before selling their big home.

  4. to unite intimately:

    Common economic interests marry the two countries.

  5. to take as an intimate life partner by a formal exchange of promises in the manner of a traditional marriage ceremony.
  6. to combine, connect, or join so as to make more efficient, attractive, or profitable: A recent merger marries two of the nation's largest corporations.

    The latest cameras marry automatic and manual features.

    A recent merger marries two of the nation's largest corporations.

  7. Nautical.
    1. to lay together (the unlaid strands of two ropes) to be spliced.
    2. to seize (two ropes) together end to end for use as a single line.
    3. to seize (parallel ropes) together at intervals.
  8. to cause (food, liquor, etc.) to blend with other ingredients:

    to marry malt whiskey with grain whiskey.

verb (used without object)

married, marrying.
  1. to wed.
  2. (of two or more foods, wines, etc.) to combine suitably or agreeably; blend:

    This wine and the strong cheese just don't marry.



[ mar-ee ]


  1. (used as an exclamation of surprise, astonishment, etc.)



/ ˈmærɪ /


  1. to take (someone as one's partner) in marriage
  2. tr to join or give in marriage
  3. tr to acquire (something) by marriage

    marry money

  4. to unite closely or intimately
  5. trsometimes foll byup to fit together or align (two things); join
  6. tr nautical
    1. to match up (the strands) of unlaid ropes before splicing
    2. to seize (two ropes) together at intervals along their lengths
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ ˈmærɪ /


  1. archaic.
    an exclamation of surprise, anger, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Pronunciation Note

See Mary.
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Derived Forms

  • ˈmarrier, noun
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Other Words From

  • mar·ri·er noun
  • non·mar·ry·ing adjective
  • un·mar·ry·ing adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of marry1

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English marien, from Old French marier, from Latin marītāre “to wed,” derivative of marītus “conjugal,” akin to mās “male (person)”

Origin of marry2

First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English Mari(e), marie, mare , euphemistic variant of Mary (the Virgin)
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Word History and Origins

Origin of marry1

C13: from Old French marier, from Latin marītāre, from marītus married (man), perhaps from mās male

Origin of marry2

C14: euphemistic for the Virgin Mary
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Example Sentences

His mother, with whom he lived, married an alcoholic who left suddenly when Dinsdale was 18 and never spoke to the family again.

From BBC

In “Grownups,” for instance, Feiffer examined the world of an unhappily married reporter for the New York Times and his neurotic Jewish family, who drive him crazy with their expectations.

She and Rana promised each other that they’d never get married or have children.

The couple have been together since 2018 and got married last year, with Sophia announcing in November that she was pregnant.

From BBC

We're now in the era where the entire internet looks like an email to your grandmother from a purported Nigerian prince who will marry her in exchange for her Social Security checks.

From Salon


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