View synonyms for neutralize
[ noo-truh-lahyz, nyoo- ]
verb (used with object)
neutralized, neutralizing.
- to make neutral; cause to undergo neutralization.
- to make (something) ineffective; counteract; nullify:
carelessness that neutralized our efforts.
- Military. to put out of action or make incapable of action:
to neutralize an enemy position.
- to declare neutral; invest with neutrality in order to exempt from involvement during a war:
to neutralize a city to prevent bombing.
- to add an acid to a basic solution or a base to an acidic solution until the resulting solution is chemically neutral (pH = 7).
- Electricity. to render electrically or magnetically neutral.
verb (used without object)
neutralized, neutralizing.
- to become neutral or neutralized; undergo neutralization:
With this additive the solution begins to neutralize.
/ ˈnjuːtrəˌlaɪz /
- also intr to render or become ineffective or neutral by counteracting, mixing, etc; nullify
- also intr to make or become electrically or chemically neutral
- to exclude (a country) from the sphere of warfare or alliances by international agreement
the great powers neutralized Belgium in the 19th century
- to render (an army) incapable of further military action
/ no̅o̅′trə-līz′ /
- To cause an acidic solution to become neutral by adding a base to it or to cause a basic solution to become neutral by adding an acid to it. Salt and water are usually formed in the process.
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Derived Forms
- ˈneutralˌizer, noun
- ˌneutraliˈzation, noun
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Other Words From
- neutral·izer noun
- over·neutral·ize verb (used with object) overneutralized overneutralizing
- over·neutral·izer noun
- re·neutral·ize verb reneutralized reneutralizing
- un·neutral·ize verb (used with object) unneutralized unneutralizing
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Word History and Origins
Origin of neutralize1