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View synonyms for wastage


[ wey-stij ]


  1. loss by use, wear, decay, etc.
  2. loss or losses as the result of wastefulness:

    The annual wastage of time due to illness is appalling.

  3. the action or process of wasting: waste:

    the steady wastage of erosion.

  4. something that is wasted; waste; waste or waste materials:

    The river was befouled by factory wastage.


/ ˈweɪstɪdʒ /


  1. anything lost by wear or waste
  2. the process of wasting
  3. reduction in size of a workforce by retirement, voluntary resignation, etc (esp in the phrase natural wastage )
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Waste and wastage are to some extent interchangeable, but many people think that wastage should not be used to refer to loss resulting from human carelessness, inefficiency, etc: a waste (not a wastage ) of time/money/effort etc
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Word History and Origins

Origin of wastage1

First recorded in 1750–60; waste + -age
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Example Sentences

The March for Clean Water was advertised as a "one-off" event to petition the government to enforce laws that tackle water pollution and ensure "all polluting industries" upgrade infrastructure and reduce water wastage.

From BBC

These women also face the brunt of climate change, losing livelihoods and running losses: monsoon waterlogging in their homes leads to wastage of their supplied material.

From BBC

Kenyans complained that they could not pay more taxes, when they were facing a cost-of-living crisis and there was widespread corruption and wastage in government.

From BBC

And there is always turnover, natural wastage as a human resources director might put it, at every election.

From BBC

This method ensures minimal raw material wastage and offers superior electrochemical performance, economic feasibility, and effectiveness compared to conventional methods.


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