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NACO Science Verification

Programs selected for NACO Science Verification

NACO/WFPC2 Deep Field [Get RAW DATA]

    Target: Casertano field (F606W, 80x80"): RA= 22:53:37.3, DEC = -14:27:40
    Mode: Imaging in Ks & J band
    ExpTime: 2hr per filter + overhead = 5hr
    Conditions: photometric, seeing <0.7"
    Objective: Test performance of NACO deep imaging on non-point sources by comparing itwith an HST-WFPC2 deep field.
    Coordinator M.Lehnert, A.Moorwood, P.Rosat

NACO Observations of a Deep NICMOS field in the Bulge  [Summary] [Get RAW DATA]

    Target: Bulge field: RA= 18:11:04.5,  DEC = -31:45:49 [NIC2 image, 22x22", J-band ][I-band WFI image]
    Mode: Imaging in H, Ks & J band
    ExpTime: Exp Times (hours, incl.overheads): 6.5 (J), 1.3 (H), 4.8 (K) [Total = 12.8]
    Conditions: photometric, seeing <~0.8"
    Objective: Reduced NICMOS imaging will be made public to allow a directcomparison of NACO and NICMOS imaging in J,H bands (photometricaccuracy, depth). By complementing NICMOS data with NACO K-band dataone will be able to further improve the determination of the IMF ofthe bulge stars. A catalog and a FITS image in H+J band of the NICMOS fieldis also available for such comparison (courtesy of M.Zoccali).
    Coordinator A.Renzini, M.Zoccali

Spatially ResolvedSpectroscopy of Seyfert Galaxies  [Summary]

    Targets: NGC 1386: (Sy2, z=742 km/s, K=10.7 in 2" ap) RA = RA=03 36 45.42,   DEC = -35 59 56.7 [DSS 5x5'] [Simbad Info]
    NGC 1097: (Sy1, z=1285 km/s, K=10.6 in 2" ap) RA = 2:46:19.2,  DEC = -30:16:29 [DSS 5x5'] [Simbad Info]
    NGC 7582: (Sy2, z=1545 km/s, K=9.4 in 2" ap)RA = 23:18:23.3,  DEC = -42:22:16 [DSS 5x5'] [Simbad Info]
    Mode: N1386, N1097: imaging in K,H,L,J bands (see priority) and spectroscopy (in H,K,L). N7582: spectroscopy only to complement GTO program. Target priority: N7582, N1097, N1386.
    ExpTime: 3 hrs for imaging (2 targets, 4 bands); 2 hrs total for spectroscopy (2 slit positions)
    Conditions: clear, seeing <1"
    Objective: Spatially resolved spectroscopy of the core of Seyfert galaxies withthe aim of probing the transition between stellar continuum and AGNpowered inner regions. Search for broadline regions in Sy2 (predictedby unified models).
    Coordinators Y.Clenet, V.Ivanov, L.Tacconi-Garman

Spatially Resolved Central Stellar Velocity Dispersion in Ellipticals

    TBD, from (images of 6 targets):
    Name RA Dec V (or H) Sep (")
    IC4451(*) 14 34 37.2 -36 17 07 10.50 28.9
    NGC5838 15 05 26.2 02 05 58 14.84 ---
    IC4742(*) 18 41 53.2 -63 51 44 9.74 39.2
    ESO184-G005(*) 19 03 39.5 -53 56 10 10.01 33.3
    NGC7484(*) 23 07 04.5 -36 16 28 9.91 49.3
    NGC7626 23 20 42.3 08 13 02 13.24 ---
    Those with (*) have nearby stars of mag V at separation indicated.
    Others have central H-band central surface brightnesses quoted.
    Mode: spectroscopy in H and K, imaging in JHKs bands
    ExpTime: TBD
    Conditions: photometric/clear, seeing <~0.5"
    Objective: To test the NACO performance on cuspy ellipticals versus stars at relatively large distances, to obtain deep NIR spatially resolved velocity dispersion measurements to probe E formation scenarios, to search for counter-rotating core(s), to determine spatially resolved M/L
    Coordinators L.Tacconi-Garman

QSO Environments

    TBD, from:
    Name RA (J2000) DEC V z
    Q_2200-1816 22 03 11.6 -18 01 42 15.50 1.16
    HE_0353-3919 03 55 09.9 -39 10 27 15.60 1.001
    HE_0515-4414 05 17 07.6 -44 10 56 14.90 1.713
    Mode: K band imaging
    ExpTime: One target only, 2.5 hrs (including overhead)
    Conditions: clear, seeing <0.6"
    Objective: Study of the closest environment of QSOs
    Coordinators Y.Clenet, A-M. Lagrange

Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Pluto-Charon system

    Target: Pluto: RA= 17:04, V=14, ang_size=0.11"; (Charon: V~=15.5)
    Mode: Attempt observations of occultation of a GSC star by Pluto on July 19-20. Spectrosopy in K and L bands.
    ExpTime: Obtaine 5-10 images/sec during the ~3 minutes of the occultation (0.1sec individual exposures). Spectroscopic program requires a total of 3hours. Total time needed to complete Pluto programme: 6 hours
    Conditions: clear, seeing <1.1"
    Objective: The pluto stellar occulation of July 20th, 2002 offers a rare andunique oppurtunity to probe the chemical composition and physicalparameters of the Pluto atmosphere (detailed and updated informationon this event can be found at this website, maintened by B.Sicardy). See also these detailed notes by A-M. Lagrange.
    NACO spectroscopy of the Pluto-Charon system in the 1.8 to 3.6 micronrange will give access to important molecular absorption bandsto probe composition differences between Pluto and Charon.
    Coordinator A-M. Lagrange, W.Brandner

Planetary/Protoplanetary candidates  [Summary]

    Targets: HD163296 RA(2000)=17:56:21.28, DEC=-21:57:21.9 - A1 V=6.9
    Mode: Coronography in H and/or K bands.
    Polarimetry (Wollaston prism) in H and Ks bands
    ExpTime: Coronography: 3 hrs total (one band only, K or H depending on atmospheric conditions)
    Polarimetry: 1.5 hrs (incl. overhead, one band)
    Conditions: clear, seeing <0.8"
    Objective: Observations of proto-planetary candidates with the aim of detectingcircumstellar (CS) material around young stars, measuring theirsizes and asymmetries. HST observations have revealed CS disks for both HR4796(with NICMOS, Schneider et al. 1999), and HD 163296 (with STIS, Grady et al. 2000). NACO coronographic observations will allow the CS to be imaged with aspatial resolution better than HST. NACO polarimetric observationswill allow the polarized light from the disk to be separated from theunpolarized light from the star.
    Coordinator N.Huelamo, A-M. Lagrange, W.Brandner, N.Ageorge

Circumstellar Envelopes

    Targets: IRAS 16594-4656: (16:03:09.7 -47:00:28) I=12.0, K=8.2
    IRAS 17245-3951: (17:28:04.8 -39:53:44) I=13.2, K=9.7
    IRAS 20136+1309: (20:16:00.1 +13:18:55) I=12.0, K=8.0
    IRAS 17106-3046: (17:13:51.7 -30:49:40) J=9.95; H=8.94; K=8.34
    IRAS 17150-3224: (17:18:20.1 -32:27:23) J=11.1; H=10.22; K=9.45
    IRAS 18184-1302: (18:21:15.9 -13:01:27) B=13.9 - Sp.Typ. = Be
    Mode: Imaging in J,H,K,L bands + Br gamma
    Polarimetric imaging in J,H,K
    ExpTime: Two targets only to be selected from list above(sorted by priority)Typically, 1 hour/filter. Specifically, for IRAS 17150-3224 & IRAS18184-1302: 24min in J, 16 min in H & 12 min in K on source ->2*52min+overheads=3 hours. Total time needed for two targets: 6 hrs
    Conditions: clear, seeing <0.8"
    Objective: Observations of bipolar or multi-polar post-AGB circumstellar Envelopes to constrain physical models of envelope ejection [more info].
    Coordinator A-M. Lagrange, N.Ageorges

Star forming region [README]

    Targets: g45.45 (center, J2000) 19:14:21.3 +11:09:13.5
    Mode: J, H, K, BrG
    ExpTime: Total integration = 56 min+overhead = 2 hrs
    Conditions: clear, seeing <1"
    Objective: Follow-up observations (deeper and higher angular resolution) of aultracompact HII region (observerd by AO systems ADONIS and GeminiNorth; at least 8 O-stars identified inside, large amounts of hot dust+ one obscured (in K) source to the north).
    Coordinator M.Feldt

NACO Observations of Mira [README][Get RAW DATA]

    Targets: Mira (center, J2000) 02:19:20.79 -02:58:39.50 (J=-1.0, K=-2.4)
    Mode: Narrow band filters
    ExpTime: As short as possible
    Conditions: clear, seeing <1"
    Objective: This programme aims at resolving Mira in and out of molecular lines/bandsby means of narrow-band imaging.
    Coordinator W.Brandner, A.Richichi


Galactic Center [Summary] [Get RAW DATA]  See also data for this programme obtained during commissioning

    Targets: Galactic Center (J2000) 17:45:40.0-29:00:35
    Mode: H,K, and L' bands
    ExpTime: Total integration = 1.5 hr + overhead
    Conditions: clear
    Objective: An imaging program to obtain deep H,K, and L' exposures in the Galactic Center field.
    Coordinator M.Lehnert


Imaging of Multiple-image Gravitational Lens systems

    Targets: PKS1830-211 (RA, Dec, J2000) [finding chart (Courbin et al. 2002)]
    Mode: J or K
    ExpTime: Total integration = TBD
    Conditions: clear, seeing <0.6"
    Objective: High resolution imaging of a gravitationally lensed radio source (atz=2.507) to improve the lesing model. HST obsevations (with WFPC2 andNICOMOS) and AO imaging with Gemini North already exist.
    Coordinator L.Tacconi-Garman