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Easy & smart tricks to help you craft a perfect research paper

Writing a research paper is a big responsibility. There’s every chance your research paper is going to bring groundbreaking realities to the front. Your research on any given topic has to be represented carefully by the research paper you write. And while in theory it sounds simple, a paper not written in the right way can misrepresent what it meant to show. Therefore, a writing a research paper is not as simple as it seems. It is not that difficult either. Here are a few ways you can write a perfect research paper:

Choose and narrow down your topic

When you research something, you should make sure you have an idea about the exact topic of your research. Most of the times, you’ll be more into a research if you love the topic. Even if the topic is limited, you can always look into available avenues in that topic. However, you should also try to be more specific. The broader the topic is, the more incoherent the paper becomes. It should be more specific than any other piece you ever right. Ask your mentor about the topic before you launch a full-scale research.

Find information

Find as much as you can from various sources available. You shouldn’t be limited to your class or internet. Expand your vision when it comes to the topic you’ve chosen. There are encyclopedias, almanacs, online sources etc. to help you with your research. Look into all the print material available to you: newspapers, dictionaries, publications, magazines, guides, reports, atlases etc. Check online resources. Some are even available on CDs. Read all of it and evaluate what is valuable to your work in particular. Take note of bibliographic information i.e. author, title, publisher, date of publication etc. If you are using online resources, use appropriate citations.


Make a rough format of how your paper would look. Every point in your paper should point towards the main topic. Following is how a paper can be structured:

Write and revise your first draft

Yes, you formatted your notes and have written a valid looking paper; however, do not go ahead and present it as it is. Writing a paper requires as much effort as the research itself. Summarize or paraphrase each idea that you want to present in your essay. Read your paper for content error, double check all the facts and figures, arrange and rearrange your ideas. Reorganize your essay if necessary. Prepare a checklist of questions that you want to ask yourself before preparing a final draft. Ask questions like:

These are just a few questions. Based on your paper, you may have a longer checklist.

Advice of the day

Keep your research paper on topic most of the time. Narrow down your research from ‘Civilization’ to ‘ancient civilization’ to ‘Indus-Valley civilization.’ If your research is on social media, make it more specific i.e. focus on any one aspect of social media.