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2007 Program
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Overlap Workshop
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Extreme 2001 - 2007
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Text Encoding Initiative

DC XML Users Group

Philadelphia XML Users Group


a friendly, technically challenging, intensive, thought-provoking,
argumentative, welcoming, obstreperous conference on markup,
managing information, and information structures


August 7-10, 2007 Montréal, Canada
August 6, 2007 — Preconference Overlap Workshop

       Extreme Markup Languages

Extreme is the leading international conference on markup theory and practice. If you have interesting markup applications, difficult markup problems, or intriguing solutions to problems related to the design and use of markup, markup languages, or markup tools; if you want to know what the leading theorists of markup are thinking; if you are the house markup expert and want to spend time with your kind, then you should plan on attending Extreme Markup Languages® 2007.

Read All About It!

This partial list of blogs and other publications about Extreme 2007 reflects the enthusiasm participants had for the event:

About the Conference

Extreme is an open marketplace of theories about markup and all the things that they support or that support them: the difficult cases in publishing, linguistics, transformation, searching, indexing, and storage and retrieval. At Extreme, markup enthusiasts gather each year to trade in ideas, not to convince management to buy new stuff. At Extreme we push the edges of markup theory & practice.

  • WHEN: August 7-10, 2007
    (Preconference workshop on August 6, 2007)
  • WHERE: Montréal, Canada
  • HOST: IDEAlliance
Extreme Community Site
Intended as a hub for attendees and speakers, our site is the place to discover other attendees, blog about Montreal, Extreme, XML matters, and more! (Everyone who signs up gets their own blog.) www.concretesyntax.com

Blogging Extreme

The tags for this conference are extrememarkup07 , and for the conference series, extrememarkup . These should be freely used on blogs, (including the Extreme Community Site), photo sharing sites such as Flickr, and will be picked up by blog aggregators and by engines such as Technorati.

Link here to the Aggregated Proceedings for Extreme 2001-2007


Email to or call Tommie Usdin at 

Chair B. Tommie Usdin, Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
Co-Chairs C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, World Wide Web Consortium/MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
Steven R. Newcomb, Coolheads Consulting
James David Mason, Y-12 National Security Complex
Advisors Syd Bauman, Brown University
Jeff Beck, National Library of Medicine
David J Birnbaum, University of Pittsburgh
Jon Bosak, Sun
Patrick Durusau
Sam Hunting
Deborah A. Lapeyre, Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
Chris Lilley, World Wide Web Consortium
Dimitre Novatchev, Microsoft
Allen Renear, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Bruce Rosenblum, Inera
Ann Wrightson, CSW

There is nothing so practical as a good theory