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Map of disaster alerts in the past 4 days. European Union, 2024. Map produced by EC-JRC.The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The blurred events in the list below are the past events before last 4 days.
For drought alerts, all the events listed in the homepage are ongoing events. In bold: i) new events; ii) events where a significant worsening has been detected (+ 0.5 GDACS score or increase in the Alert Level); iii) events where new information products are available (Global Drought Observatory Report).
For Forest Fires alerts , the events are all the ongoing events of class Orange or Red plus the Green alerts with burned area exceeding 10k ha and population within 5 km exceeding 10k.
Tropical cyclones
Forest Fires
Forest fire in Greece - EC/ECHO daily map
01 Oct 2024  18:34 UTC.

Floods and flash flood alerts in the last 24 hours (ECHO 02 Oct 2024)
01 Oct 2024  09:55 UTC.

  • Croatia: Threshold level 2/4 on the Danube river.
  • Germany: Threshold level 2/4 on the Oder river in Brandenburg area.
  • Poland: Threshold level 3/3 and 2/3
United Kingdom - Flood (ECHO 02 Oct 2024)
01 Oct 2024  09:55 UTC.

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting the western United Kingdom, causing floods that resulted in damage and evacuations.
  • According to media reports and national authorities, 42 people have been evacuated to a local s
India - Monsoon rainfall, update (ECHO 02 Oct 2024)
01 Oct 2024  09:55 UTC.

  • Some states of India continue to experience monsoon rainfall that resulted in floods and severe weather-related incidents.
  • According to the Ministry of Home Affairs Disaster Management Division (National Emergency
Philippines, Taiwan - Tropical Cyclone KRATHON, update (ECHO 02 Oct 20
01 Oct 2024  09:55 UTC.

  • Tropical cyclone KRATHON (called "Julian" in the Philippines) crossed the Batanes islands, Philippines on 30 September and continued west-northwest over the northern South China Sea. On 1 October at 6.00 UTC, its centre w
Nepal – Floods and landslides, update (ECHO 02 Oct 2024)
01 Oct 2024  09:55 UTC.

  • The humanitarian impact due to flooding and landslides triggered by heavy rainfall, since 27-28 September in central and eastern Nepal, is still increasing.
  • According to media reports, as of 1 October, 217 people
JOHN-24 - EC/ECHO daily map
30 Sep 2024  18:06 UTC.

Forest fire in Portugal - Copernicus EMS activation
30 Sep 2024  16:10 UTC.

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