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A commissure is the location at which two objects abut or are joined. The term is used especially in the fields of anatomy and biology.
交連 OR commissure site:wikipedia.org from en.wikipedia.org
The anterior commissure is a white matter tract (a bundle of axons) connecting the two temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres across the midline, ...
交連 OR commissure site:wikipedia.org from zh.wikipedia.org
前連合(英語:Anterior commissure)是腦的一束神經纖維(即白質纖維)。它位於大腦的中線,其中的神經纖維連接大腦的兩個半球。在中矢面內,前連合呈橢圓形。
交連 OR commissure site:wikipedia.org from zh.wikipedia.org
後連合(英語:Posterior commissure)是腦白質束之一。它通過腦的中線,位於中腦導水管上端的背側。後連合的功能與瞳孔對光反射有關。目前尚不清楚後連合具體連接腦的那些 ...
交連 OR commissure site:wikipedia.org from en.wikipedia.org
The posterior commissure is a rounded band of white fibers crossing the middle line on the dorsal aspect of the rostral end of the cerebral aqueduct.
交連 OR commissure site:wikipedia.org from en.wikipedia.org
The anterior white commissure (ventral white commissure) is a bundle of nerve fibers which cross the midline of the spinal cord just anterior (in front of) ...
The habenular commissure is a nerve tract of commissural fibers that connects the habenular nuclei on both sides of the habenular trigone in the epithalamus.
交連 OR commissure site:wikipedia.org from en.wikipedia.org
The grey commissure is a thin strip of grey matter that surrounds the central canal of the spinal cord and, along with the anterior white commissure, ...
前连合(英语:Anterior commissure)是脑的一束神经纤维(即白质纤维)。它位于大脑的中线,其中的神经纤维连接大脑的两个半球。在中矢面内,前连合呈椭圆形。