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思春期に始まり(初経)、個人差はあるが、閉経時期までの間におよそ28日周期で起こり、通常3~7日間続く(正常月経周期:25日から38日)。月経と同時かその数日前から不快な症状 ...
The menstrual cycle has three stages: the Follicular stage, Ovulation, and the Luteal (or premenstrual) stage. The cycle will stop if the woman gets pregnant ( ...
The menstrual cycle is on average 28 days in length. It begins with menses (day 1–7) during the follicular phase (day 1–14), followed by ovulation (day 14) ...
Menstrual synchrony · menstrual cycle onsets (the onset of menstruation or menses) becoming more synchronized together in time than when previously living apart.