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Note: This page describes the development version of GPSBabel. It may substantially differ from the latest released GPSBabel.

SkyTraq Venus based loggers Binary File Format (skytraq-bin)

This format can...

  • read waypoints

  • read tracks

This format has the following options: first-sector, last-sector, gps-utc-offset, gps-week-rollover .

Reads the binary format of GPS data loggers based on Skytraq Venus 5 and Venus 6 chipsets. This can be used to read raw binary files created with the "dump-file" option of the skytraq format. Mainly useful for debugging/development purposes.

first-sector option

First sector to be read from the file.

last-sector option

Last sector to be read from the file (-1: read till empty sector).

gps-utc-offset option

Seconds that GPS time tracks UTC (0: best guess).

gps-week-rollover option

GPS week rollover period we're in (-1: best guess).